

How to Lose Those Menacing Pounds

Everyone wants to look great during the holidays. Its the time they see their family and friends. For some people, thats means to drop a few pounds. Many of us want to lose weight. The equation of losing weight is simple; take in fewer calories than you burn. But we all know it isnt that easy. Our bodies arent math problems. We are very complex organisms. Each one of our bodies differs in some way. You cant exactly pin point a diet to work for everyone, but here are some tips on helping you lose a few pounds. You can use these tips just for the basis of the holidays or you can use them all year around.

1. Put the kettle on
Green tea is a great way to lose weight. It also is very healthy for your body.

2. Drink water
Water is one of the main elements of your body. You need it. Drinking water helps regulate your body system. Besides being healthy, water makes you feel fuller. Everyday, you should drink half of your body weight in ounces. For example if you weigh 180 pounds, you should drink 90 ounces of water. Dont try to drink this all at once; spread it throughout the day.

3. Stop drinking sodas
Sodas are no nos. Sodas dries your body out. There are approximately nine packets of sugar and close to one hundred and fifty calories in one twelve-ounce can of soda or juice, says Netty Levine, M.S., R.D., a registered dietitian at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. They just arent healthy.

4. Eat healthy
Start eating healthy. So many of us exercise and look over the simple fact that we do not eat healthy. Eating healthy can improve your look as well as your attitude. Some ways to eat healthy are to:

Eat food rich in monosaturated fats

Eat a fiber-based breakfast. Fiber helps you stay full longer.

Place protein in your meals. Protein also makes you stay full longer

Eat more vegetables. Vegetables balance your meal out. They also contain fewer calories as other foods.

Keep track of calorie intake. Calories turn into fat.

Throw the chips away. Junk food isnt good for the body. They usually contain lots of saturated fat, which is not good unless it is polysaturated or monosaturated. Most of these foods are also high in sodium; this causes the body to become bloated.

Eliminated red meat. Its not healthy.

Eat soup, salad, and fruit. You just cant go wrong with these types of food. They are low in calories and fat.

Cut out fried foods. Fried foods taste good, but it isnt the best for our bodies. The oil causes our bodies to become slightly sluggish. Over time it can even start to clog your arteries.

5. Enjoy your meals
So many of us rush. We have to make a deadline, so we rush. We have to run some errands, so we rush. Dont rush your meal. If you rush your meal, you wont feel hungry when you are done. You will eat more and more because you feel that you arent satisfied. Take the time to savor your food; you will fill full faster.

6. Stop dining out. COOK!
When cooking foods you can control your calorie intake. You also tend to eat more healthy food; your food tends to have less fats.

7. Do not eat late!
Most people are more active earlier in the day. Eating late, one tends to lie down, sit down, or even go to sleep. If one is not active after they eat then the calories from the food turns into fat.

8. Dont try to starve yourself
Starving yourself is not healthy. All it does is break down your body. Most people should eat at least 1200 calories a day. When you starve yourself your body thinks that you are going through starvation periods. Because of this your metabolism is slowed to a crawl. Even if you lose weight, once you begin to eat once again you will gain it all back and more.

9. No emotional eating!
One of the worse things you can do is eat when you are emotional. We all are emotional at times. Eating when you are emotional might calm you down, but it also might place a tire around your waist or hips. Instead try using another outlet when you are emotional. Try running, aerobics, pilates, or yoga. If you dont want to get physical during that time, try writing poems. If none of those works for you, there are many other things you can try. Listen to calming music, or just write your feelings down. Whatever you do; dont pick up the dinnerware.

Exercise is one of the best ways to lose weight. Even though your weight wont come off immediately, your weight will stay off if you keep a healthy routine. Many people see exercising as a rigorous activity; it doesnt have to be one. Besides the aerobics, the sports, and the running, you can try yoga or pilates. You dont even have to do that. You can use the stairs instead of an elevator. You can park your car at the back of a store lot.

You can even sign up for a dance class. Youll get two in one; a fit body and some new dance moves. If you like to shop, go to the mall. Youll walk a lot while carrying bags. Take a stroll after dinner. All of these are workouts that can help you drop some pounds.

11. Prioritize your workouts
Exercising doesnt work unless you keep with it. Quitting exercising after two-weeks wont help you.

12. Inches not pounds
Dont worry if you step on the scale and you dont look lighter. Its not about the pounds; its about the inches. You should also keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat.

13. Say no to negative
Have courage in losing weight. Thinking that you will never lose weight will only discourage you. You will never get anywhere with a bad attitude.

14. Hide the scale
Looking at the scale will make you feel that you havent loss anything. It also makes us rush our weight loss. Looking at the scales is a quick way to gain discouragement.

15. Avoid fad diets
Do not use fad diets. Fad diets will only cause you to lose weight temporarily. As soon as you decide you want to get off the diet, you will gain all the weight back. If you want long-term weight loss, stay away from the fad diets.

16. Dont just think about it. Do it!
Thinking about what you are going to do to lose weight will not help you. You have to get up and do it. If you remain thinking about weight loss, it will remain at just that, a thought.

How To Lose The Baby Weight Without Starving Yourself

Are you currently pregnant and discouraged about getting back into shape after having your baby? Or maybe you're a new Mom who is exhausted and getting to the gym is the last thing on your mind! Either way, I hope the following tips help you lose that baby weight.

I don't have any fancy initials behind my name, I'm just a Mom of 4 kids. I've been able to get into my favorite Gap jeans fairly quickly after my babies, and I've observed that women who do the same have a few things in common. Here are my tips for losing the weight postpartum:

1) Don't use pregnancy as an excuse to binge.
Pregnancy is the time to get strict about nutrition. Eating junk food will produce a small baby and a big Momma. Make your pregnancy a time to turn over a new leaf if you are a junk food junkie. You'll be developing habits that will serve you well as you teach your children about nutrition.

At the same time, don't obsess about weight gain. I gained between 35-50 pounds for each of my pregnancies, and still didn't have trouble getting back into my old clothes within a few months postpartum. Focus on good nutrition, stay as active as you can, and you won't go wrong.

2) Breastfeed your baby.
Breastfeeding burns around 500-700 calories a day. Wow- that's not bad for sitting around relaxing on the couch! Your body puts on 9 pounds during your pregnancy specifically for the purpose of lactation. The extra weight is laid down on your thighs to make sure you will have enough fat to burn to make milk for baby. Call it "famine insurance" if you will. If you don't breastfeed, guess what? That 9 pounds stays.

Several studies show that nursing Moms return to their prepregnancy weight more quickly. Nursing also helps your uterus contract back to its prepregnancy size faster. Plus you'll have a nicer decolletage to boot!

3) Talk a walk every day
Walking is probably the perfect exercise for new Moms. It's not stressful on your joints (which are still loosey-goosey from the pregnancy hormones for a while after you give birth). It's free and doesn't require a babysitter or any special equipment. It gets you out in the sun, which helps regulates your sleep/wake cycle, causing you and baby to sleep better at night and possibly helping prevent postpartum depression. And you can do it with a friend. If you're sleep deprived and can't bear the thoughts of exercise, call up a buddy and make a date with her to walk several mornings a week. Then you can treat yourselves to Starbucks and gossip afterwards.

4) "Wear" your baby
In addition to the many other benefits, using a baby sling or other soft cloth carrier and wearing your baby will burn lots of calories during the day as you do your household chores or care for other children. It also makes it easier for you to be active. You'll be less tempted to sit around. Throwing on a sling and sitting baby inside it is much easier than lugging out and setting up a heavy stroller.

5) Curb those cravings
Postpartum Moms have cravings for several reasons. One is because serotonin levels are dropping, leading to cravings for sugar. Substitute snacking with another, health producing activity, like getting together with your buddy and going for a walk.

Another cause of cravings may be low blood sugar due to inadequate nutrition (eating too infrequently or eating too much refined sugar). Keep your blood sugar in control by eating frequent small meals that are balanced in nutrients. Keep snacks handy that you can grab quickly before you feed the baby. You need fats, protein and complex carbohydrates. Things like dried fruit and nuts, granola, full fat yogurt (buy the plain kind and mix in all-fruit jelly. Most yogurt has way too much sugar otherwise), kefir, vegetables sliced ahead of time and served with dips, hummus, whole grain pita bread, fruit smoothies, etc will keep your blood sugar constant and provide good nutrition. And keep taking your prenatal multivitamin to help prevent deficiencies that may cause cravings.

6) Avoid excessive caffeine
Drinking too much caffeine leads to insulin surges which cause your blood sugar to drop. When this happens most people head straight for the refined carbs to quicky bring their blood sugar back up. That's no good.

7) Get enough rest
Easier said than done for a new Mom, to be sure! But if at all possible, nap with your baby. When you are terribly sleep deprived, you tend to gain weight. Consider bringing baby to bed with you if you are nursing. You will sleep better, baby will sleep better, and Daddy will sleep better (making it more likely that he will take baby for a walk and let you nap some afternoons!). Women all over the world have been doing it for thousands of years. As long as you are not morbidly obese, using sleeping pills or inebriated, cosleeping is safe.

8) Focus on good nutrition
This is also a challenge for a new, stressed out Mom. Check out books like "The One Armed Cook" for ideas on how to prepare healthy meals with a baby in arms. Visit a La Leche League meeting and ask other Moms how they manage to eat well with kids in the kitchen. Some Moms who were former junk food junkies have done well with the following technique. Before feeding themselves a particular food, they ask: "Would I feed this to my baby?" If the answer is no, they don't eat it.

9) And lastly, give it time
Be realistic- don't expect yourself to be back into your favorite jeans within a few weeks of delivery. In the meantime, appreciate your new, womanly curves (especially the cleavage that breastfeeding gives you!). I noticed that my clothing style changes somewhat after I have a baby. My normal tailored, classic look gives way to a soft, feminine style that flatters my postpartum body more.

Rejoice in your body that can do such awesome things as give birth and nourish a new life! Likely, your partner is much more forgiving of your changing body than you are. Most of all, enjoy your new baby!

For more articles for Moms who want to take care of themselves, visit

How To Lose 10 lbs. Or More Quickly And Safely

How To Lose 10 lbs. Or More Quickly And Safely

As reported in the U.S. Food and Drug Administrations recently published "Calories Count - Report of the Working Group on Obesity", people who are overweight is a serious public health problem in the United States. Since the late 1980s, adult obesity has steadily and substantially increased in the United States. Today, 64 percent of all Americans weigh too much and over 30 percent are obese; in 1988 through 1992, fewer than 56 percent were overweight and fewer than 23 percent of American adults were obese.

The trends for children are even more worrisome. Recent research by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that 15 percent of children and adolescents aged 6 to 19 are overweight double the rate of two decades ago. As Americans get heavier, their health suffers. Overweight and obesity increase the risk for coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers. According to some estimates, at least 400,000 deaths each year may be attributed to obesity.

What people must know is that you can improve your health quickly with just a small amount of weight loss. "We know that physical activity along with reduced calorie consumption can lead to the 5 to 10 percent weight loss necessary to achieve remission of the obesity-associated complications," says William Dietz, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

According to Ken Black, founder of, "losing one to two pounds a week is safe and recommended by most doctors for most people. This breaks down to 250 to 1,000 calories per day. You can achieve this easily if you follow some or all of the following guidelines" :

1. Use skim milk instead of whole milk or cream in your coffee.
2. Eat low fat yogurt instead of ice cream.
3. Eat more bright colored (green, yellow, orange, red) fruits and vegetables.
4. Eat more lean fish, chicken, or turkey, instead of red meats.
5. Eat whole wheat or multigrain bread, instead of white bread.
6. Use a sugar replacement instead of sugar (avoid Aspartame).
7. Drink water instead of soft drinks.
8. When you eat out, avoid fried foods.
9. Walk or do similar exercises (e.g. Golf, Tennis) at least 20 minutes a day.

If you do even just a couple of these every day for the next month, youll feel much better and you will lose weight (10 lbs. or more in 6-8 weeks).

And if you are concerned about getting hungry all the time, or losing your energy, try taking a safe appetite suppressant, like Herbal Phentermine. This supplement is not to be confused with the drug Phentermine, which has side effects like stomach upset, dry mouth and sleeplessness. The herbal variety is a non-prescription medication and has been tested for years to be safe for most people. It contains ingredients like green tea, acetyl L-carnitine, alpha lipoic acid, biotin and others, that control your appetite, yet increase your metabolism and energy.

However, do not take any herbal supplement without checking with your Doctor first, if you are on any prescription medications, due to possible interactions between the two, or if you have a special medical condition.

If you follow these simple steps, you will surely reach your weight loss goals and become a much happier, healthier, and oh yes, lighter person.

How To Give Yourself A Brazilian Bikini Wax?

Before you give yourself a brazilian bikini wax, be warned that most women don't find it comfortable. Pulling out your pubic hair and ripping them out from the roots is not the best feeling After all, you are dealing with your most sensitive and intimate regions.
Make sure that you want to have a brazilian bikini wax You may get a standard bikini wax or a full bikini which can cause you less damage.

The first step would be to make a long warm shower washing and cleaning your pubic area.
Then, trim down your pubic hair with scissors or with a shaver till it will have a length of a quarter inch.

Use a hard wax (A low temperature one) for a less painful process. Smooth the wax with a pre-waxing oil before applying it over your hair. This oil keeps it from sticking to the skin, and allows the wax to be used without strips, making for a much more comfortable experience. As the wax cools, it basically shrink-wraps each hair and pulls it out from the root. You may remove some stubborn hair with a set of tweezers.

Use a big mirror and move into any position you think will be more comfort put your legs up, on the sides or even over your head. If you feel the pain is unbearable stop until you feel you are ready to go on.

once you finished with the waxing process and you are happy with your brazilian bikini wax, you should apply a soothing lotion on your bikini area.

If done correctly, your pubic area will stay smooth for anywhere between 14 and 25 days.
We advice you to go to a professional salon to do your first brazilian bikini wax. After watching the therapist and feeling the discomfort and pain you will be able to decide whether you wish to give yourself the next brazilian wax.

How To Get Your Black Belt In Weight Loss Results

How To Get Your Black Belt In Weight Loss Results

Your Black Belt, yes, in the martial arts realm, this is one of the highest degrees you can master. Think of weight loss achievement in terms of taking small steps that continuously lead to better and bigger body fat achievement strides.

Without wasting any time, here is the big secret you need intellectual advantage working in your favor in order to maximize weight management results.

And, exactly what does such intellectual advantage comprise? The phrase simply means that your mind is in tune, sharply performing, acutely aware, completely open and free to absorb weight loss nuances around you. In other words, intellectual advantage is about empowering and equipping yourself with tools other than the obvious. Intellectual advantage now demands that you truly THINK about HOW you approach lifestyle, behavior patterns, belief systems, and your overall acquisition of weight loss knowledge.

For example, if youre anything like the average weight loss newbie, you can probably benefit from overcoming the feeling that you want to quit, and usually this feeling occurs right at the point where your true weight management rewards are about to begin. The cause of this is NOT physical.

The reasoning lies behind the concept of knowing (in terms of education) exactly of what the human body is capable. In other words, until you understand the principles of biological or physiological adaptation, aerobic and anaerobic threshold, progressive resistance, and your Krebs Cycle mitochondrial fat burning center, for example there remains enormous room for weight loss improvement in your life.

Now, dont let the fancy phrases intimidate or scare you. They are just technical names for the things that your body can do when you attempt to burn fat. In fact, lets go ahead and briefly explain some of the above terms, in nutshell format.

Aerobic and anaerobic threshold: Between these two points, when you are working out, you begin to feel that muscle burning or fatigue sensation. Such feeling normally indicates that you no longer in your fat burning zone, but you have now entered into an immediate energy need phase, which usually your muscles supply. Actually you WANT to stay within a somewhat challenging aerobic threshold, if your purpose is burning fat.

Biological or physiological adaptation: Results of exercise science laboratory studies and live observation trials consistently display that your body does, in fact, rise to the occasion when you demand more from it. Adaptation is responsible for this. Simply be aware that you virtually always possess another second wind. In other words, when your are working on burning fat and obtaining a leaner body, you can push just a little bit harder without undue worry because your body is a fantastically adaptive machine.

Krebs Cycle mitochondrial fat burning center: This is a cellular location, lets say, right in the middle of each cell, that does the actual burning of fat cells. Heres the most important thing about your Krebs Cycle and mitochondrial fat burning center if fat does not literally proceed INSIDE to the mitochondrial center, you simply cannot metabolize it. How do you make sure this occurs? By breathing, that is, ensure that you keep a steady uninterrupted flow of oxygen during your workout because fat only burns in the presence of oxygen. In other words, when you become short of breath, you effectively interrupt your fat burn process. Work out at a level you can sustain virtually without limitation, but for fat burning purposes, keep it within your aerobic threshold.

Progressive resistance: This deals with the surprising fact, for most weight loss candidates, that using weights and incorporating weight lifting exercise into your fat burning protocol gradually rewards you with far leaner body tissue. Progressive indicates slow and purposeful introduction of light resistance. You can subsequently use higher amounts of weight as your body continues to adapt to previous sets utilized. In other words, lifting weights makes you leaner. It has one more advantage, also. It raises your bodys overall metabolic activity level, even while you are at rest. Therefore, you burn more fat because you use weights, as well.

Now, from the above you can probably know and see that your body is an excellently responsive, reactive, and adaptive training machine.

At this very moment, its highly likely that you are doing far less than youre capable, in terms of working smarter, not harder.

Make adjustments, and YOU WILL GET GUARANTEED RESULTS. Its virtually as simple as that. Now, heres the secret catch just make sure your adjustment originates in your MIND, first.

The biggest unconscious weight loss mistake you can make is accidentally falling into a trance of non-action by hitting your brains OFF switch. Without realizing it, your standard reaction to effective body fat reduction ideas may be, Oh, yeah, I already know that. Or, Im already doing that.

Mindfully embrace the principles laid out for you here. Come back to life. Energize your life by phenomenal percentages, even in a short amount of time, AND let it all be a serious part of your being.

With a smarter weight loss endurance approach, I see clients attain as much as a 133% increase in intensity PLUS a 2,000% improvement in duration within the first day alone by simply adopting these scientifically approved weight management techniques. If a relatively small amount of intellectual advantage can afford you such great results in a short period of time, just think of what YOU can accomplish over your lifetime.

If you truly want to get your black belt in weight loss results, then master the artfully powerful philosophy of INTELLECTUAL ADVANTAGE.

Why? Because when you garner such intellectual advantage, you lose your excess or unwanted body weight. Its that simple. Dont sabotage your own success by falling into an I-already-know-that daze.

Youre about to learn the absolutely biggest body fat reduction secret to uncover the most uncommonly crucial weight loss factor that boosts your success by leaps and bounds.

But before any of this can truly happen, youve got to wake up, energize your mind, and focus your intellect upon open-minded, purposeful, results-producing action.

Not sure if your weight loss thinker skills are up to par?

Heres a quick way to gauge how effective your approach actually is.

Ask yourself this sample question: [NTS: insert the Interactive Radio Button Form idea here.]

How many calories are in a one-ounce serving of raisins?

[Sample answers could be:]

(__) 57 calories

(__) 309 calories

(__) Whats a calorie, or what does one-ounce serving mean I know very little about food nutrition, consumption, or calorie counting. Id like help with this kind of stuff. How can I get more info?

Now, if you dont know the CORRECT answer to this question, it does not mean youre dense, dim, dull, or slow. Youre neither at fault, nor anything of the kind. Although its not a trick question, it only serves as mere example.

You know there are millions of weight loss candidates who diligently strive toward better body composition, believing that theyre approaching the subject in the best way possible.

Yet, heres something you might be surprised to know discover Weight loss reality demonstrates that these efforts fall severely short of attentive, effective, long-term, fat-loss triumph.

That missing ingredient is still at large today you can find it, incorporate it, use it, and keep it make it yours, FOR LIFE. Proceed to the highest level of your weight loss achievement. Get your black belt in body fat results by employing intellectual advantage.

How To Get Rid Of Unwanted Hair Permanently

If you want to get rid of unwanted hair, there are all kinds of techniques to help you to do so -- from waxes to razor blades and from lasers to electrolysis. But if you want to get rid of it for good, the preferred method nowadays is laser treatment.

Why is laser treatment preferred?

It's preferred because this method has very low risks and can't damage your skin unless performed by an unskilled quack. Electrolysis also works, but requires too much time because each and every individual hair is removed, one at a time. And that often costs a lot more than laser treatment.

How does laser hair removal work?

Laser hair removal works through a selective process called Photothermolysis. It sends a beam of laser light right down to the hair follicles and the light's focussed power is used to destroy the roots. It is a selective treatment because it will only disable the hair roots, and not affect the surrounding skin. It uses light and heat to get rid of hair, which is actually the meaning of the name 'photothermolysis'.

What kind of person is the best candidate for laser hair removal?

Because this method works by seeking out melanin, which is the pigment that gives color to our hair and skin, laser hair removal treatment is best suited for people who have dark hair and light skin. Unfortunately, laser treatment cannot be used very successfully on tanned skin because there it can cause marks similar to sunburns. It is usually advised that you wait until the tan is gone before you use laser hair removal treatment. Also, persons that have grey hair or are naturally blonde cannot use this technique as yet, because the melanin in their follicles is not so easy to target.

Does it hurt?

Laser hair removal will not hurt, but can sometimes create feelings of discomfort, and in some cases the after-effects are similar to sunburn. To prevent this, laser hair removal clinics will use ice-packs, cooling gels or sprays to help relieve the discomfort and you are usually advised to use sun block cream for a week or two after the treatment. Also, you can ask for a 'test' before beginning the treatment, and clinics often provide spot tests so the customers can see what the treatment will be like. Try one of these to be sure that your skin will not have some kind of allergic reaction to it.

How much will it cost?

The price for laser treatment varies according to the size of the area that you want treated, and the number of sessions. Laser hair removal centers often recommend 4 or 5 sessions, but the number will vary according to your skin type, hair color and the target area of the body. The fee may seem large initially, but you'll probably come to realize that it's a sum worth paying, because you'll be saving yourself a lifetime of investment in time, money and care.

How To Gain Weight And Build More Muscle Mass

A typical strength training program for weight gain all almost always includes compound free weight lifts like squats, bench press, shoulder press, pull-ups (wide grip), and dips. The amount of weight used for each, the amount of reps, and the frequency of training, will obviously be customized to suit your body type, current strength, and strength training goals.

Its also important to note is that training too often is both dangerous and counter-productive. More training does not equal more muscle. The body does not become stronger during exercise; it actually becomes stronger during the repair period between exercising. This is rather non-intuitive, but its a basic scientific fact. As such, its critically important for people to avoid over-training, and to build in appropriate rest periods between reps, sets, and workouts.

Intrinsic Motivation and Keeping Up Progress

This may be the most neglected component of an effective weight-gain system, yet its easily as important as the other two noted above.

The problem of motivation is typically not one of starting. Many people have the will and desire to start a weight gain program; at least, they do for the first few times. Where motivation makes or breaks a weight gain program is when it comes to monitoring progress and maintaining muscle gain.

This doesnt imply that people are weak or uninterested in progress; actually, its rather more complex than that. Though 1,000 people may focus, on the same day and at the same time, on gaining weight effectively and with measurable muscular results, its not an exaggeration to say that each of these people will experience something different. Some of those differences will be profound and visible; other differences will be subtle and difficult to put into words. The dilemma here is that people may start doubting the validity of their program when their progress (or lack of progress) does not mirror the results achieved by someone else. Or worse, some people may truly start doubting their own ability to ever gain weight when they see someone else making apparent progress towards their weight gain goals.

The remedy to this dilemma is contained in the term follow-through. The key to successful weight gain lies fundamentally in ones ability to follow-through with a program, and to stick with it, while at the same time making appropriate adjustments to exploit gains, and avoid disappointment. Ultimately, if the nutrition and strength training components are in place, achieving weight gain goals are merely a matter of time and effort; and that is where motivation plays its most important role.

Typical proven strategies to ensure motivation remains high and continuous include: adjusting workouts to add some variety and avoid boredom; using visuals (such as a before and after picture, or a video) to monitor progress; writing down (realistic!) goals; measuring physical improvements on a bi-weekly basis; measuring mental/psychological improvements on a bi-weekly basis; staying focused, and of course, taking breaks when necessary.

Putting it All Into Place and Taking Action

As noted earlier, there is a disconcerting amount of poor quality (or no quality) information available that purports to help naturally thin people gain weight. The majority of this harmful information revolves around eating more; which, if it works, simply leads to the creation of permanent fat cells. Unfortunately, for naturally thin people stuck in this cycle of misinformation and misunderstanding, their choices are to either remain thinner than theyd like, or put on fat pounds and risk a high body fat ratio or even obesity.

Thankfully, however, nothing needs to be created in order to help naturally thin people succeed in their weight gain goals; scientific advancements or miracle cures are not required. Simply, what is required is action based on what is already available, and what has been noted above: proper nutrition, effective strength training and self-motivation.

Ensuring that these three elements are present is the unifying theme that is common to almost every successful weight gain story that has ever been written, applauded, and admired.

How To Find A Safe Weight Loss Program

Have you seen those ads in the paper that tell you lose 10lb in 7 days and wondered what it was all about. It is appealing. What if it were true? What is the secret I am missing? When we are unhappy about our shape and weight, the pursuit of these promises can be tantalizing but excuciatingwhat if it we end up disappointed? This article will show you how to select a safe weight loss program.

According to medical authorities a responsible and safe weight-loss program is one that has the following characteristics. This information can help you make an informed decision about joining a program.

A Responsible and Safe Weight-loss Program.

Experts agree that the best way to reach a healthy weight is to follow a sensible eating plan and engage in regular physical activity. Weight loss programs should encourage healthy behaviours that help you lose weight and that you can maintain over time.

A safe and effective weight loss program should include:

1. Healthy eating plans that reduce calories but do not rule out specific foods or food groups

2. Regular physical activity and/or exercise instruction

3. Tips on healthy behaviour changes that also consider your cultural needs

4. Slow and steady weight loss of about to 2 pounds per week and not more than 3 pounds per week (weight loss may be faster at the start of a program)

5. A plan to keep the weight off after you have lost it

How To Exercise To Lose 10 Pounds

You decide to lose 10 pounds. Before you do anything else, think about your preferences. Do you jog at 6 a.m. every morning, even when the 30 degree weather turns your nose into frost? Or, do you shudder at the thought of getting up early and prefer to wrap yourself in a down comforter?

Your preferences towards exercise determine what you should do to lose weight. Lets say you spend most of your leisure time sitting on the couch, reading a murder mystery. While you may not call yourself a coach potato, you do classify as an inactive person. Simply realizing this fact puts you one step forward to losing 10 pounds.

The next step involves deciding how to exercise, which is part of any good weight loss plan. Sure, going to the gym may be the first option that comes to your mind, but you have more choices. You may breathe a sigh of relief after reading the last line, since the gym may not be comfortable or convenient for you.

Other options to get more exercise can require more creativity, but the process is worth the extra effort. For instance, do you drive to the farmers market every weekend? Assuming it's not too far, you might consider getting a cart and walking the distance a few blocks of walking makes a difference.

Other alternatives have to do with work. Maybe you park close to the building. As a substitute, you can park further away to give yourself a mini-workout before you reach the office. Then, at lunchtime, go for a sight-seeing walk around the neighborhood, perhaps taking a colleague along.

At home, you can continue finding convenient ways to exercise. Do you zap a frozen dinner in the microwave and then sit down to do nothing? As a replacement you can cook a wholesome, delicious meal and get some exercise in the process running around preparing it.

And dont forget about involving your family in exercise as well. Find an indoor playing center, with a playground and various activities. Or, shoot hoops in the backyard with your kids or by yourself. If you dont want to miss a football game on television, tape the game or listen in on the radio.

Since television can be a huge obstacle to exercise, heres another way to work around this problem. The next time you decide to watch a video or a television program, dont sit down. Instead, get up and do aerobics while you watch.

Depending on your preferences, you may want to get a home gym, with an exercise bicycle, treadmill, boxing gear, or an abdominal exerciser. These options give you the ability to workout in the privacy of your home. But, choose equipment that you will actually use.

It comes down to making changes in your lifestyle that you can handle and sticking with this routine. Soon, the exercise will become second nature for you, making you 10 pounds lighter and happier.

You might even have enough extra energy for that morning jog.

How To Execute A Plan To Lose 10 Pounds

You may want to lose weight to fit in your size 8 dress, while your dad has to drop a few pounds to help control his diabetes. The reasons may differ from person to person, but a common goal for most of us at some time in our lives centers around losing weight.

Regardless of how much total weight you want to lose, you can start with a small goal, like losing just 10 pounds. To reach this ultimate goal, you need to design a plan before you pursue weight loss.

First of all, when designing a plan, keep in mind your unique situation. For example, consider how much free time you have to spend on exercising. Can you spare 15 minutes a day or an hour on weekends? Also think about what kind of exercises work for you. Would you go to the gym or go roller skating in the park? Knowing your preferences helps you form a plan that you can stick with.

The two key components of your plan consist of better eating habits and regular exercise. The best plan strikes the right balance for your lifestyle, so your plan can be different from someone else. Lets say you binge on cheesecake and you want to try playing soccer. On the other hand, your friend doesnt care for any dessert or for sports, except to watch games. Therefore, your friends plan can focus primarily on diet, while your plan requires plenty of outdoor exercising and less cheesecake.

Changing old eating habits, like overeating cheesecake, involves a struggle. This change gets easier when you try new, healthy dishes. Have you tried South Asian cuisine, like lentil or spinach curry? Preparing exotic dishes requires more work: you find recipes, buy ingredients and cook.

To make the job easier, list each step separately in your plan. For instance, locate a recipe on Sunday and prepare another recipe on that day. Breaking down the tasks makes the plan more effective by giving you small, easy-to-handle steps. Accomplishing the steps boosts your self-confidence and pushes you forward.

Next, focus on the exercise position of your plan. Once again, breaking down your goal into small steps makes the plan easier to use. Would you rather exercise 7 hours a week, or 1 hour a day? Then, a plan to go bike-riding for one half hour and running for the second half hour sounds better than 1 hour. Writing down specific exercises tells you exactly when to do which activity.

A detailed plan encourages you to commit to losing 10 pounds. As a result, you can avoid a common weight loss problem- quitting a diet before you reach your goal. Why would you want to fail, instead of succeeding at losing 10 pounds? Success in weight loss can give you increased confidence, which can spread to other areas of your life.

How To Eat BETWEEN Meals And Still Lose Weight!

Unlike other, more restrictive diet plans, snacking is a perfectly acceptable part of a low carbohydrate dietprovided your snacks are all found on the low carb list.

Snacking is not only okay, its also beneficial in many ways. Eating small amounts over the course of a day has been shown to speed up the bodys metabolism, burning fat more quickly and efficiently. Also, snacking helps prevent hunger pains, which can drive even the most disciplined dieter to cheat or overeat at the next meal. Without using snacks as a safety net, dieters will be more tempted to pick at restricted foods and just about anything else that comes their way.

That said, snackinglike everything elseshould be done in moderation. Just because a food is found on the low carb list does not mean it is okay to eat as much of it as you want. Consult your low carb list to see how many carbohydrates are in a serving of the food(s) you wish to have as a snack, and be sure that the total amount of carbohydrates fits within your daily allowance. A food makes it onto the low carb list because one serving is low carb, not an unlimited amount.

There are plenty of foods on the low carb list that make good snack choices. All meats and cheeses have virtually no carbohydrates, so they are acceptable selections even in large amounts. Try a cold cut platter and/or an assortment of cheese cubes to sample from throughout the day. And who says a leg of lamb or some buffalo wings arent great for snacking? Melt some cheese over a drumstick, serve up bacon and sausage, or make meatballs. Dont forget eggshard-boiled, scrambled, over-easy, egg salad, the choices are limitless!

Other good snack items from the low carb list with almost no carbohydrates include lettuce, alfalfa sprouts, celery, and cucumbers. Combine these with other foods from different categories of the low carb list to make a delicious salad. For example, throw in some cheddar cheese cubes with some nuts (be sure to check the low carb list to determine which nuts have less carbs) and top with olive oil. Or enjoy a chicken Caesar salad.

Choices from the low carb list that are good snack foods, but in moderation, include many vegetables. Avoid potatoes, squash, and carrots, as these are high in carbohydrates. However, a veggie platter with broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, mushrooms, peas, and string beans, either or cooked or raw, topped with real butter can make a filling treat. Most beans make a delicious and easy snack, and go well with veggies, like celery bits. Or, try making chicken or tomato soup, or beef stew, for a filling afternoon.

With the right recipe, almost any food can qualify for the low carb list! Search online for low carb recipes for muffins, breads, and even gooey desserts. Once youve tried a few successful recipes, experiment and see what new low carb foods you can create.

How To Drop Weight and Become Healthier Using These 7

How To Drop Weight and Become Healthier Using These 7 Simple Everyday Life Tips?

These days more and more people are getting intellectual instead of physical jobs. Sitting in the office chairs all-day long has become a norm for many of us. Stress, busyness and rush make us forget about regular food and stuff our stomachs with cheeseburgers and sodas, which dont do anything good for our bodies.

As a result of such crazy life rhythm, we rarely find time for exercises, gyms or balanced nutrition. As a matter of fact, its one of the reasons why there are now more that 60% of U.S citizens that have overweight. However, it is possible to change your lifestyle and lose your weight if you are willing to.

These 7 day-to-day life tips provided below will help you to drop your extra pounds, become more energetic and healthier.

1.Drink More Water

Our bodies need a lot of water. Water removes waste from our organisms and carries various nutrients into all our organs and cells. Your body also loses water by using it for various ways. For this reason you have to replace it and drink water more often than you are used to.

Start your day with a glass of water in the morning. Drink a glass of water before any meal. Take a bottle of water with you when you go to work. Your body needs approximately 3-5 liters of water during one day. So dont hesitate to drink plenty of water wherever and whenever you can.

2.Eat Fruits and Drink Fruit Juices

Eating fruits and juices helps you eliminate toxins from your body. Eating a variety of fruits also helps you get enough fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. Thats why you should eat fresh fruits and drink natural fruit juices as often as possible.

Fruit juices from stores are often sweetened. If you want to drink juices, make fresh juices yourself. If you think it takes too much of the time, then look for juices with labels that say 100% fruit juice. These are much healthier for your body as long as they contain much more vitamins.

3.Eat Lots of Vegetables and Vegetable Salads

When it comes to losing extra pounds, vegetables are a great choice. They are natural and contain different vitamins, minerals and tons of other useful chemicals known to provide benefits for your body. Vegetables are low in fat and calories, they help control blood glucose levels, reduce blood cholesterol and reduce the risk of colon and other cancers. All these features also help control your weight effectively.

If you feel that eating vegetables alone isnt great choice for you, then make some salads. Mixing vegetables together gives you even more different vitamins and health benefits. There are tons of tasty, healthy salad recipes on the internet. You can also use you imagination to make some great salads.

4.Eat Only When You Are Hungry

How many times youve been to a party where you saw lots of different and tasty looking meals, which you were offered to try.

Dont eat, because you are offered to. Eat only when you want to.

Many people also like snacking. In between meals or when have nothing to do. Quit snacking. Most snacks contain a lot of fat and calories. Replace your usual snacks with vegetables or fruits. These are healthy to your body and youll never get fatter, only thinner.

5.Carry Healthy Food with You

Many of us work busy office jobs and dont have time to eat regularly. In this case, bring your own made food with you. Instead of bringing sandwiches with meat, take vegetable salads, carrots, chicken salads. Any low fat food will do. This way, you wont have to wait for a break to fill your stomach. Youll be able to have fixed times when eating food.

Its also important to try to eat about 5 times a day, rather than 3 or 2. Eat in smaller quantities, but more often. This helps you to increase your metabolism.

6.Work Out When You Can

Working out in a gym is not only a great way to grow some muscles, but also to drop a few pounds. Exercising helps you burn your calories instead of storing them in your body as fat. Our bodies were made to be active, so exercising slowly and easily can actually help you get more energy and make you feel much better.

At the end of the week, try to lose all the stress and burn your calories in a gym or having some kind of physical activity at home. If you have time, then try to do easy exercises everyday.

7.Dont Lie Down or Sit When You Can Move

Many of us like to watch TV lying on a couch or sitting in a comfortable chair. Of course, when you come home after hard working day, youre tired, and all you can think of, is a couch and a remote in your hand. But such laziness wont help you lose weight. Contrarily, it will make you grow some more pounds.

So dont lie or sit, when you can walk and move. Instead of staring at TV, like a goofy, go ahead and work out in your garden for example, clean your garage, fix your car, go to walk in park or beach. Breathe fresh air and move more often. Not only does it help to reduce stress after work, but also ups your mood and makes you more energetic.

In Conclusion

Remember that all these tips will help you to lose weight, but only if you are determined and are ready to devote some of your time. Dont expect to slim down 4 sizes after eating 5 carrots and drinking orange juice.

Your body, just like many things in this world, needs time. So be patient. And if you will honestly use at least some of these tips, you are going to change your lifestyle, which in the end will lead you to a thinner and healthier body.

How To Deal With Snack Attacks

Ever get a snack attack between meals? Who hasn't? But snack attacks can actually work as an advantage for your weight loss.

Snack attacks are actually a good thing because eating frequently instead of waiting until you're extremely hungry is a good way to avoid overeating.

It helps keep blood sugar levels normal and brain chemistry in balance.
By pre-planning for snacks and eating the right food you can use snacks in your favor instead of feeling guilty afterwards.

Here is a healthy snack tip. A key to losing weight and keeping it off is eating more negative calorie or fat burning foods with lots of volume but few calories.

Eating fat burning compatible or negative calorie foods creates a calorie deficit that requires your body to use stored fat as energy. Here are a just few examples of healthy snack ideas that are negative calorie foods:

Apples, cantaloupe, carrots, cod, corn, crab meat, grapes, lobster, low-fat yogurt, mangoes, pineapple, raspberries, strawberries and watermelon.

Avoid late night snacks because your body's metabolism slows way down when you sleep. That means anything you eat just before you go to bed will turn to body fat.

If you eat vending machine snacks they contain high fat and you can forget about reducing body fat because these snacks can sabotage your weight loss quickly.

Also, beverages like smoothies, sweetened coffee drinks, soft drinks, fruit drinks, sports drinks and flavored teas contain a lot of sugar that will end up as body fat.

Snacking on blackberries, peaches or red and green peppers can help you meet your daily recommendations of fruits and vegetables. You need two to four servings a day.

Snacks such as low-fat yogurt or low fat cheese can help you meet your daily calcium requirement. You need two to three servings per day.

Believe it or not, small changes like these can have a huge difference in your weight loss results. Remember, successful weight loss is just a combination of the right choices.

So the next time you have a snack attack at home or at work you'll know how to use it to your advantage for weight loss success.

How To Create A Stunning Updo

With prom season right around the corner, you are no doubt already thinking about how you want to wear your hair for the special night. While many of your friends may end up spending a fortune getting their hair done at a salon, you can easily do your hair at home and achieve stunning results. The key is in the details.

When creating updos at home, one of the hardest things to do is craft perfect twists and dramatic effects. But you can have equally stunning results by taking a few shortcuts. Here are a couple of ideas that you can do yourself at home.

Loose, Romantic Updo

Remember Kate Winslets hair in the Titanic? This classic, romantic updo is very simple to pull off at home. All you need is a medium sized curling iron, some bobby pins and super-hold finishing spray.

To begin, start with dry hair. Give your hair a once over with the hairspray and start to curl your hair in ringlets. You can do this by taking sections starting in the nape while pinning the rest of the hair up. After completing each section, pull down another parting and curl until the whole head is covered in Shirley Temple ringlets. (Dont worry; its not going to stay like that.)

Next, pull hair in 1 sections from around the hair line. Twisting slightly and loosely, pull the sections up and back toward the top of the crown and pin into place. Continue around the entire perimeter of the head until all of the hair is pinned up. If the curls on the crown look a bit funky, rearrange them to where you would like them and pin into place. You can also leave tendrils of soft hair falling around the face and neck of this updo to create a wispy effect. Spray to hold.

Fun and Modern Updo

This updo is extremely easy to create. Start again dry hair. First, create a dramatic design parting in the front and top of the head. You can do a zigzag parting or an angled parting, really any parting that adds interest. Sleek the rest of the hair down and back to the nape of the neck in a temporary ponytail. Holding the ponytail in your fist, twist up until the end of the hair are pointing up and over the crown leaving only about 1 of hair to play with. Hold with a clip and fan the ends out with some pomade or styling wax. Spray to finish.

You see, its not that hard. And when your friends all show up with cookie-cutter hairdos and less money in their pockets, you can smile with the knowledge that you not only have an individual updo but that you also have more money to burn.

How To Choose Used Tanning Beds

Do you want the tan from your vacation or holiday to last all year round? Do you love to tan, but cant fit it into your schedule? You may have considered purchasing tan equipment for home, but then you saw the price. Used tanning beds are a good alternative to the high prices of brand new beds, if you know what to look for. You can get a high quality bed at the price of a much cheaper bed when you buy used.

There are several things to consider before purchasing home tanning equipment. The first is the design of the machine. You have two basic choices here: horizontal beds or tan booths. Many home units are standing units because they require less space. Its easier to fit one of these into a smaller space.

Lamps in Used Tanning Beds

The lamps in the bed are an important consideration. There are basically two kinds of beds: conventional and high pressure. High pressure beds are generally for commercial use and are often found in salons. The lamps are located only in the top of these beds, so you tan on one side and then turn over to tan the other side of your body and face.

The lamps are called high pressure because the pressure of the gas inside is higher than the pressure in the atmosphere. This design results in faster tanning and less time needed in the bed to maintain your tan. Some high pressure beds require half the sessions of a conventional model. You can have that summer tan all year with less exposure to UV radiation.

Lamps in conventional beds use either UVA only or a combination of UVA and UVB rays. There is some controversy over which is better. UVB rays are the burning rays of the sun. For this reason, some feel UVA only lamps are better. However, UVA rays reach farther into the skin and are responsible for long term skin damage, including skin cancer. Its important to know what kind of lamps are in your bed, as you will need to replace them.

Check the availability and cost of replacement lamps. Look at the lifespan of the bulbs. Also, look at the construction of the beds. How easy will it be to change the bulbs yourself? It can get expensive and inconvenient if you cant do the job on your own. Consider how easy it will be to perform other maintenance tasks, such as cleaning and changing the acrylics.

Questions to Ask About Used Tanning Beds

o How old is the bed? oWhat year was it manufactured?

o Does it meet all current FDA regulations? These change often, so make sure the bed you are looking at meets current safety regulations. This is very important for your health. The regulations are in place to help prevent skin cancer and other long term damage to your skin.

o How much was the bed used? If the bed was purchased for home use, but has barely been used, it is probably a good deal.

o Is the bed in good working order? You want to make sure the bed is working well to avoid being stuck with expensive repair bills.

o Is there any time left on the warranty?

o Why are you selling the bed?

o Check the price to see the difference between the used and new bed. The greater the difference, the better the deal.

How to choose the right type of Ginseng to suit

How to choose the right type of Ginseng to suit your needs

Ginseng is perennial herb that has been used to treat some medical problems all over the world especially in Asia and North America. Because of its health benefits, there are many commercial products in the market today that contain ginseng. This includes capsules, teas, tablets, and candies. Some scientific studies prove that Ginseng is a natural energy-boosting herb and that it contains hormone contents and vitamins to nourish the body.

Due to increasing awareness about the benefits one can get from ginseng, more and more people are entice to try it. However, few of them know that in order to make a ginseng work for them, they must first evaluate their personal needs and requirements to avoid harmful side effects.

There are three major types of ginseng. These are the following:

1. Asian or Panax ginseng.

This is considered the most stimulating type of ginseng. It enhances breathing and digestion. There are two types of Asian Ginseng: the White and Red ginseng.

Red ginseng is grown in Korea which is much stronger compare to the white ginseng. It speeds up the circulation and metabolism to boost the energy. Red Ginseng is recommended for people who have diminishing physical and mental health particularly the elderly.

Asian ginseng is also believed to have anti-cancer compounds. A study conducted shows that people who are regularly taking Asian ginseng reduced their chances of having different types of cancer particularly liver, lung, ovarian, and pancreatic cancer.

2. American Ginseng.

This type of ginseng is grown mostly in North America. It can also be found in some forests in Canada and United States. American ginseng earned its popularity due to its effectiveness in nourishing the body particularly the lungs. This ginseng is highly recommended for people who are smoking. In addition, it is believed to restore physical or mental condition especially wound or inflammation.

American ginseng has more soothing or cooling agent compare to Asian ginseng. That is why it is considered the therapeutic ginseng especially for older people. It is also recommended for people who would like to increase their mental efficiency and stamina.

3. Siberian ginseng.

This type of ginseng is highly recommended for athletes and people who have active lifestyles because it restores energy and combats fatigue. It contains compounds that have positive effects to the adrenal glands. As a result, people will have increased capability in handling physical stresses and increased resistance to certain diseases. This type of ginseng is highly recommended for people who would like to relieve exhaustion or muscle pain that are associated with energy-depleting activities.

Siberian ginseng is also being used to help the reproductive organ. Studies show that males using this herb have increased their sperm counts and boost their testosterone levels that fight certain causes of male impotence.

The female population can also benefit from Siberian ginseng. No more painful menstrual disorders. Siberian ginseng has positive effects on the hormones and has the ability to tone the uterine muscle. Through this, it eases the pains associated with menstruation and other menopausal symptoms.

Experts agree that in order to get the best results, people must know how to make the best choice by analyzing their bodys characteristics and needs first before purchasing any type of ginseng.

How To Choose The Best Tanning Bed Lotions

Despite warnings about the risks, people continue to flock to tanning beds. Tanning bed lotions are a necessary accessory, whether you are a regular tanner or just trying to get a good base tan before the summer holiday season or for a vacation. Lotions come in a variety of formulas for every skin type. Cooling lotions help keep the skin cool in the bed. After tan lotions extend your tan and can help shorten the time you need to spend in a bed to maintain your tan.

Benefits of Using Tanning Bed Lotions

Lotions help regulate the amount of UVA and UVB rays that are absorbed into your skin. Your skin absorbs more rays in less time. This allows you to limit your exposure to the rays and still get the tan you want. Moisturizing lotions add moisture to your skin. This helps prevent some of the drying effects of beds. Since moisturized skin tans faster, you will achieve your desired color faster and your tan will last longer.

You should use the best lotion that you can afford in the bed. The type of tanning bed you are using and your skin type help determine which lotion is best. Light, medium or dark skin tones require different lotions. Using a lotion intended for experienced tanners on fair skin can be disastrous. The salon owner can help you choose the right lotion for your skin type.

Products for indoor tanning come in lotion, crme, gel or oil forms. As long as the product is right for your skin type and the bed you will be using, the rest is a matter of preference. The preparation isnt as important as the ingredients, so learn to read the labels.

Ingredients in Tanning Bed Lotions

The best products contain natural ingredients to stimulate your tan and nourish your skin. Look for as many natural botanicals, plant extracts and vitamins as possible. Each has a different purpose.

Amino Acids

Just about all lotion or crme products contain amino acids. They stimulate the production of melanin in your skin. The action of the amino acids produces the tanning effects. The most commonly used amino acid is tyrosine.


The moisturizers in lotions help reduce the drying effect the UVB rays in the bed have on your skin. Look for rich, natural moisturizers, like aloe or hempseed oil. These are in both suntan lotions and after tan formulas.


Antioxidants help prevent the fine lines and wrinkles that result from UV exposure during tanning. Vitamin E and grapefruit extract are common antioxidants found in lotions.

A Safer Alternative to Tanning

People are becoming concerned with the safety of tanning, either in a bed or in the sunshine. UV exposure during tanning has been linked to skin cancer and premature aging of the skin. The only safe alternative to getting the color you want is a fake tan. There are pills that are said to give you a tan, but there is controversy over their effectiveness. The best way to get a completely safe tan is a sunless tanning spray ( ).

You can apply a sunless tanner at home, or you could go to a spa or salon for spray on tanning. In the salon, you stand inside the booth and the tanner is applied with either spray nozzles built into the booth or with a hand held airbrush unit by a technician. Mystic Tan and Sunshower are common brands for booth tanning.

How To Choose A Hairstyle Thats Perfect For You

Choosing the perfect hairstyle is just one of those things that elude most women. Sometimes, a gorgeous cut is undermined by the fact that the woman wearing it is too busy to style it properly. Other times, a cut is chosen because of how great it looks on someone else, but ends up looking pathetic on the woman wishing to mimic the style because her hair type and texture is the exact opposite needed to wear the style beautifully.

But not everyone is destined to encountering hairstyle disaster after disaster on their quest for the perfect cut, and neither are you. All it takes is just a little bit of preplanning and consideration to get the perfect hairstyle each and every time you go to the salon. Here are just a few questions that you should ask yourself when changing your style:

How does the cut or style flatter my face and body shape? Probably the number one mistake that women make when choosing a new style is to choose a style that is unflattering to their features. For example: A swept back style would make a round face look even rounder, but a style that softens up the facial features with a little forward movement can make a round face appear more balanced and oval. Haircuts can also be tailored to draw the eye to your most stunning features and to detract it from those youd rather hide.

How much time and effort will I have to put into styling each morning? In todays hectic-paced world, who has time to burn styling hair? Most of us need a style that is easy to work with and requires little time primping in front of the mirror. Even if you have a style that requires more work, it is likely that you will bypass a majority of the care and maintenance needed for it to look its best on most days. And that could add up to a lot of bad hair days. Instead, choose a style that is easy to work with and compliments your hairs natural tendencies.

Will this style work with my hairs type and texture or work against it? If your hair is limp and straight, choosing a heavily layered style that requires a curling iron or hot rollers every day could get exhausting. Likewise, a sleek, flat style on extremely curly locks could take a lot of effort to maintain. So, try to choose a style that will work with your texture. By doing this, you can have a style that seems to go into place magically with little or no fuss on your part.

Will this style accommodate my lifestyle? If you have to wear your hair up for your job or if youre a tomboy who loves to throw on a ball cap, you should consider this before deciding on a hairstyle. After all, who wants to be stuck with a style that they have to curl each and every day when their tendency is to wear it in a pony tail? If you wear your hair up often, be sure to choose a style that will still allow you to do this when the mood or need strikes you.

Choosing the perfect hairstyle does not have to be complicated. Just take a little time to really think about what your needs and wants are, and you should be able to get the style you dream of easily. And the best part is that you wont regret it once you have it.


How To Change Your Lifestyle To Lose 10 Pounds

Like a slap on the face, the idea strikes you you need to lose 10 pounds. Perhaps Grandmas comfort food has left you bulging around the waist, or watching too much television hasnt given you enough time to exercise. You decide to lose weight, now.

Heres the sad truth about losing weight: you cant shed the pounds as easily as you gained them. For one thing, drastic diets can force you to give up meat, chocolate and other favorite foods. Or, the diets want you to jog, not drive, to every destination even if you need to go 59 miles.

You dont have to take these extreme measures unless you want to lose 10 pounds in a few days. In a few cases, quick weight-loss may work, yet most people need more time to reach their weight loss goal. In this approach, you add healthy habits into your life so you transition smoothly into weight-loss mode. In fact, you dont even notice the diet and exercise changes since they blend in with your life.

While you still need to put effort into losing weight, with this technique, losing 10 pounds doesnt take over your life. You might find that the slower method not only helps you to lose 10 pounds, but also keeps the pounds off forever. Your slow method of weight loss turns into your new lifestyle, a lifestyle that gives you satisfaction.

You can start changing your lifestyle by looking at your daily activities. For example, what can you do differently to get more exercise? You might walk the children to school or bike to work- if you need to travel only a short distance that is. Finding active alternatives to driving is good exercise and will conserve gasoline, whose prices are skyrocketing. You also help the environment by not adding to pollution.

Other ways to incorporate exercise into your life involve walking around the block during lunch and using the stairs instead of escalators. Taking in exercise, whenever you have the opportunity, moves you towards your goal of losing 10 pounds.

You can also participate in strenuous hobbies or sports. For instance, you might join a volleyball team or start your own. Or, go on scavenger hunts or camp out in the woods. You get the idea: find activities that you enjoy doing so that the exercise turns into entertainment.

As you can see, changing your life to lose 10 pounds doesnt have to be drastic. Use our tips to develop a healthy lifestyle that works for you.

How To Change Your Eating Habits To Lose 10 Pounds

How To Change Your Eating Habits To Lose 10 Pounds

You look in the mirror and dont have a problem with your appearance, except for slight chubbiness. Standing on the scale proves your guess: youve gained 10 extra pounds.

Maybe youve heard stories about men and women whove lost many pounds in only a few days. While a few people may have quickly lost weight, they probably went through tough times. Most quick weight loss methods demand that you follow extreme diets, which youll end up hating and quitting.

On the other hand, you can avoid quitting your diet by not going on a restrictive diet. Instead, change your eating habits for good. You may lose weight slower with this method, but you wont suffer hardship.

How can you put the slow weight loss method to work for you? First, you could write out all foods that you eat since they make weight gain possible. Dont just jot down desserts, like sweet potato pie and ice cream sundaes. Instead, take note of everything, including the glazed donut that you grab on the way to work or late night snacking. By seeing your complete eating habits, you can make better choices and changes.

Lets say you record your eating habits and find that you snack too often: you actually have mini-meals before and after lunch. Ask yourself, Am I really hungry at these times, or do I eat for the sake of eating? Perhaps that bowl of sugary cereal in the morning leaves you empty on energy by 10 a.m. Since you cant have lunch, you have a family size bag of corn chips. Here the solution can be to switch to a hearty, whole-grain, and sugar-free cereal so you get energy that lasts longer.

Another aspect of the slower weight loss method concerns listening to cues from your body. Cues are signs that tell you that you need to eat more or that you should stop eating, but cues can be tricky. Most of us cant interpret these cues without letting at least 15 minutes pass, since human bodies take this amount of time to absorb food.

For instance, youve eaten two servings of meat loaf and a slice of chocolate cake. Now your stomach growls, asking for more food, yet you wait 15 minutes before putting another morsel in your mouth. While you wait, you read a novel- 15 minutes pass and you discover youre full.

One additional technique for the slower weight loss method involves enjoying every bite of food, from the moment the food enters your mouth. You taste the tangy lemon zest in the Romaine salad or the creaminess of cheddar cheese on your macaroni. By savoring what you eat, you learn to appreciate food. And you develop self-control by finding satisfaction in eating moderately.

You can see why changing your eating habits makes losing 10 pounds easier you dont use any drastic measures. Instead, you focus on long-term choices that fit your lifestyle. By following these tips, you can change your eating habits to lose 10 pounds and keep the extra weight gone forever.

How To Calculate Body Fat Percentage

Would you like to know how to calculate your body fat percentage? When most of us think about about losing weight, the amount of fat you are carrying around is actually much more important than weight.

If you should be measuring anything, it should be body fat percentage, not weight. Your weight does not accurately reflect the level of your fitness.

Body fat is measured with what is known as Body Mass Index, or BMI.

A women that is in shape should have a body fat percentage range from 21% to 31%.

If you are in fantastic shape, your body fat percentage could be as low as 10%.

For men, if you are fit and in shape, your body fat percentage should be between 14% and 25%. If you are in excellent shape, your body fat percentage could be as low as 2%.

To calculate your body fat percentage, write down how much you weigh but you have to be honest. Remember, no one will see this but you. Multiply your weight by 703.

Next, write down your height, in inches. Multiply by that same number. Then you will divide your weight number by your height number. That is your BMI.

For example, if your weight were 150 pounds x 703, your weight answer would be 105,450. If your height is 54, that would be 64 inches x 64 for a total of 4,096. Taking the 105,450 divided by 4,096, you come out with a BMI of 25.7.

There are other ways to measure your body fat percentage but this will give you a quick idea of where you are at.

If you are thinking about about losing weight, remember the amount of fat you are carry around is actually much more important than weight.

If you use the method above to figure out your current body fat percentage, you'll be on your way to a much healthier fitness level.

How to borrow from Yoga for Weight Loss.

Yoga is often praised in the mass media as the new fitness-craze promising weight loss, and increased strength and flexibility. However, when one sees a yoga practitioner curled up in a seemingly impossible pose, the natural tendency is to think: Well this person has been practicing for years, how can Yoga help me lose the weight now?

Through the acclaimed Sun Salutations, thats how.

What are they?

These exercises are a combination of Yoga Poses, Breathing Exercises, Sun Bathing and Prayer. They have been practiced for centuries by Yoga Practitioners in India, Martial Artists and African Wrestlers and as a system to rejuvenate the body and soul are beyond compare. Its been said in the Drugless Healing circles that one round of the Sun Salutations is much better than a week of exercises at the gym!

They are very simple to learn and just about anyone, regardless of their fitness or flexibility levels can learn these simple exercises. In actuality, if you are familiar with burpies (the calisthenics exercise), they do derive their origin from the Sun Salutations.

Here are some of their benefits:

-They alleviate disorders of the skin and waist.

-Flexibility increases and breathing is corrected, moreover, they mildly exercise the legs and arms, thus increasing the circulation.

-They are the best way to burn calories and reduce weight and are often recommended for obesity and depression.

-They are an effective way of loosening up, stretching and massaging all joints and internal organs of the body.

-They stimulate and balance all the systems of the body including the endocrine, circulatory, reproductive and digestive system.


1. Stand straight with the palms together as in a prayer position.

2. Inhale and stretch the arms above the head.

3. Exhale and bend forward while touching the toes.

4. Inhale and stretch the right leg away from the body in a big backward step and keep the hands and left foot firmly on the ground. Bending the head backward the left knee should be between the hands.

5. Inhale and hold the breath. Move the left leg from the body and, keeping both feet together and the knees of the floor, rest on the hands (arms straight) and keep the body in a straight line from head to foot.

6. Exhale and lower the body to the floor. In this position, only 8 portions of the body come in contact with the floor: the two feet, two knees, two hands, chest and forehead.

7. Inhale and bend back as much as possible bending the spine to the maximum.

8. Exhale and lift the body of the floor. Keep the feet and heels on the floor.

9. Inhale and bring the right foot along the level of the hands; left foot and knee should touch the ground. Look up, bending the spine slightly (same position as #4)

10. Exhale and bring the left leg forward. Keep the knees straight and bring the head down to the knees as in the third position.

11. Raise the arms overhead and bend backward inhaling. As in Position 2.

12. Exhale and drop the arms and relax.

You have now completed one round. Perform as many rounds as possible in multiples of 3. Ideally you want to aim for 6 rounds minimum and up to a maximum of 30. It only takes about 5-10 minutes, depending on your speed and intensity and is best practiced with as little clothing as possible before an open air window first thing in the morning.

You could do a search in Yahoo! Images for Sun Salutations to see a visual representation of these powerful exercises and be rest assured that with a sensible diet and a wise combination of these exercises-with any other fitness regimen you may choose-you are well on your way to attaining natural weight loss, increased strength and overall fitness with the help of yoga.
So dont get intimidated when you see a seasoned practitioner in a seemingly tough pose. Yoga is for everyone and can help you lose weight.

How to Become an irresistible seduction Magnet, Guaranteed

One of the most pressing questions concerning seduction I get from my clients and peers is,"How do I meet a pretty chic without losing face? What do I say when I meet her and how do I manage to get her to give me her number..."

These questions, it seems, are part of what keeps many men awake at night, terrified of the prospect of meeting a woman and seducing her as if it's a no holds-barred wrestling match with a nine foot tall one eyed giant in a steel cage.

How ironic, often we forget that women are human too, and regardless of one's exterior beauty, women, just like any member of society, have feelings and emotions and go through the same ordeal as any.

How sad then that, the most beautiful girls God has put on Planet Earth must go without the affections of a loving boyfriend, just because all men assume she's taken, or "it is impossible for her to be single?"
Instead, pretty chics are subjected to lewd advances from jerks and half drunks who have more courage of approaching them than the perfect guy has guts to master the courage, let alone the thought!

Suffering Succotash!!

In today's information rich and attention lacking environment, speed is of the utmost priority; it's as if everyone's a rabbit and in a super big rush to copulate with as many partners as possible in the shortest amount of time.

However, given the prospect that men are afraid of approaching pretty chics, copulation, I'm afraid, is only a frame of mind, not a physical endeavor!

That being said, how does one even begin to attract pretty women like a junkie is attracted to crystal meth?

You see, seduction is not an event, it's a process.
Let me clarify; it's like riding a bike or learning to play a musical instrument.
Seduction and attraction are a fine art that one must learn until they become a master.

When a master is at work, one cannot but stop to marvel at the shere genius of it all.
When Tiger Woods or Roger Federer execute Grand Slams in their respective sports or, as you would have it, Vanessa Mae strums her stradivarius, there is no accident to the reward and, as flawless as they both make it look, there's been sweat and tears that went into making them Masters in their field.

I must admit, I started dating at a very early age, 16 to be exact and, by the time I was 20, I had lost count in the number of older women I'd been with.

Unlike most seduction gurus who spent most of their 20s dateless and in front of the tv screen scratching their heads wondering how to date fine women, I had already progressed into other areas of interest beyond dating in my 20s.

I am not saying this to brag or anything to that effect, but it pains me to see so much information flying about the internet on seduction and how to become a master simply by reading a book when your mindset's not right!

I never!

If your mindset is that of failure due to past experiences with women, self esteem or other childhood misfortune that kids are always too eager to mete on another in the name of play or teasing, then no amount of reading will redeem you from the curse of failure.

I say this not as ridicule, but as a way to show you that, despite all your shortcomings, there's a way to get rid of that excess baggage and begin a new journey into the unchartered waters of dating!

For instance, and this is more the norm than the exeption, if you come from a broken home and all you know is ridicule and pain, if all you know is failure; never a word of encouragement, then chances are; each time you meet someone you have an emotional affirnity to, your past experiences come home to roost
full circle, and you exhibit those characteristics playing in your life all over again... it's like a rat on a wheel...the story keeps playing in your life ad infinitum.

Let me explain:

Sales professionals World-over attend sales seminars and couching classes when they hit slumps. It's because they realize that, to be masters in their professions, they need to horn their skills and break self imposed barriers that were not there in the first place.

When your mind is clear of emotional baggage and phobias, you have no barriers to break through; you only have opportunity to fulfill.

It's like when you receive an unexpected bonus check or you receive a well deserved pay increase.
Your gait changes the instant you see that check stub or bank balance.
When you walk into your local grocery store or couldn't care less what the World is thinking, because in that instant, you've attained the God consciousness.
Even if you've never approached a pretty lady before, chances are, you could approach anyone and make a fool of yourself a hundred times over...


Because your confidence levels are at an all time high; because you've suspended all your limiting beliefs, for the moment anyway, through your selfworth!

Ahh, the magic word; Self Worth!

Now, consider this flip side:
Ever been to a zoo and watched lions in captivity? How pitiful they look - the King of the Jungle, all the mojo stripped out.
Chances are, let that feline loose and..the results?
I bet you the results are the poor pussy will die of hunger, because it has lost its natural killer instincts.

Now, if you're a self confident young stud and have no qualms about approaching women, then good on you but, if you have issues from your past, and spend the majority of your waking moments biting your nails at the mere
thought of approaching pretty chics, chances are you need a coach, not a book
or some opening liners to meet women.

You see, women these days are darn smart; they can smell a con job a mile away and, unless your mindset is one of thinking like a champion, chances are you've bought one seduction ebook too many and are scratching your head, just wondering what it is you need to do to attract Alice from next door.

Remember that Nest egg investment commercial with a guy about to retire and he's in an elevator with a 200lb Gorilla offering him advice?
The punch line is, Don't listen to me, What would I know, I'm just a 2000lb Gorilla in the room with you...

Listen, don't listen, it's your free will.

Food for thought...

How To Be Stunning In A Black Prom Dress

In ones teenage life, specifically on high school. Prom night is one of the best things to look forward too, in fact some of girls prepare for the magical night for the whole year. During prom night, girls slip in to their best prom dress and hope to leave a best impression.

Prom dress are basically formal party gowns thats long and graceful, well traditionally that is. Prom night comes in customary ball gowns or theme prom nights. Its best that you "dress to the occasion".

Have The Best Prom Dress

Beautiful, gorgeous and comfortable is on you should look for in a prom dress to make it the best prom dress. Its best also if you can find a prom dress that can display an image of innocent, charming sexy and sweet, image of well mannered high school girl image. Some famous prom dress that are always on the hit list includes asymmetrical hem dress, sequined dresses, satin dress, and the classic Cinderella ball gown and black prom dresses.

Picking the perfect prom dress for your needs a little planning and thought. You don't have to spend a fortune for the prom night. You'll discover that there are affordable perfect and great prom dress that leaves the right impression.

May I suggest a black prom dress. You can have a black prom dress either from retail store in your nearest mall or made it designed and tailored just for you. But in my opinion black prom dress that are made to fit for you body measurement leaves the best impact on you prom night buddies. To achieve this, it is vital that you get your perfect measurement, especially in the parts of the bust, hips and waist.

Black prom dress also conveys the image of "sophisticated". Also getting that black prom dress online could be the easiest way to shop. You can save time by walking around shops. Imagine you can browse to hundreds of black prom dress conveniently, quickly and easily. That's what wonder of our modern technology can do.

Now whether you purchase your black prom dress online or your nearest mall. I wish you all the luck and good tidings. Follow this mini guide and may you look stunning and gorgeous on you prom night.

How To Be A Woman Of Distinction

When Oprah Winfrey decided to take responsibility for her life she never looked back. She moved ahead. What two new decisions could you make to move you ahead? She exhibited a tremendous change in her thoughts years ago when she decided, never again. Never again will I settle for less than I can be.

Stop right now and think of a moment of ecstasy. Something that gives you ecstasy. Make the picture bigger and brighter. Make the sounds clearer and louder. Now, make the feelings more intense. How good do you feel? This is called the mind-body connection. The mental side of it all. This is more powerful than you could have thought.

Most people think Mother Theresa started off this wonderful, compassionate person. She didn't. She started a school teacher, one day walking down the streets of Calcutta she had an experience that little did she know it would change her life forever. She heard the cries of a sick man. She desperately tried to get him to a hospital, and at arriving at the first hospital was told they wouldnt treat him because he was too poor. She pleaded with them that he was going to die and needed attention. Still they refused. She took him all the way to a second hospital. There she was also told they wouldn't treat him. She pleaded again. Finally she went to a third, they refused also. Finally the sick man died in her arms. She made a decision right there. As long as she is around, no one would suffer unnecessarily. These simple actions changed her life. Now she has left a trail of influence.

Doctors in ancient Egypt used faeces on wounds. We now know this infuses the wound with bacteria, but back then it was accepted beyond a shadow of a doubt because thats what everybody believed.

Doctors used to prescribe a common drug called DES to pregnant women. Now we know it causes birth defects, and thousands of women are seeking damages for genital cancers and inability to conceive.

People believed the world was flat for hundreds of years, everyone believed it was flat, they were certain about that. How absurd does that come across to you now? Since a gentleman named Christopher Columbus sailed around the world and pointed out it was round, now everyone believes its round. Most people do what the majority does.

On December 1st, 1955 a fiercely determined young black woman named Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white woman. Little did she know at the time, this one action would lead to steps that would change the future for years to come. Anyone who picks up a program like this, certainly not you and I, wouldn't settle for less than we can be. May a friendly relationship begin.

Stop and decide right now who you are committed to being, to take yourself to the next level. Decide right now that following through on this is an absolute must for you.

Stop right now and think, what will it cost you if you don't take steps to increase your feelings of wellbeing? What will you miss out on if you dont take action to increase your energy now? Nobody who reads this article would settle for less than the very best.

How To Avoid Those Holiday Pounds!

If you believe the old stories about much weight people put on during the holidays, youre rightpartially. In a recent study conducted by The National Institute of Health, the researchers discovered that, in reality, most people tend to only put on just slightly under one pound. But a person who is already overweight will average a whopping five pounds extra after the last horns have been blown.

But its not all good news for even those who put on the minimum because the study also shows that we all tend to keep the pounds put on. In other words, over ten years, those not-so-much pounds, could lead someone to being overweight.

So, what can we do in order to keep those extra pounds off? After all, our homes are usually filled with holiday pies, cakes and other goodies, and they can be pretty temptingeven for the most faithful of dieters!

Heres a few tips to get you through the holidays.

Just A Nibble!

Have you ever noticed that when you start eating a rich dessert it tastes so good, but by the last bite, youve had enough? One way to keep the pounds down is just to enjoy a few bites that delicious cheesecake or chocolate fudge brownie. No one says that you have to completely deprive yourself of holiday treatsjust limit how much you eat!

Enjoy the Company, Not The Brownies!

Many people think of holiday parties in terms of the foods that theyll get to eat (or have to avoid) instead of the real reason for the celebrationthe company and conversation. If you keep yourself busy chatting with friends, youll be less likely to invade the snack table.

Go Full

Youve likely heard the grocery store trick; dont go shopping when youre hungry because youll only end up buying more. Well, the same can work for holiday parties! Eat a lot of raw vegetables, and other healthy foods that will stick with you during the party and youll be less tempted to binge on the bad stuff.

Drink Water

If you were to add up the calories that youve probably consumed in sodas, fruit punches and alcoholic beverages at parties, you would likely be amazed. You can gulp down hundreds of calories without even realizing it if youre not careful! Instead of one of these high-calorie drinks, make it a habit to drink waterwhich in itself will help flush out extra water weight.

Create An Eating Schedule

It wouldnt be funor realisticto try and get through an entire party without at least sampling some of the treats. But instead of heading instantly to the food table and loading your plateand then suffering the rest of the party because you want moretry spacing out your snacks for the entire time of the party. Plan on taking a nibble of something about every thirty minutes. Not only will it help you eat less, it will be a fun game that you can play with yourself!

Most importantly, remember that the holidays are meant for enjoyment. Dont be too hard on yourself, and if you make a mistake, talk an extra long walk to work off those extra calories instead of beating yourself up over it!

How To Avoid Common Diet Scams

As our country gains weight at an alarming rate, we are spending more each year on products that promise us easy, effortless weight loss. Each year in the United States, an estimated 35 billion dollars is spent each year on weight loss products. The problem is that in spite of headlines that feed our hopes that a new, secret, better weight loss formula has been discovered, the truth is there are no easy solutions to losing weight.

Simply put, weight loss is a combination of lifestyle choices, and is the result of a firm commitment to making and maintaining them over a period of time. Any products that offer weight loss without reduced caloric intake and increasing activity levels are fraudulent- and a waste of money.

Why Do People Buy Products That Are Scams?

Denise Bruner, MD, MPH, FASBP is a specialist in weight loss, and a fellow in the American Society of Bariatric Physicians. She shares one of the major reasons that weight loss scams flourish today: We live in a society today that wants immediate gratification. This is reflected in our willingness to buy from those that promise instant results.

The increasing obesity in our society, and hopes that weight loss can be achieved without lifestyle changes fuels the growth of frauds. Bruner states, In the U.S., currently 61% of the population is overweight, and the numbers are going up. Theres a huge market out there for weight loss products. After all, it appeals to us to find out that you can Lose 30 pounds in 30 days. We dont want to have to deprive ourselves of our favorite foods, and want something that will magically absorb the calories.

Jeannette Kopko, Senior Vice President of the Better Business Bureau for Dallas and Northeast Texas, agrees that illegitimate weight loss products feed on false promises: People are fooled by these scams because they hope that they arent scams. They hope that theyre real, and are an easier, faster, painless way to lose weight.

With the huge demand for weight loss products (and their revenues), companies are more than willing to become suppliers-whether or not their products work. Kopko states, The number of companies hawking bogus supplements and weight loss products is increasing rapidly in recent years.

How can you spot a weight loss scam?

Typically, weight loss scams make promises that arent realistic. Headlines that promise weight loss without dieting are always scams, since calorie reduction is the basis of any true weight loss program. There are no legitimate weight loss programs that allow you to eat whatever you want without limit. As Monica Revelle, public relations specialist at the FDA notes: If it sounds too good to be true-it is!

Other tips offs that the weight loss product is a scam include:

* Claims to be a secret formula: Products that claim to have secret formulas are scams. Dr. Bruner feels strongly on this issue, and states, There are no secrets to weight loss being held away from the public. In America alone, an estimated 100 people a day die from obesity; we could prevent 300,000 deaths annually if there was a real product that made weight loss simple and safe, and physicians would be the first to prescribe them.

* Theres no physical address for the business. Legitimate products and services will have a physical address and phone number. Be wary of those that only offer a mailbox, or a toll-free number to call manned by help center personnel. Kopko shares, While not all companies that have P.O. or private mail boxes (PMBs) are illegitimate, plenty are. Check to see if there are the letters PMB after a physical address; this indicates that its really a private mail box, that can forward mail to anywhere in the world. She adds that the Internet is also being used to promote frauds, and adds, You cant judge how good or legitimate a product is by how professional the web site looks. This only reflects how good their web designer was.

* They promise rapid weight loss. Weight loss that is too rapid is not only unhealthy, but is normally quickly regained. The best plans advocate moderate goals, with slow, steady weight loss of about 6-8 pounds a month over a long period. Dr. Bruner states, Any product that offer overnight or rapid changes is a fraud.

* They state that they can help a person lose fat or cellulite in a specific part of the body. Body fat is lost overall, not in a spot, and ads that claim otherwise are frauds.

* They promise permanent weight loss. No product can do this, since permanent weight loss is maintained by lifestyle changes.

By avoiding products with the above red flags in their advertising, you can protect yourself from illegitimate products-and save money.

Types of Weight Loss Scams

Weight loss scams can range from the highly illegal (and even dangerous) to the mildly unethical. Kopko states, There are degrees of fraud and misleading consumers. Some are scams where the person doesnt receive anything at all when they send in their money. Another form of scam is when the customer sends in money, and they get a product that has no benefit, such as a sugar pill.

Other weight loss scams use questionable practices, such as making claims for an ingredient-but without scientific studies to back them up. Kopko adds, In yet other scams, the product has very low levels of active ingredients, so the person doesnt get the desired result.

Some products sell because their names are similar to real products-even though they dont contain the same ingredients or quality. Dr. Bruner warns that these knockoffs are frauds: The person thinks, Oh, I can get this a lot cheaper here but be careful, and check it out thoroughly first.

Kopko has seen all types of weight loss scams during her years with the Better Business Bureau. She remembers, Years ago, in our area, there was a business that sold weight loss glasses; one lens was blue, the other brown. Supposedly, the two colors confused the brain and the person didnt get hungry. She adds, Another fraud was weight loss bath powder that a person pours into the tub, that promised weight loss.

Today, popular scams are pills, powders, patches, and herbal teas that supposedly promote weight loss.

One recent scam was a powder taken a few hours before sleep. Kopko states, It promised that the fat would melt away while you slept. The only benefit was that the person gave up their bedtime snack when they took it; there was nothing in the powder to help. And the person who bought the powder was then deluged with other products from the company that would make the product work better. It was all a huge fraud.

Dr. Bruner has also seen a variety of weight loss scams over the years. She states, Ive seen people wearing inserts in their shoes; the manufacturers claim that they hit pressure points to relieve hunger (it doesnt work). Another scam is a chocolate patch designed to reduce cravings for chocolate, or wearing special clothing to spot reduce areas. She notes that in Europe, another popular weight loss fad is getting attention: In Europe, right now mesotherapy, injecting a drug into the muscle, is a very popular fraud.

FTCs sokesperson Shirley Rooker notes that the FTC recently stopped another popular weight loss scam-and the company was forced to pay back millions to consumers taken in by its fraudulent ads. She notes, The Enforma System claimed that its products increase the bodys capacity to burn fat and would help the body burn more calories while just standing or sitting around doing nothing, even while sleeping. And the TV ads stated that consumers could enjoy fried chicken, pizza, and other high-calorie, high-fat products and still lose weight. The FTC complaint charged that there was no proof that Fat Trapper and Exercise in a Bottle really worked.1

Why Arent They Stopped?

With the huge numbers of weight loss frauds out there (it only takes opening up a magazine, or surfing the Internet to view some), the question of why they are allowed to continue is raised.

Kopko says, I get a lot of calls from people who ask, Why isnt something being done? about a scam. Basically, the answer is: until we receive complaints, a fraud cant be investigated. She adds that many times, people who are scammed dont file reports. They dont want the bother, or they dont know where to turn. The complaints we get are probably only a fraction of the problem thats out there.

She warns that not being shut down is not a guarantee of reliability. Just because a business is out there, selling weight loss products doesnt mean theyre legitimate; it may just be that they havent been caught yet. This is why its so important to be an aware consumer.

Once complaints are made, law enforcement will step in and start investigating weight loss frauds. They often prosecute illegal businesses, and force them to make restitution to their victims. But Kopko shares that not every questionable weight loss product can be dealt with in this manner: Some scams might not be illegal-just unethical. They market their products in a way that implies benefits, instead of stating them outright, and skirt the legal boundaries of false advertising.

In some cases, stopping a fraud takes time because of the decision over who has jurisdiction, and the time needed to gather the data to begin prosecuting a company. For instance, the FDAs Moica Revelle states that they only have jurisdiction over scams in which a product is proven to be unsafe. We monitor the quality and safety of weight loss products; but we dont have jurisdiction if theres no evidence of harm done.

In many cases of false advertising, the FTC steps in, and uses information gathered by other agencies to make their case against a company. Kopko states that the Better Business Bureau, while not having jurisdiction itself, make their task easier. We keep information about businesses on file, including complaints against them, and share this with law enforcement and government agencies.

How To Protect Yourself From Scams

One of the best methods of protecting yourself from weight loss scams is to seek medical advice from a qualified physician who specializes in weight loss (bariatric medicine). At times, this means first coming to terms with a realistic view of weight loss. Dr. Bruner states, Losing weight isnt simple or easy.

Basically, it means reducing calories and exercising, but it must be individualized to the persons needs. For instance, the person with insulin resistance needs a higher protein, lower carbohydrate diet so they wont feel that theyre starving; and those with allergies (such as to wheat or yeast) will need a diet that avoids these items.

To protect yourself from scams, check the product out first with your physician. And if possible, try to avoid impulse buying. First investigate the product and the companys reliability with consumer organizations. This can save you needless expense and disappointment in the long run.

Another method of avoiding scams is to visit sites that investigate consumer frauds-and check out a company before buying. Kopko states, The Better Business Bureau is a participant with the Sentinel Database (online at ) which allows consumers and law enforcement to view trends and complaints against businesses. You can also go online to our national web site at to check out a company nationally. Just click on the consumer info link, and look up diet fads and scams that have been reported.

Weight loss scams are on the rise, and the numbers of companies using fraudulent advertising are multiplying. By taking the time to carefully investigate a company and its products, and choosing to work with a qualified physician on your weight loss goals, you can save yourself needless expense and disappointment. Best of all, you can get started on the road to real, achievable weight loss goals while maintaining good health.