

Why Weight Loss On The Vegan Diet Is Inevitable

Just about everyone who chooses to adopt vegan living experiences weight loss - whether it was their original intention or not. So why are reports of losing weight on the vegan diet so prevalent? What is it that makes this particular lifestyle the ideal choice for weight loss? It's largely to do with the omission of certain foods. Let's see what these foods are.

No Fatty, High-Calorie Meats
The vegan diet excludes all sorts of meat, whether red, white or from the sea. Most meats contain a tonne of fat, and the average person is not very willing to cut off the fat and throw it out. There's the notorious fatty lamb chops, roast lamb and roast pork, which basically have the words "Warning: I will fatten you up" written all over them. Let's discuss lamb cutlets. These little chops are very small to look at, but in fact, are devils in disguise. Not sparing with the fat or calories, these little cutlets will make any meal a fatty feast.

What about fish? Many people feast on salmon for its health benefits but are unaware of the massively high fat content that this fish contains. Remember, the more fat, the more calories. The more calories, the more weight you will gain.

Therefore, when a person takes out all meat from their diet and replaces it with healthier lean vegan protein, weight loss is inevitable. Many vegans can attest to this. Vegan meals are mostly low-calorie since they are mainly plant-based.

No Fatty, High Calorie Dairy Products
The typical person consumes milk, cream, eggs and ice-cream on a daily basis. What does this do for their waistline? Well, these foods will certainly play no part in helping to slim down their waist. On the contrary, many folk who consume these foods on a regular basis wonder why they cannot lose their belly fat. Dairy foods are famous for being very high in calorie content. In fact, even the "low-fat" options are sabotaging our weight loss efforts. How could that be?

Humans Are Not Meant To Consume Dairy
Many people have heard this fact but still ignore it. Cow's milk is intended for the baby cow's consumption - not for human consumption. Humans do not have the right digestive system to consume dairy milk in a proper manner. Also, cows are routinely pumped with steroids and other hormones which can disrupt the natural hormones occurring in the human body. This can have a very bad effect on our health. And lastly, we should NOT be consuming dairy because of the dangerous antibiotics, genetically modified corn, pesticides, and other horrible foods that cows are routinely fed.

Omission of Animal Products Equals Healthy Body Function
Once all dairy and meat products are taken out of our diet, our body will begin to heal and function healthy again. Our digestive tract will also be restored to its optimal state. Our insides will no longer be stuffed up - struggling to digest these substances that our bodies can't really handle. Our bodies will no longer be in panic mode trying to discard these extra hormones, antibiotics, GM corn and pesticides. When our digestive tract is functioning in a healthy manner - our bodies will then focus on becoming healthy again. We will lose weight easily with vegan living. It's no rocket science - it's merely giving our bodies a chance to heal.

So you see, once you decide to cut out all meat and dairy products from your diet - weight loss will be super easy. Eating low-calorie vegan meals couldn't be any more motivating with the knowledge that you will lose weight and start looking great in your favourite clothes again. Vegan living means your body can give its attention to restoring your health and looking beautiful again.
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