

Why Zone Diet Meal Delivery Trumps All Other Weight-Loss Programs

It's not easy eating healthy when you're always on the go. If you've got little time to worry about what you eat, but deep down you want to eat healthy it may be time to switch over to zone diet meal delivery. It's easy to get stuck on the fast-food merry-go-round especially if you barely have a spare minute to go food shopping let alone cook a healthy meal.

If you've been living on fast food you may have noticed the pounds creep on. It's not hard to see how, but if you're still playing dumb then I'll break it down for you, so there really is no excuse. Just take a look at the nutritional facts below as we follow a day in the life of a fast food junkie:

A light breakfast at Starbucks:

A tall cup of mocha with whole milk (16 ounces/480 grams)

23 grams of fat

44 grams of carbohydrates

16 grams of protein

418 calories

A quick lunch at Burger King:

A Double Whopper; let's not forget cheese! (13 ounces/374 grams).

67 grams of fat

47 grams of carbohydrates

55 grams of protein

1010 calories

A king-size portion of French Fries (6 ounces/170 grams)

30 grams of fat

74 grams of carbohydrates

5 grams of protein

590 calories

Washed down with a nice creamy Vanilla Shake; Medium size (14 ounces/397 grams)

9 grams of fat

73 grams of carbohydrates

13 grams of protein

430 calories

A light snack at Dairy Queen:

A small chocolate chip cookie (11 ounces/312 grams)

24 grams of fat

99 grams of carbohydrates

12 grams of protein

660 calories

A home delivered pizza from your favorite pizzeria to finish the day off.

2 slices of a Meat Lovers Stuffed Crust (13.8 ounces/392 grams)

29 grams of fat

46 grams of carbohydrates

26 grams of protein

543 calories

What do your think the grand total is? Take a look for yourself:

Total fat: 211 grams.

Total carbohydrates: 429 grams.

Total protein: 153 grams.

Total calories; drum roll please...a total of 4194 calories!

Surprised? We haven't even compared it to what the recommended daily intake of fat, carbohydrates, protein and calories should be. The recommended values per day are:

Fat: 65 grams.

Carbohydrates: 130-300 grams.

Protein: 46-56 grams.

Calories: 2000-2500

If you compare it to your typical day, then you'll see that the margins are quite high. Just by eating out you're already twice over the recommended value of fat. Let's not forget that not all fats are of the same quality. There are your essential fats to keep your body healthy and then there are the heart and artery clogging fats associated with fast food.

Compare the recommended protein and a carbohydrate values and you'll also see that they're more than double. Protein might help you build muscle, but excess protein will just help pile on the pounds.

More shockingly you'll notice that the caloric value is more than double than the recommended daily value. You're eating twice than what you need, and unless you're doing a lot of exercise in the day it's only going to make you fat. Don't care about getting fat? How about increased chance of heart disease, kidney failure or a stroke?

It's not just the bulge around your waistline that you should be worried about, your health is seriously affected by what you choose to fuel your body with. Feed your car sludge-oil for fuel and see how long it can run for without conking out.

If you're interested in losing weight and getting yourself back to a healthy weight, you might want to know that the ideal caloric intake for weight loss is 1200 calories for women and 1500 for men. So those excess calories that you're consuming are really packing on the pounds by the day.

You can now probably see all the benefits of zone diet meal delivery. Not just because they deliver healthy cooked food straight to your door for those who can't or don't have the time to cook. The real beauty of the zone meal delivery is that you will no longer have to worry about what and how much you consume since it takes care of both for you. Every meal will be designed to suit your needs in terms of calories, carbs, fat and protein. Following the recommended ratio of nutrients you will find yourself feeling fit and trim in no time.
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