

12-Point Regime To Create Dietary Freedom In 90 Days

This is what I call my "90 days to Dietary Freedom" Program:

Purpose... to smash a never-ending hole in the mystery of having self-control over food intake. 90 days to new habits... transitions are to be designed. 90 days comes to pass on 12 February 2014... or whatever date works for you:

Strict Don'ts:

1. No snacking - none absolutely none (food is fuel - food is not a hobby). Snacking and weight loss cannot coexist in the sane person's mind.

2. No junk - none absolutely none. If we are honest, we know what "junk" is. Honesty - the truth - will set us free! It's time, now, to be honest.

3. No eating after 7pm. The truth is none of us need food after our evening meal.

4. Nil starchy carbohydrate. We can supplement our energy needs through sleep; through catching up on sleep by spending the fifteen minutes we'd take to eat on a nap.

Diet Dos:

5. 3-litres of water per day. That is, a gallon of water on top of any diuretic drinks. So, if you have two coffees a day, drink a gallon of water, plus two cups. Water will give your gut the feeling that you're full when you're hungry.

6. Fasting 24-hours of Monday and Thursday (1 x coffee allowance). Two fasting days will help shift the fats from your cells and out of the body through your excretion systems.

7. Protein sources: tuna, red meat, chicken, plain yoghurt (2 x 100gms/ml). You don't need more protein than this for a 90-day diet.

8. As much leafy vegetables as I want (aim for 5 x cups/day). Good news - no limit here. Eat up!

9. Up to 2 pieces of fruit per day - standard sizing. For fibre needs and also for some essential brain-food (natural sugar) and for some essential vitamins and minerals.

10. One day per week where 2,000 calories is allowable - no junk!


11. Ride 100kms/week (3 x 12kms; 3 x 20kms).

12. 3 x weights workouts (30 minutes each).

Print this out and make copies. Put it on your refrigerator, in your locker, on your beside table... meditate over these guidelines... and you will have success. 30 days will break bad habits. 90 days will create new ones. Never again will you have a problem with "junking", snacking, laziness around exercise, etc.

Have faith that God can sustain you and he will.

© 2013 S. J. Wickham.

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