

Back To School and Back To Health Part 2 - Diet

As the saying goes "you are what you eat" - eating right is one of the most important things you can do to stay healthy.


It was in the early 1900's that researchers first discovered that there were substances in food that are 'vital' to life - which later became known as vitamins.

There are 9 water soluble and 4 fat soluble vitamins that people need to have in their diet. Eating lots of fruits and vegetables will give you plenty of these.

Keep in mind that some, like vitamin c, get broken down when heated so you do not want to cook all your foods that are high in this vitamin.

Vitamin D is also make in your skin when you are in the sunlight. For most people just 10 - 15 minutes a day of sun exposure is all that is needed to make enough. You don't want to overdo it or you will increase your risk of developing skin cancer.


Phytochemicals are compounds in plant derived foods that have biological activity and tend to give food tastes, color and their smell. Examples include:

* capsaicin from hot peppers

* carotenoids from deeply pigmented fruits and vegetables

* indoles from isothiocyanates from cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, etc.)

* lignins from whole grains

* phytoestrogens from soybeans and legumes

Some research even suggests that phytochemicals may give some protection from cancer and heart disease.

In general, eating a large variety of fruits and vegetables especially those with lots of color and whole grains is recommended by most experts.


Minerals that are important include calcium which helps to keep your bone healthy, among other things. Magnesium, phosphorus and iron are also important.

Potassium is often overlooked but is necessary. The ratio of potassium to sodium is very important and most people tend to eat foods with much more sodium than potassium.

What to avoid

Which brings us back to things to reduce your intake of. As stated above, too much sodium is not good. Most processed food is loaded with sodium. Generally speaking - the less processing, the better. (This does not apply to foods that are processed in ways that make them safer however. A good example is milk. Unpasteurized "raw" milk is very dangerous.) And of course you want to reduce the amount of saturated fat and high sugar foods you eat too.
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How To Lose 20 Pounds In Four Days - Get a Reality Check

Why have you procrastinated it? I'm going to be straight with you, there is no way in the world that will make you lose 20 pounds in just four days. That is if you don't have a lot of money and go through fat reducing surgery. Surgery is not a good way to lose weight, I agree that you get thinner but you still have fat stored in all the wrong places and soon it will be time for your next surgery, cardio-vascular dilatation or by-pass.

Ask yourself why you are in this situation, why you have to lose a great amount of excessive weight in a very short period of time? The answer is procrastination. If you started a month ago you would have lost those 20 pounds by now. Why didn't you? Are you under the impression that it is hard to be on a diet? That it takes too long to lose weight? That you'll be starving during diet?

Let me change your perspective.

I'm telling you that you don't have to starve to lose weight, in fact, if you do starve yourself you will get sick, lose a couple of pounds and once you start to eat normally you will gain those pounds again. Why? Because when you starve yourself, your body goes into starvation-mode, burning lesser fat for each day that goes by. Then you eat normally again and your body is in starvation-mode, what do you think will happen? Well the body believes that the increase of calorie intake is temporary and it will want to keep all of the energy and stores it, how? In fat tissue, meaning that you probably will gain more weight than you lost in the first place. This is what your body has been thought through evolution as a way to stay alive.

I believe that the single most important reason that you have failed in losing weight is procrastination. I had a lot of problems with this myself thinking, ok, I can eat this pizza today but on Monday I'm for sure going to start a new and healthier lifestyle. That was my problem...I never really started any weight loss because I thought that it would be hard and that I would feel hungry all the time and that helped me to find a lot of excuses for not starting - going to a convention next week, well, I can't be on a diet then, and so on.

Promise me one thing: If you have decided that you need to lose those extra pounds do not wait until tomorrow, start today by planning, the first thing that needs to be changed is your attitude towards cooking. If you promise me that you won't eat at KFC or McDonalds for the next month and you follow some easy guidelines, I promise that you WILL be 20 pounds lighter when the month is over.

I also promises that you get to eat as much as you want and almost anything you want just as long as you prepare it yourself. Finally, start today and next time this will not be an issue! If you need to get into that special dress or those special pants, I suggest that you buy or rent a new outfit and next time you will get into those clothes that you love.
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6 Alternatives to Make Your Diet 50 Percent Healthier Without Refraining From the Food You Love

Simple things like changing the type of oil you use, removing the fats from your meat, or even dapping up the oil from your food with a serviette can reduce the amount of unhealthy fats you take in by almost 50 percent. With all our rushed schedules these days, it is almost impossible to eat healthy. However, if you decide to read on, you'll realize that you can actually eat healthier even while eating unhealthily.

1. Oil -

Many of us use butter or other forms of animal oil to cook our food. Here's a better alternative? - Olive oil is a perfect alternative to animal oil such as butter because it has almost no saturated fats. Olive oil has been made popular by the Mediterranean diet. Olive oil also reduces the risk of getting high cholesterol as it reduces our ‘bad' cholesterol (LDL, low density lipoprotein) and increases our ‘good' cholesterol (HDL, high density lipoprotein).

- Vegetable Oil. Vegetable oil is another alternative to animal oil as it also contains little or almost no saturated fats, however, it does not give as much health benefits as Olive oil.

2. Fast Food -

If you absolutely have to grab a take-away from the fast food restaurant, here are some things you can do to reduce the damage done to your health.

- Request for more serviettes (dap/squeeze your fries),

- Do not up-size your meal,

- Avoid having Coke as your drink,

- Ask for less or no sauce,

- Avoid having deserts

3. Meat -

The favorite of millions of people world-wide, some people take in so much meat that they can be classified as carnivores. If you're a meat lover, here are some tips to make sure that your love for meat doesn't end up killing you one day.

- Chicken breast instead of the other parts,

- Remove fats from beef especially sirloin steak,

- Do not consume the skin, even if you're at KFC,

4. Potato Chips -

The love of all Americans, potato chips. If you really have to eat them, here's what you can look out for to make it 50 percent healthier.

-Check the label, if there is a high amount of saturated fats per serving, do not buy that particular brand

- Pour the chips into a bowl instead of holding the whole pack whilst watching television. This way, you finish half a pack instead of a full pack.

- Avoid nachos at all cost

5. Chocolates -

We love them, we can't do without them, we smile at the thought of them and best of all and it makes us happy after eating them. What are they? Chocolates!

- Chocolates without nuts are generally healthier

- White/Milk chocolates have very high sugar content, and should be avoided.

- Dark Chocolate will be a very good alternative to all the other chocolates as there are actually proven benefits of dark chocolates. Dark chocolates reduce your Blood pressure levels and also have a good content of antioxidants.

6. Drinks -

Soft-drinks and soda are almost the only form of liquid that Americans are consuming. Go for alternatives if you really want something sweet.

- Green Tea,

- Water (It'll take a hypnotist to brainwash some people to drink water),

- Take Coke at most twice a week,

- Substitute Coffee for Chinese/Jasmine Tea

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Fat Loss 4 Idiots Beyond Calorie Add-On - Is it Worth the Money?

Fat Loss 4 Idiots has already made a name for itself as one of the most popular diet plans on the market today with tens of thousands of users from all around the world. This diet has helped many people lose weight and keep it off for a long time. Despite the rapid weight loss rate which Fat Loss 4 Idiots delivers (6-7 pounds each 11 days according to the people I talked to), some people want to lose weight even faster, especially before important events such as a wedding or a vacation.

To meet that demand, FatLoss4Idiots has recently published an additional weight loss resource called Beyond Calories. It's important to note that this resource cannot be acquired without the regular Fat Loss 4 Idiots program. It's current price is 16.95$, though that may go higher soon. Beyond Calories works along side the regular Fat Loss 4 Idiot's program, which is based on the Shifting Calories theory, and allows you to lose even more weight faster.

Is it worth the extra cash?

Because the average weight reduction rate with FatLoss4Idiots is 6-7 pounds each 11 days, you have to ask yourself what are your goals and will they be answered with this kind of weight loss. If you're comfortable with this rate of weight loss than you can make do with the regular Fat Loss 4 Idiot's program and save your money. However, if you wish to lose fat even faster, than Beyond Calories is a great additional resource and the price tag is very reasonable. It's perfect for an even driven weight loss.

Be aware that it's a bit harder to incorporate the diet guidelines of Beyond Calories into your day to day life so that this will require additional effort on your part.
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The Dr Phil Weight Loss Solution - The Basics

Did you know that Dr. Phil is not only an expert in mending relationships, but also in helping people achieve successful weight loss? He actually prescribes seven rules for people who want to slim down, and it is now known as the 'Dr. Phil weight loss solution.' These rules - often called by critics as 'enlightening' - can teach you how to change your mind's habits to support weight loss, and also to stop making food your 'medicine.'

First rule: Own your reactions

The Dr. Phil weight loss solution says that you can 'choose' your reaction, whatever the situation. Learning how to perceive the blows that life gives you from a more productive, more positive perspective allows you to have healthier reactions. The next time you get rejected from a job, for example, do not eat a whole bag of chips or order the biggest hamburger because you 'feel like a loser.' Instead, accept that you did not like the rejection, but that you could always find other opportunities. Maybe the job wasn't meant for you, but hey - it's not the end of the world!

If you are dealing with a tragedy, such as bankruptcy, divorce, or death of a loved one, it may be hard to see the silver lining. Hard, but certainly not impossible. The key is to be able to create a meaning from your suffering. You can do this perhaps by offering counsel to people who have also experienced a tragedy or even by just becoming a volunteer. Food will not solve your depression, but finding new meaning certainly can.

Rule two: Solve problems, don't just react to them.

Two words: take action. Think of solutions, not reactions. Worrying or whining about money won't make you any money - so worrying and whining about being overweight certainly won't help you lose weight. None of your problems will go away even if you stuff yourself with all the food you can buy. You should quit being reactive and start being proactive. If you want to get somewhere, you need to start.

Rule three: Slow down your thinking

According to the Dr. Phil weight loss solution, you need to decelerate your thought process and find out why food - or gaining weight - is your coping mechanism. Many obese people do not know that they are actually sabotaging themselves voluntarily, perhaps because of an unresolved issue. Slow down and listen to your own thoughts. Maybe you could even write them down. Sometimes, al you need is to decelerate to gain the proper perspective.

Rule four: Challenge yourself

The Dr. Phil weight loss solution also requires you to reprogram your mind. Do a reality check and re-assess your attitudes and beliefs. Only by doing this can you change your evolution of yourself and ultimately become free of the negative emotions that control your eating habits. Accept that only you are accountable for upsetting yourself. It is never right to think that someone or something causes you to have negative emotions. Remember that you cannot change the conditions nor change other people - but you can change how you respond to them.

Rule five: Seek closure

Let go of the anger, vengeance, hate, and other such loads that weigh down your soul - and consequently your body. The Dr. Phil weight loss solution recommends the MER - or Minimal Effective Response technique. Do not seek revenge or plot methods to damage others. This will only cause more problems. Instead, think of the most minimal way to achieve the emotional resolution you need without ever instigating any more problems. For some people, MER simply means writing a letter to a person they have problems with. For some, it means renewing their faith.

Rule six: Forgive

Forgiveness is never easy, but it should not be impossible. According to the Dr. Phil weight loss solution, you need to see forgiveness as a choice - your choice. It can free you from anger and resentment, which could be causing you to eat more than you should.

Rule seven: Manage without food

The next time you want to eat a whole candy bar just because you think you deserve it, stop and rethink your options. Surely, there are better - healthier - ways to reward yourself. The Dr. Phil weight loss solution cites exercising, meditation and yoga, and even just simply listening to good music as more constructive alternatives. All of these help your body release endorphins that naturally reduce your anxiety.
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Mediterranean Diet Menu Plan - Five Tips For Eating Out

One of the advantages of the Mediterranean Diet is how easy it is to bring the right foods and eating habits into your own home. Dining out, however, can bit a bit tougher. In a world full of fast food, army sized restaurant portions and low-fat menus, it takes a little work to maintain your Mediterranean Diet menu plan. Here are 5 tips for finding and creating Mediterranean Diet meals when eating out.

1. Order an appetizer

With restaurants serving such large meals, most appetizers have become meals in themselves. An Italian restaurant chain I like offers an appetizer of steamed mussels in butter and garlic served over pasta with a slice of garlic bread. I can't even imagine what the dinner portion looks like! Choose appetizers with a good amount of healthy fat (olive oil, butter, hard cheese), and fresh vegetables, fish or lean meat. Sorry, mozzarella sticks don't count.

2. Split a plate

Even the healthiest Mediterranean Diet meals heaped in a pile can ruin your whole Mediterranean Diet menu plan. One solution is to share a plate with a friend. Again, with portion sizes what they are, you'll be more than satisfied with a half order of most meals. Many restaurants even allow you to request a plate split for two when you order. You'll get two individually prepared plates rather than one with half the meal scooped onto it and just have to pay for one dish.

3. Side it up

Many restaurants offer a virtual menu of side dishes you can combine to make a meal. Usually there are good grilled or steamed vegetable options so you can avoid artery-hardening deep-fried sides. For breakfast stir a side of fruit and a touch of honey into unsweetened whole yogurt (or add a splash of half-and-half to low-fat yogurt). Meal salads are also becoming more popular and usually fit nicely into the Mediterranean Diet menu plan without being altered. Since the vitamins found in vegetables are fat soluble, avoid low-fat salad dressings.

4. Create a meal

Sometimes when all the restaurants in sight are fast-food joints, a grocery store can be your best friend. Armed with your well-honed Mediterranean Diet menu plan, you can stalk the aisles for the right ingredients to create a lunch on the go. In France, a whole meal can be made from a baguette and a wedge of cheese. Try adding olives (or olive oil), cucumbers, sun-dried tomatoes, salami, anchovies, avocado, etc. to create a hearty Mediterranean sandwich.

5. Pack it

If the food you love is at home, why not take it with you when you go out? This is particularly good on a day you're running errands and don't want to spend money on a meal out. Pack some good leftovers like salad, pasta, olives, fruits, veggies and bread. Grab a blanket and enjoy the most leisurely Mediterranean Diet meals in the park between errands. Your wallet and stomach will thank you.
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The Frustrating Fast Fat Loss Diet Syndrome

Many people are frustratingly suffering from the fast fat loss diet syndrome one way or another when all it takes to lose fat fast is to burn fat faster than it grows, build lean muscle mass, develop strength and cardiovascular attributes.

Isn't it annoying when you try as hard as you can to burn pounds of your body fat, lose weight fast and look good in front of the mirror?

You hop from one diet to the other and engage in long and dull cardiovascular exercise routines.

Surely, there must be a way around this all? Surely, someone must be keeping the secrets and certainly the fitness industry does not want to reveal to you the true fast fat loss diet system otherwise, perhaps there'll be less people to serve?

Every one of us wants to be truly happy with the way we look and feel but every so often find ourselves struggling trying to lose fat fast. It makes matters worse when the fitness experts in the industry start selling crappy solutions.

In some cases, you lose hope of achieving a permanent fat loss and regaining your fitness back like the good old days.

The fact is, you are not alone fighting this niggling battle. Millions of people across the globe are having the exact frustrations about their body and health on a daily basis.

You need to make a drastic change to your lifestyle to finally burn off those fat circling your body and take full advantage of your health and fitness.

Succeed and you'll literally feel and act like a new person because you will absolutely be one!

Fail and you'll only have yourself to blame. Your dream to lose fat fast will probably haunt you for the rest of your life.

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Does The Cybergenics Quick Weight Loss Diet Really Work?

The battle of the bulge is one war that never seems to end. You've tried everything--weight loss supplements, eating healthy--but nothing seems to work. While some products may not be suited for you, it is also important to know that sometimes, it's your body to blame. Here are some factors that possibly affect weight loss. Consider them the next time you toss out your weight loss supplements because they "don't work."

5 Factors that can affect weight loss:

1. Too Many Diet Plans: Instead of making your body work harder in helping you lose weight, following too many diet plans "confuse" your body, causing a negative effect on your body. And this isn't just about not losing weight. Plunging yourself into diet plan overdrive can overwork your body and make you sick.

2. Increased Toxin Levels: When you have toxins in your body, toxins tend to go where you store body fat. The more fat you have, the more toxins you store. Because you are accumulating toxins, your body slows down. This means that the body's ability to metabolize fat also slows down, making it harder for you to lose weight.

3. Eating Emotionally: Comfort foods are, more often than not, loaded with fats and sugar. Because your body has associated feeling good with consuming comfort foods, it becomes natural that you reach for them whenever you feel down. This is one reason that being under stress makes some people gain a lot of weight.

4. Eating Large Portions: Eating a large portion means that you are taking in more calories than what you would get from a normal-sized portion. This could also stem from the fact that when people eat a normal-sized portion too fast, they tend to think that it is not enough to satisfy their hunger because they don't feel full. The truth is, it takes your body 20 minutes to "realize" that it is full. Think of all the food you would have eaten in 20 minutes? In this case, eating a normal-sized portion slowly is the best way to go.

5. Hormonal Imbalance: Some people are not actually fat because they eat way too much or are not moving as much as they should. People with hormonal imbalances have health conditions that make their bodies more ineffective when it comes to burning off calories. While not life-threatening, having a hormonal imbalance can affect the overall development of your body.

Cybergenics quick weight loss diet

The cybergenics quick weight loss diet works by combining nutritional science with a delicious food guide, integrated into a fun and easy workout that gets you going and motivated. For more than 20 years, the cybergenics quick weight loss diet has been part of the ever-growing line of weight loss products. Even with not depriving you of anything, the cybergenics quick weight loss diet is geared towards helping you:

1. control your caloric intake

2. burn calories and fats

3. control your sugar cravings

4. increase your overall energy

5. get better nutrition

6. promote losing weight

7. draw out water from beneath the skin

8. reduce absorption of fat

9. reduce bloating

10. get rid of intestinal bulk

11. develop growth of lean muscles

12. tone your muscles

13. suppress your appetite

Components of the cybergenics quick weight loss diet

1. AM Formula: The AM formula of the cybergenics quick weight loss diet works by boosting your metabolism so you burn more fat and calories while at the same time providing you with a rich source of energy. Even your cravings are kept at bay!

2. PM Formula: The PM formula of the cybergenics quick weight loss diet works so hard that you even burn fat while sleeping. Apart from helping you shed any unwanted water weight and thus curb bloating, the natural herbs that the formula contains also help to make sleep better for you.

3. Menu plan for healthy eating

4. Simple and easy exercise routine

Consult your doctor

As with any fitness regimen or weight loss supplement, talk to your doctor before taking or engaging in anything. And more so if you have any serious health conditions or are currently taking prescription medication. By consulting your doctor, he can give you advice on which fitness regimen or weight loss supplement is OK for you to take. This way, you are assured that whatever you take or do, it would be suited for you. Some weight loss supplements are ineffective not because they aren't any good to start with but rather they aren't suited for the person. What is suited for one person may not necessarily be suited for another or in exactly the same way. By consulting your doctor, you are actively eliminating possible roadblocks to achieving your fitness goals.

Be wary

No matter what a weight loss supplement or weight loss program may claim, it's not safe to lose too much weight too fast. Add that to the saddening fact that the weight that you lost so fast have the stubborn tendency of coming back just as fast with some more. This is not saying that weight loss supplements or weight loss programs aren't any good for you. Weight loss supplements work best when integrated into a regular exercise program and a weight loss program works best with a change in attitude.. Where regular exercise and healthy eating might not work as well as you would have hoped for, a little help from a weight loss supplement isn't bad. Just take into heart that while a weight loss supplement may be effective, it should not be considered as a cure-all. Losing the extra weight is a good first step towards being healthy but the real change lies in your attitude mixed in with a regular exercise and a healthy eating plan.
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Diet Plans For High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure or hypertension, as it sometimes referred to, is a life threatening condition where the pressure of the blood is raised to a dangerous level that can result in either a stroke or a heart attack. At chronic levels it can even cause total heart failure. If the pressure of the blood exceeds 140/90mm Hg then renal failure is also possible and you are at greater risk of having heart disease. Having a suitable diet if you suffer from high blood pressure is absolutely necessary for long term survival. If you continue with a high cholesterol diet eventually you will have to suffer the consequences. Sounds scary but eating the right foods can most certainly prolong your life.

No Known Symptoms

The symptoms of high blood pressure can be hard to detect. It's not unusual for people to have a problem for years and not be aware of the fact. That's why it's so important to have a regular check up with your doctor and maintain a healthy diet. This is especially important if there is a family history of heart complaints. High blood pressure is not necessarily hereditary but can follow in families.

The correct diet is important for controlling blood pressure. Research shows that those following a diet of fresh vegetables, with little or no meat, have far less chance of suffering from high blood pressure. People that have existed on a diet of fried food and red meat were highly susceptible to heart attacks, strokes and high blood pressure.

You would be very wise to check different diet plans for your high blood pressure situation and if necessary consult with your doctor who can put you in contact with a specialist dietitian. The American Heart Associations Committee have conducted massive research into the dietary needs of those with high blood pressure and have concluded that those on a suitable diet will most certainly increase their life expectancy.

A diet plan that has less salt intake is also a consideration. Americans use the greatest amount of salt in their diet than any other nation. Reducing your salt intake to less than six grams per day is highly recommended. The average American's salt intake is ten grams per day.

Along with excess salt consumption the absence of certain minerals can contribute to high blood pressure. Any diet plan for high blood pressure should try to include minerals such as magnesium, calcium and potassium.

Before starting any diet to control high blood pressure we would suggest contacting your doctor first. If you have a particular condition some diets may not be suitable. Your doctor will be able to put you in touch with a specialist dietitian who can compose a diet around your specific requirements.

Mediterranean Diet Menu Plan - Five Tips For Getting Started On The Mediterranean Diet

For centuries people across the Mediterranean have enjoyed fitness and health through easy living and a diet of rich, sumptuous foods. What's more, the rates of heart disease, obesity and other diet-related illnesses remain extremely low in the Mediterranean and continue to rise in other parts of the world. Fortunately you can enjoy the healthy lifestyle of the Mediterranean by simply applying the 5 simple elements of the Mediterranean Diet menu plan to your life today.

1. Eat real food

Many diets focus on the quantity of fats, carbs or sugars but ignore the quality of the food you eat. Our body gets the right signals from real, natural foods. When we're full, our body tell us to stop eating. But artificial and processed foods are chock full of empty calories that we stuff ourselves with before we realize we've had enough. And the result is something none of us want -- extra fat on our bodies.

2. Choose the right fats

As long as we eat enough of the right fats, our body will burn only what it needs and store very little extra. But ironically, a low- or no-fat diet causes our metabolism to grind to a crawl and hold on to every ounce of fat it can get. Worse still, the fats we store are often saturated fats and hydrogenated oils which do little more than clog our arteries. The heart-healthy fats and oils found in foods like olives, fish and nuts which are part of many Mediterranean Diet meals actually help regulate cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.

3. Slow down

One important factor in fitness and weight-loss which is often overlooked is the way we eat our food. Rushed and on-the-go eating places stress on our metabolism and pushes our bodies into fat-storage mode. The Mediterranean Diet encourages us to take our time and enjoy a meal with others. This leisurely and social way of eating helps us keep our portions reasonable yet satisfying and lets our bodies efficiently process what we eat.

4. Drink wine

Scientists are only now beginning to discover something the people of the Mediterranean have known for centuries -- that a little bit of wine can be good for you. In addition to reducing stress and improving digestion, we now know that a glass of wine a day with Mediterranean Diet meals can help regulate cholesterol and lower the risk of heart attacks by as much as 50%.

5. Walk a little

While exercise is an important component to health and overall fitness, there's no need to overdo it. Most high-intensity workout routines fail because most of us can't realistically fit them into our lives. Adding a moderate level of simple activity to the other four components of the Mediterranean Diet menu plan is enough to give us a healthy lifestyle that's both fun and easy to maintain.
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Effective Irritable Bowel Syndrome Diet

Suffering with Irritable Bowel Syndrome is not a fun experience. You have cramping, bloating, pain, constipation or diarrhea. Imagine having to deal with these symptoms on a daily basis.

There is some hope though; you don't have to keep experiencing these IBS symptoms. You can help decrease them through an effective Irritable Bowel Syndrome diet.

Through diet you can actually increase the time between IBS flair-ups and can make your life much more peaceful. Here are some Irritable Bowel Syndrome diet tips:

Foods You Should Avoid:

- Reduce your sugar intake. Sugar is an infamous trigger for Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms. Sugars that are especially bad for your IBS include: cookies, cakes, sodas, candy, donuts, candy bars, sugary fruit drinks, and other things along this line. Try instead eating fruits and nuts to address that sweet tooth.

- Avoid eating too much yeast. Yeast can cause your IBS to flair up. Some foods that contain yeast include: breads, rolls, donuts, and coffee cakes.

- Cut back on dairy products like milk, cheese, yogurt, and cream.

- Cut back on spicy foods. This is a big part of the Irritable Bowel Syndrome diet. Spicy foods can really trigger symptoms of IBS, and should be avoided. This includes foods like: hot sauce, jalapenos, spicy dips, cayenne pepper, and Cajun foods.

- Corns, grains and rice may trigger IBS symptoms for some people. If you have noticed more symptoms after you have eaten these foods, it's best that you avoid these as well.

Avoiding foods like these can ensure that you don't suffer as much with IBS symptoms. Utilizing a Irritable Bowel Syndrome diet is a great way to keep your symptoms under control, and help you live a better life. Here are some more tips on how to Irritable Bowel Syndrome diet.

Foods That Are Good for IBS:

- Drink plenty of water. Water is crucial in an Irritable Bowel Syndrome diet. Not only does it help you to keep from overeating, but also it helps with constipation and diarrhea.

-Add more soluble fiber. Fiber keeps the colon distended some, and this helps reduce spasms. Fiber is also great staple in a Irritable Bowel Syndrome diet because it absorbs water, which makes stools easier to pass and helps prevent constipation.

- Chamomile and Catnip tea are wonderful for helping with spasms and pain associated with IBS. This is because they both produce calming effects on the intestinal tract. They are also really great when you add a tablespoon of honey.

In addition to your diet, there are some supplements that can lessen or eliminate your IBS symptoms. You should only consider a supplement that is all natural, as chemical and other additives can cause your symptoms to become worse. Utilizing an all-natural IBS herbal remedy can help you take control of your life, IBS, and make you feel more like your old self again.
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The Working Benefits Of Green Tea Weight Loss

We all know a fad diet when we see one. Certified studies by organizations neither we nor anyone else has ever heard of advocate abstaining from one or several food groups. Late night television-advertised diets don't really cut it. But we can always look to the tried and true remedies of thousands of years - healthy eating practices, with the aid of herbs widely acknowledged and scientifically proven to yield genuine health benefits, always do the trick.

Green tea is part of no fad diet. Originating as a domestically cultivated herb around 5000 years ago in China and India, millions upon millions of people in the past and present have found the drink to be an immense health benefit in addition to being a pleasurable beverage. But most important to us, green tea, by several recent scientific studies, has been revealed to be an aid to losing weight. But how does green tea weight loss work?

1.) Metabolic Stimulation

Our metabolism (how quickly we convert nutrients into energy and burn it) is elevated by drinking green tea. This has nothing to with green tea's caffeine content. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study demonstrating the positive effects of catechin, a natural chemical found in the herb. Catechin stimulates the body's process of thermogenesis, the means by which the body produces heat to utilize energy (or, the metabolism). The Linus Paul Institute concurs with these findings, after concluding that, after ingesting green tea extract, the body burns calories at an increased rate of 3-4%. But for green tea weight loss you don't have to use the extract - just drink it.

2.) Appetite Suppression

Again, this has nothing to do with caffeine. The University of Chicago, after a clinical study incorporating the effects of green tea in rats, found the rats to consume significantly reduced portions of food after 7 days of consistent dosage. Green tea normalizes our blood sugar levels, so our blood sugar dropping and consequently making us hungry happens much less frequently. When we don't feel the call to the fridge so consistently, it's much easier to focus on losing weight.

3.) Substituting Caffeine Drinks

Most of us begin the day by drinking some form of caffeine. And often, these drinks are full of chocolate or other flavoring, cream, and sugar - and end up containing an enormous amount of calories. When we look to lose weight, and cut out a substantial portion of our calorie intake, our coffee drinks are perhaps the best area to begin. 500-700 calories are a norm for many of these drinks, and all to get that boost of energy at the start of the day. But green tea contains caffeine too, and switching to the herbal beverage can seriously reduce our calorie consumption. It can jump-start our day while it boosts our metabolism, and it tastes great, too - so why not try this substitution?

Green tea weight loss really is as simple as it sounds. For the weight-loss minded, experts recommend around 3-5 cups a day - and if you want to drink more, no problem. Green tea may be one of the most natural and healthy weight loss techniques around - and is anything but a fad.
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Why Choose Low Carb Weight Loss Diet Instead Of Other Weight Loss Systems?

Among the well-acclaimed weight loss systems popular these days is the low carb weight loss. Central to this type of weight loss is the very low level of carbohydrate consumption necessary to facilitate the loss of unwanted fats. This system adheres to the philosophy of eating unlimited amounts of food. However, the types of carb consumed must be very controlled.

Carbohydrates come in variety, there are those that are constructed in a very complex manner while others have simple construction. In low carb weight loss diet, the types of carbohydrates are discriminated. Thus, the person under this type of diet system may not necessarily eliminate carbohydrate consumption but has to limit the amount of carbohydrates that are often hard to digest.

Many people who do not want too much diet restrictions often go with low carb diet since it helps people to change their old eating habits without really cutting off the pleasures of eating. This means that people could eat the food they want such as those that are usually eliminated in most weight loss and diet plans. So what exactly are the foods categorized under low carb weight loss system?

Eggs, steak, cheese, butter, poultry and pork chops could be consumed when under the low carb weight loss plan. These have low levels of carbohydrates but are high in protein. Be sure though to get rid of the unwanted fats usually found in these types of food. With low carb weight loss plan, you can in fact eat your favorite cheese burger, only you have to remove the bun. We all know that the bun is pure carbohydrates so you would have to do away with it. You should also replace other ingredients with high carbohydrate content.

Also, it is not necessary that when you are on low carb weight loss system, you have to be a total vegetarian. You may eat lots of fish and sea foods. You also have the pleasure to eat mayonnaise without having to worry about the consequences. If you are a big fun of fish cuisines you can do anything with them so long as you limit the consumption of carbohydrate. For example, you can bake, fry or broil your fish but you can't cook them with breading.

Low carb weight loss diet is fairly easy to do. You just need to have more awareness on what type and how much carbohydrate to eat to harness much of the benefits.
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Why Diets Fail and How to Prevent it

Losing weight is easy. Anyone can lose weight. Everyone at one point in their lives has lost weight. Keeping the weight off isn't easy. Most people can't keep the weight off. Everyone at one point in their lives has put weight back on. Scientific studies have shown time and time again that diets and dieting don't work. That's right "scientifically proven" not to work. Now that is a headline you won't see very often.

Recently a group of scientists looked at the outcomes of 14 different long term weight loss studies. The initial weight loss in these studies, like most, was great with the participants losing an average of 31 pounds. However at the end of a 4 year follow up period the participants had gained back an average of 24lbs! 7 of these 14 studies actually showed that the participants gain back MORE weight then they had lost. This example, unfortunately, is not the exception but the norm. Countless long term weight loss studies yield disappointing results upon their conclusion.

What is the problem here?

Part of the problem lies in how scientific studies are set up. Randomized clinical trials are seen by many as the gold standard of scientific research. In a randomized clinical trial a participant is randomly assigned to a treatment group, meaning that they are randomly given a diet to follow. This is the problem. If you are randomized to a low carb diet but you hate red meat then you are set up for failure; because as soon as you can get off the diet you will. Weight loss studies also don't allow for a "break-in" period. With my clients it can take 2-6 weeks before they are fully following the Naked Nutrition Plan. When you can ease into nutritional changes they are more likely to "stick" over the long term. In weight loss studies people are given a diet and they need to follow it exactly starting from day 1. As a result people rely purely on will power to get then through. This never results in the formation of long term habits and the weight eventually gets put back on.

While many scientific studies have failed to elicit long term weight loss there is one on-going study that has set the standard for successful long term weight loss - The National Weight Control Registry. The National Weight Control Registry, established in 1994, was determined to figure out what are the keys to long term weight loss. There are currently over 5,000 members that report back regularly answering questions about their weight, diet, and behaviors. As I mentioned yesterday the average weight loss over a 5.5 year period is 66lbs! Not many people are able to keep that much weight off for that long. Here are some interesting statistics about the National Weight Loss Registry participants.

* 78% eat breakfast every day.

* 75% weigh them self at least once a week.

* 62% watch less than 10 hours of TV per week.

* 90% exercise, on average, about 1 hour per day.

How many of the above items do you do? I hope all of them. These are all simple but extremely effective practices. World renown speaker Brian Tracy says the key to success is finding what successful people do and copy it. Copy these people.

Another interesting fact about the participants of the National Weight Loss Registry is that 98% of the people say that they needed to modify their food intake in some way to lose weight. This speaks to the great importance that needs to be placed on nutrition. Successful weight loss plans do not just include exercise. The key is diet and exercise.

Here are some more tips for long term weight loss.

o You need to find a diet plan that works for you. If you love meat, don't try to become a vegetarian because you think it will help you lose weight.

o Don't try to be perfect right away. Make gradual changes to your nutritional plan as not to shock your system. Gradual changes seem more natural to your body, making it less likely that you are going to relapse.

o Choose a nutritional plan that is rich in fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and a variety of fats. Don't pick a crazy fad diet - gimmicks don't last.

Now you know why diets fail and how to make them successful. Look at your own nutritional plan, where does it fit? Is you plan setting you up for long term success? If not reread this article and make the necessary changes so that you can keep the weight off permanently.
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Corporate Contests Biggest Loser Craze

Many companies are not waiting until New Years Eve to make resolutions about their total health and wellness program and incorporating weight-loss competitions inspired by a popular TV shows such as "The Biggest Loser." Corporations are investing big dollars by assisting workers who are concerned about their waistlines. Employers are viewing this as a win-win situation by creating an opportunity to improve employee health, increase productivity, reduce absenteeism and lower health care costs.

From reading many testimonials employees have admitted that they were excited about the contest as they really didn't have the motivation and willpower necessary to lose weight on their own. Interestingly it seems the idea of a competition built a true camaraderie, team centered environment which kept the motivation and focus on their weight loss targets. Turns out some corporations are seeing extra benefits as it relates to the overall culture with enhanced teamwork and tenacity.

Apparently these contests have spurred it's contestants to make radical changes to their eating and fitness habits which are even rubbing off on others. It appears, the most popular choice in the soda machine is sparkling water, and it's common for people to use the stairs instead of elevators and walk or run around the building at lunch.

As a Human Resources Professional and champion of our health and wellness program for my company, this initiative sparked my interest both from corporate perspective and also personally. I too have tried many weight loss programs in the past, trying to lose those pesky pounds but they keep creeping back, so I would try another one and then I was back at square one.

It is very tempting to be one of many companies incorporating this great idea and host a fad diet competition by using the latest magazine article that promises the world with fantastic fat losses, just take a couple of fat burning pills follow the diet and then wow! A brand new body in a few weeks.

The sad fact is these fat diets don't work long term, so what does this mean, what would happen to morale and productivity? I asked myself, would this potentially spoil the short term gain and have a damaging effect on the culture and morale for the employee's long term?

This was a great opportunity for me to find a total health and wellness program through nutrition and exercise and reap the rewards long term rather than just a quick fix. My company sponsors fitness and exercise through at our local gym so my research focused on uncovering a nutritional program that is safe and natural. After months of searching I was introduced to doctor recommended total health and wellness system that focuses on cleansing and fat burning. I jumped right in and gave it a try, and why not I had tried virtually everything else. I have to report that my results have been absolutely amazing; I have dropped over 20 pounds and 28 inches, safely and naturally and to my surprise I have kept it off. This system has changed my life in understanding the importance of looking after my internal body and the best thing is I feel fantastic.

I recommend companies and individuals to take advantage of my research and be cautious about be involved or incorporating Biggest Loser type contests as a band-aid approach and seek long-term results.

I encourage you to visit and click on Doctor Becky's video to educate those considering a healthy and more vibrant life style. Based on the video presentation please click on the contact me tab for more information and contact details so I can assist you with choosing the program that suits you based on your lifestyle and the results you desire.
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The Slim Fast Diet Plan - Have You Had Your Chocolate Shake For Breakfast?

Slim Fast and the Slim Fast diet plan have been around for more than 20 years now. Without a doubt they have become the most popular diet shake around. But, does this weight loss plan really work?

The Slim Fast Diet Plan

The Slim Fast plan is not difficult to follow. You have a Slim Fast shake for breakfast in the morning and another one for lunch. For dinner, the plan calls for a "sensible" meal. Sensible can mean many different things to people, but that's another story.

You can also have two pieces of fruit each day as well as one of Slim Fast's nutritional bars.

The shakes and nutritional bars can be purchased at any grocery store or Wal-Mart.

The Slim Fast diet plan also includes regular exercise and encourages you to drink 8 glasses of water a day. These are two important points and keys to success in any type of weight loss program.

Does the plan work?

The Slim Fast plan will reduce your daily calories to around 1200 if you eat that sensible dinner each night. This means that anyone should lose weight with the plan.

While you can definitely lose weight with Slim Fast, there are some drawbacks. Since this is a calorie restricted diet, you may not get enough vitamins and minerals to maintain good health. A multi vitamin could help.

The reliance on making yourself a sensible dinner can also be difficult. Because you have only had 2 shakes all day along with a piece of fruit, you're going to be hungry. It's very easy to get carried away at dinner. It will take some extra discipline to make it work.
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Shifting Calories Method - And Why It Works

Shifting calories is a great way to lose weight, because it helps you easily trick your body.

When you eat low calorie or low carbohydrate, your body gets used to the same routine. Eating 1200 (or however many you choose) calories every day is something that your body can easily get used to, and it will adjust accordingly. It will lower your metabolism accordingly, and it will make you lose weight at a much slower pace. With this method, your body never knows what's coming to it, so it will never be able to plateau. You'll continuously lose weight, over and over again.

This is also great for your psychological mindset. When you do the shifting calorie method the right way, you shift you calories to a certain level on different days. Because some days are almost drastically higher, you get to "cheat" on those days. This is great for people because they don't feel like they're missing out on their favorite foods, or that they're different from the non-dieters in their life.

You're also never bored with your diet, which is very important. "Diets" don't really help people - but lifestyle changes that are easy to commit to for life are things that will allow weight loss to stay off for a long, long time. With the shifting calorie method, you also don't need to deprive yourself of nutrients, as you would on diets such as the cabbage soup diet, the cookie diet, or other popular fad diets. You can eat whatever you want, as long as it's within calorie allotments.

Rachel has lost 100 pounds herself, and is passionate about helping other people do it too. She has been featured in Woman's World, among others.
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Hay Diet Treats Chemical Condition Of The Body - The Doctor's Approach

In 1911, Dr. William Howard Hay made known about food combining. After practicing medicine for 16 long years, Dr. Hay developed some forms of illnesses like high-blood pressure, dilated heart, and Brights disease or more popular as chronic nephritis, which is a kidney-related disease.

Since around that time, there was no available treatment yet for enlarged heart conditions, this provoked Dr. Ray to come up with treatments to his deteriorating health. His basic instinct told him than in every health condition, there must be an underlying cause to trigger such health problem. Then, he came up with improper chemical components within the body as the basic cause.

He experimented on himself. He did it by "eating fundamentally" as he would put it. He took foods in its most natural form, with no protein and starch combination together in the same banquet. The incorrect chemical condition was acidity, which was acquired by too much ingestion of highly acidic foods. These acids collected were in higher levels that the body cannot tolerate anymore.

Along with his form of diet, Dr. Hay recommended physical activities like exercises, fresh air and lifestyle changes. Actually, Dr. Hay's number one rule for the diet is not combining starch and sugar with acid fruits and protein in the same meal. Second, salads, fruits and vegetables should be given importance within the course of the diet, and protein, fats and starch must be taken in moderation or very less amounts. Wholegrain and unprocessed starches are the only ones recommendable. It is also advisable to give at least four hours interval for the next meal of another food group, Dr. Hay calls this a "food combining" diet. Acidic foods include those that are rich in protein, dairy, meat, and fish, while carbohydrate-rich foods include, grains, potatoes and rice.

Strict compliance to this Hay Diet reverses degenerative and chronic conditions like arthritis, indigestion and constipation. This is favorable for those with allergy and asthma. Another benefit is the weight loss effect reducing the risks of obesity-related maladies such as gallstones, heart diseases, and diabetes.

As Dr. Hay attempted to treat his own systems, his doctors were surprised and he was relieve to find out that after three months of his own remedy, his condition does improved. Because of this, he came to believe that somehow, medicine has some glitch to treatments of diseases. He thought it should work if medicine could come near to treating the illness itself rather than the aftermath of the predicament.

Dr. Hay was convinced then that he had a successful approach to treating diabetes. He started treating his patients with diet and showed to them how his patients can attain optimum health through diet with no irreversible organic changes. Through the years, Dr. Hays was popular for his creative method called the "Hay Diet." Aside from the diet, Dr. Hay also taught the significant importance of exercise, fresh air, daily bath and sunshine.

Despite Dr. Hay's success in his time, he was continually criticized by medical community, who were at that time were so focused on the increasing drug usage for treatments, and germ theory of diseases. Dr. William Hay continued his practices, treating patients and doing lecture until he finally bid goodbye for good in 1940.
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Weight Watchers Food Points - How the Weight Watchers Point System Works

For a person who wishes to lose weight, the possibilities seem endless. There are literally countless diet plans out there for you to chose from. In order for you to make the right choice, you have to know which diets will get you to lose weight and, more importantly, which diets are healthy for you. Of course, it is difficult to know in advance which diet is healthy and which isn't. Even if you read research studies on diets you can't tell for sure. One study says one thing and another says the exact opposite, it's virtually impossible to come to an informed conclusion.

However, there are some signs which you can look for to make up your own mind as to which diet is likely to be healthy and which isn't:

1. Does your diet allow you to eat a reasonable amount of food? If not, it isn't healthy, it's basically starvation. Starvation diets are unhealthy and they also don't deliver on long termed results. They are also difficult to stick to for a long time.

2. Does your diet deprive you of a certain food group? If your diet is not balanced, if you can't eat carb or fat or protein, your diet is depriving you of crucial nutrients. Your diet should allow you to eat a reasonable amount of every food group. Otherwise, it may be hazardous to your health.

3. Does your diet instruct you to eat the same thing over and over again? There are some diets which prescribe eating the same meals over and over again. Good nutrition is diverse. Make sure that your diet menu is diverse. It will also help you to keep motivated on the diet.

Following these 3 tips will greatly increase your chances of choosing a diet which isn't only good for you, but which will also get you to lose weight and keep it off.
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Healthy Diet - How to Know If Your Diet is Good For You?

For a person who wishes to lose weight, the possibilities seem endless. There are literally countless diet plans out there for you to chose from. In order for you to make the right choice, you have to know which diets will get you to lose weight and, more importantly, which diets are healthy for you. Of course, it is difficult to know in advance which diet is healthy and which isn't. Even if you read research studies on diets you can't tell for sure. One study says one thing and another says the exact opposite, it's virtually impossible to come to an informed conclusion.

However, there are some signs which you can look for to make up your own mind as to which diet is likely to be healthy and which isn't:

1. Does your diet allow you to eat a reasonable amount of food? If not, it isn't healthy, it's basically starvation. Starvation diets are unhealthy and they also don't deliver on long termed results. They are also difficult to stick to for a long time.

2. Does your diet deprive you of a certain food group? If your diet is not balanced, if you can't eat carb or fat or protein, your diet is depriving you of crucial nutrients. Your diet should allow you to eat a reasonable amount of every food group. Otherwise, it may be hazardous to your health.

3. Does your diet instruct you to eat the same thing over and over again? There are some diets which prescribe eating the same meals over and over again. Good nutrition is diverse. Make sure that your diet menu is diverse. It will also help you to keep motivated on the diet.

Following these 3 tips will greatly increase your chances of choosing a diet which isn't only good for you, but which will also get you to lose weight and keep it off.
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Controlling Your Waistline With Portion Controlled Diets

A little over thirty years ago portion controlled diets became very popular. They were a quick and easy way to control how many calories you took in every day and weight loss was inevitable. Every one seemed to love them and the results that they gave. But over time their appeal started to fade as dieters got bored with the food selection and the taste and textures of the products were, well let's just say that the boxes that they came in often tasted better than the meals they held.

Then 10 years ago there was a resurgence in popularity due to many health advisors stating all the ills that could be had when one is overweight and others praising the results that could be obtained with a diet that was weighed and measured, as most of us underestimate the size of our food portions. But again consumers started turning away from these plans in droves as they felt the types of foods offered were less than their gourmet counter parts. Sure, no one expected the meals to taste like a fancy restaurant meal but they also didn't want to feel as though they were being punished with such a limited variety of foods or foods that tasted bland.

If you have never thought of going on a portioned controlled diet because you prefer to eat for the taste of food and not just to survive, then I've got some good news for you. A funny thing happened last year, several celebrities started showing up on television speaking the praises of portion controlled diets. They spoke about the variety of meals that are offered and practically had up drooling when they described the taste and how the weight just melted off. But they couldn't be talking out the same type of portion controlled diet foods that I can get, they must have them made especially for them?

Surprise! These are the same meals that you and I can get. Yes, you see the industry has finally listened and they have, and are continuing to revamp their programs so that it is no longer a chore to eat the meals, but a luxury. Gone are the tiny portions, gone are the one size fit's all type of program. You now can choose the foods that you want from a very large selection and not have to settle for the same meal weekly. The portion sizes for men are larger, they have specific programs for diabetics, vegetarians, those that want to go the low carb route and for those over 60 who have need different nutritional needs than those in their 30's.

Just reading the long list of food choices can make you dizzy. Oh, and did I mention snacks and cakes? Yes, you'll find chips, chocolate cake and cookies as part of your selection. Although still not quite as tasty as home cooked meals or a good as a local four star restaurant, the food actually is quite good. What is also good is the fact that they are still low calorie, low fat meals that will help you reach you weight loss goal fairly quickly. There are even plans that accelerate weight loss for when your in a bind to lose weight for a special event.

Although these diets are still referred to as portion controlled diets, don't let the old reputations hold you back, portion controlled diets are back and better than ever in 2007. Next time your watching television and you see a celebrity talking about the portion diet that they are on, listen up,as it may just be what you are looking for to fit into those skinny jeans.
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Weight Loss 4 Idiots - 4 Mental Tips to Extra Success

Weight loss 4 idiots, better known as Fat Loss 4 Idiots, is a well established, widely used diet. As with any successful diet, you can either do well at it, or do great. What usually determines the level of your success is the mental aspect. Going on a diet isn't easy. The better you handle it mentally, the longer you'll be able to stick to your diet and the better you will do.

Here are 4 mental tips to make sure that your experience with Weight Loss 4 Idiots will be an extra successful one:

1. Visualize yourself 11 days into the future - With Weightloss4idiots you can lose 9 pounds every 11 days. In order to boost your motivation, you should spend a little time visualizing how you will look and feel at the end of those 11 days. Paint yourself a mental picture of how you will look and feel and you will be more motivated.

2. Have fun with the diet - If you constantly think about how bad it is to be on a diet, you will only get depressed. Have fun with you diet, smile, and enjoy the fact that you will soon look much better.

3. Be proud of yourself - going on a diet isn't easy. You should be proud of yourself for taking this step to ensure your happiness and health. Being proud of yourself is a great motivator.

4. Don't set unrealistic goals - If you set your sights on the sky, you will usually fail. The same thing with Weight Loss for Idiots. Don't expect to lose all your weight at once. This is a process. If you lose just 6 pounds in 11 days, that's still great and you should be happy. There's nothing as demoralizing as striving for unreachable goals.

Follow these 4 tips and you will have a much easier and more successful time with Weight Loss 4 Idiots.
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Get Into the Closet after Weight Loss Surgery

After you’ve had a gastric bypass surgery, you’ll lose a lot of weight in a very short period of time.  This is a double-edged sword in the sense that you rejoice over the fact that you are losing weight so rapidly, yet in addition, you face challenges of wearing clothing that properly fits your ever-shrinking body.  There’s a way you can manage this bitter/sweet dilemma.

It becomes very frustrating as you rummage though your clothes trying to find items that fit you.  In my own personal experience, I was changing clothing sizes every three (3) weeks, and I can attest to this dilemma of trying on clothing that was either too loose or still too snug to wear.  The time it took me to actually ôfindö the outfit of the day ended up being so time-consuming and frustrating, I had to figure out a way to speed up the process of simply clothing myself, easing the frustrations of scattered clothing everywhere, and eliminating the sour attitude I had about clothes when I should have been thrilled to suffer from such a ôhappy problemö of finding smaller-sized clothing to wear.

The SOLUTION was to GET INTO THE CLOSET (and dresser drawers) and organize my clothing by SIZE.

This was a new concept!  There are several ways we’ve always organized our closets and drawers:  Perhaps we’ve done it by color, by season, by fabric, by climate, by event, by holiday, by clothing type, by style, etc. etc.  But very FEW people have ever organized their clothing by SIZE.

The advantage of organizing your closet and drawers by size is that you can easily locate them and making them readily handy during those trying-on adventures.  Then as you move out of one size and progress to the next smaller size, it’s an easier transition to find that next smaller size that fits you far better than that slightly larger size that probably drapes on you in an unflattering way.

Be sure when you are organizing your closet that you take into account those clothing labels which may not reflect a ôtrue size.ö  Keep in mind that when you buy or borrow used clothing, some articles may have shrunken, or perhaps people had the article altered to better fit their exact body type.  When this happens, simply pin a little tag on the clothing that states what size YOU believe it really is according to how it fits your body.  For example, a second-hand pair of jeans may have a ôsize 14ö tag on them, but because of shrinkage, they will fit you as if they are a ôsize 10.ö  Pin a little tag that says ôsize 10ö on them and organize among your other size-10-clothing for easy reference.  This eliminates the need to try on the jeans over and over again because you can’t remember how they fit your body.  And if you’re not sure what size the garment represents, then pin a different note on them such as, ôMaybe in one more month (specify month).ö  Figure out what note system works best for you.

Consider arranging a drawer or bin labeled ôAlmost Me.ö  Once you place items in this spot, be sure to try these clothes on every two weeksà. Few things are more painful than having clothing in there and you waited too long to try them on and they are now too large to wear!  I can recall some clothing I looked forward to wearing but never was able to wear them simply because by the time I checked on them, they were too large for me!  Had I checked them out at a set time, such as every-other Thursday or something like that, I wouldn’t have missed my window of opportunity to wear them.

As soon as you are out of that larger size, PACK THEM AWAY and give them to someone else, sell them, or donate them to a charity/thrift store.  There is no need to hang onto those clothes!  Really!  I had somebody ask me, after I lost 80 pounds, ôwhen will you be convinced that you’re not going to ever wear those clothes again?  After losing 100 pounds?  After losing 150 pounds?  When?ö  This person made me realize that I needed to act on trust that I was indeed losing weight and I would not be gaining that type of weight back again.  What a happy day it was to pack up all of those clothes and part with the memories that went along with them!

Realize and accept the fact that you will go through many changes in your clothing size as you lose your weight after a bariatric surgery.  If you started out wearing a size 3X and you’ve lost 30-50 pounds, you should not be wearing those same size 3X clothes; for if you are, you are, you are not complimenting the fact that you are losing weight and your appearance may look too droopy or saggy.

Plan a time when you can begin this project of getting into the closet (and drawers).  It’s going to be work, but very well-worth it to you in the long run.  Think SIZE only.  Nothing else.  Then each day when you search for something to wear, the right size of the day will be at your fingertips and not all scattered throughout various places to annoy you.

Losing weight so rapidly is changing your life and it should also change the way your closets are organized.  You have different needs nowà not just in how you eat, but how you locate what you’re going to wear for the day.  Make is easier and a pleasant experience for you.  Size matters!

Effects Of Low Carb Diets

Low carb diets are currently the most popularity type of diet regimen being used by many fitness conscious people. The low carb philosophy is taking the world by storm as millions of people are now trying out this new diet in the hopes of losing excess weight and fat.

Proponents of the low carb diet philosophy are also saying that aside from losing weight, it also has other inherent benefits. They said that it lowers cholesterol, helps control diabetes or completely stop it from developing in certain individuals. These are claims that seem to have been supported by actual facts as followers of a low carb diet plan have reported the same thing.

This is well and good because it is a good development to finally find a diet plan that is not only going to help you lose weight but will also have very noticeable and significant medical benefits.

But it cannot also be denied that there are many diet plans out there that are either not effective, bogus or even harmful and have a detrimental effect on one's health. So the question also remains. Are low carb diets safe?

Not surprisingly there are certain arguments that are being presented against low carb diets and ultimately there are also moves to debunk the low carb diet philosophy. In fact, in 2004 a Canadian court made a ruling that foods that are sold in the country are prohibited from being marketed with reduced or no carbohydrate content. This is because, as the court ruled, carbohydrates have been seen as having no health risks. The ruling also stated that all packaging that has and indication of "low carb" or "no carb" be phased out by 2006.

According to some critics and detractors of the low carb diet philosophy there are side effects to following this diet regimen. Some of the side effects of consuming low amounts of carbohydrates include ketosis. This is a certain metabolic state that is characterized by headaches, nausea, tiredness, dehydration, and dizziness. There is also the emanation of an sweet-smelling breath odor. There is also a chance of constipation because dietary fiber is usually cut down in the prepared dishes. In fact, because of the prevalence of constipation among Atkins Diet followers, there is now a clear guideline for the addition of fiber supplements during the induction stage.

The cutting down of calories that are taken from carbohydrates and replacing them with calories taken from meat may also increase the likelihood of raising the intake of both saturated fat and cholesterol - and this could increase your chances of getting heart disease. It has also been a contention that with the lessened carbohydrate - increased protein intake the kidneys will have to work harder to flush out impurities in the body. There is also a marked change in the acidity levels of the blood which can result in bone loss.

But according to trials made to prove the hypothesis, there was no evidence that following a low carb diet will damage the kidney or result in bone density loss.

The frustrating part will be that after you are off the low carb, you will very probably gain back all the weight that you have loss and even more. This is because your muscles are active and they continuously burn calories. Since you have less fewer muscle mass now, your body's metabolism or capacity to burn calories slows down tremendously.

In other words, when you put on weight again, you are putting on body fat instead of muscles if you do not exercise. You will be fatter and less healthy than before you went on the low carb. To compound matters, because of lesser muscle tissues resulting in lower metabolism and thus lesser calories being burnt, you are going to get fatter.
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How To Lose Weight And Improve The Environment With Your Diet

In Morgan Spurlock's 2004 movie, Super Size Me, the filmmaker focused on how fast food and obesity worked together to create a national epidemic of health and weight concerns. Although it's no secret that fat laden and greasy hamburgers, french fries, other fried foods and fatty dressings are the staples of America's fast food empire, is it possible that a diet and fitness program that entails lowering red meat and poultry intake and simply increasing physical activity will contribute to both weight loss and improvements to the environment?

There's overwhelming evidence that eating less red meat and more fruits and vegetables lowers the risk of disease. It has been documented that many people living in Mediterranean area countries typically live longer than other Europeans. This may be because of their eating habits and what is known in some circles as the 'Sonoma Diet.' This way of eating includes eating higher amounts of potatoes, breads, nuts, fresh fruits and vegetables. Another staple of this diet is high amounts of omega-3 polyunsaturated fats (from a fish like Salmon or walnuts). Furthermore, the 'Sonoma Diet' calls for using olive oil in lieu of synthetic vegetable oils that are major contributors to heart disease.

Consider that in addition to the health benefits of eliminating red meat, there can also be an environmental benefit as well. Raising animals for food consumes tremendous quantities of fuel, pesticides, land, fertilizers and water. In 2006, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), commented that if the rest of the world had the same appetite for meat as Westerner's, we would quickly run out of land and irrigation water. A 1997 BioScience article documented that the amount of water necessary to produce crops like potatoes, corn, wheat and soy beans, was negligible compared to the nearly 18,000 gallons of rain and irrigation water needed produce a pound of beef. In the U.S., raising livestock and irrigating our crops uses approximately half of all the freshwater we use. If this number seems high, consider that it takes more than 7 pounds of grain to put a pound of weight on cattle in feedlots. Since much of this weight gain in cattle goes into bone and organ gains, it actually takes more feed to result in a pound of beef.

Additionally, one should recognize the harm caused by excess use of fertilizers. CSPI documented that so much fertilizer from Midwestern corn farms has been washed down the Mississippi River into the Gulf of Mexico over the years, that coastal Gulf areas now have a poorly oxygenated "dead zone" where bottom dwelling sea life cannot survive.

We should also consider the impact of beef on global warming and production of greenhouse gases. A few years ago, some University of Chicago researchers estimated that every American who eats a typical diet consisting of red meat, instead of an all-plant diet, actually contribute as much greenhouse gases as if he or she were driving an SUV instead of a less polluting car like a Camry. These researchers estimated that if every American switched to an all plant diet, 430 million fewer tons of carbon dioxide would be produced annually. It may be only 6% of the United State's emissions, but it's a start.

So how does one start such a diet to not only make a difference in their health, but also improve the environment? Understand that red meat, eggs and dairy products are among the biggest sources of cholesterol and saturated fat, which contribute towards heart disease. Some have estimated that eliminating meat, diary, poultry and eggs from our diets could save more than 60,000 lives per year. To take it one step further, eating plant foods rich with vitamins, minerals and fiber (all absent form animal foods) could potentially save thousands more lives. If you're panicking because you won't ever be able to have the hamburger you love, stop. From a health perspective, it's not necessary to become a strict vegetarian. Limiting your intake to an occasional cheeseburger (choose extra, extra lean ground beef), let alone a serving of grilled boneless and skinless chicken, is not a bad thing. If you're going to remain an omnivore, like I have decided to, look for the lowest fat versions of meat and dairy foods. When you can, buy locally grown foods. One step further is to buy organically grown food because it's better for the environment.
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How Juice Dieting Can Help You Lose Weight

Let's do juicing! Just the mention of juicing and one conjures up visions of celebrity super bodies relaxing around the LA pool, soaking in the sun and sipping some colourful concoction through elegant, sometimes flashy straws.

Well however you prefer yours, I've got no problem, but juicing is here to stay - thankfully, at long last, it's taken its rightful place on the podium with the kings and queens of dieting.

There are many wonderful benefits to juice dieting. To be frank, it's the simplest, most convenient road into the invigorating lifestyle associated with a healthy, vibrant body. Your body belongs to you and its up to you to take control of its well being. We've been led along the path to ill health and sickness long enough and the giants of the food and drink conglomerates have only been too willing to take us there.

What to Expect From Your Juice Diet

At the outset, juice diets are not to be mistaken for any other liquid diet. A diet based on fruit and vegetable juices is quit unlike a regular liquid diet. When you undertake a course of juice dieting your intake is set around consuming about 8 tall glasses, each of 12 ounces, of specially formulated juice per day. The super packed foods, which you will consume, are not the odd bottle of shop bought Tropicana from the local gas station on the way from a hard day at work.

Special Formula Juice Diet

For the juice diet to be successful you need to drink the expressly formulated juices which are obtainable online and in health food stores. These drinks are designed with the added vitamins and minerals your body needs in larger amounts than would be achievable with fresh fruit juices alone.

Once you embark on a correct fruit and vegetable diet you'll be amazed at just how you begin to feel. That feeling of wellness extends to greater levels of energy and a sense of complete vigour and this is a feeling that great many people have never before experienced, especially as you consider the act that the average diet consists of junk food that we have been fed since childhood.

Fresh fruit juices are, quite simply packed to the brim with minerals and essential vitamins, enzymes and photo nutrients, all waiting to find a resting place in your body. From the day you begin a serious fruit juice diet you need no longer think about measuring your recommended daily allowance of bottled vitamins and minerals. In fact you can cross these off your shopping list, thereby saving you money and time.

Rapid Results from a Fruit Diet

In most cases your body will be able to tell the difference in just two short days. That's all that's needed to begin to feel a new person, even after decades of neglect.


Don't forget the convenience factor - you can put away your pots and pans and just pull out that juice extractor and get juicing for a new you.

Juicing is the natural way to revitalise your body and I'm ever more convinced of this fact. Over the years family, friends, associates and colleges have all testified to the fact that they now feel years younger, more vitalised and energised than ever before. Simply put, juicing is the most natural, convenient and delicious way of restoring the years the locust has eaten.

I wish you every blessing as you seek health and restoration, as you seek to take the initiative and live life to the full.

If you'd like to know more about healthy dieting and lifestyles then visit my blog and pick up a free email course on fruit dieting...

I wish you every blessing as you seek health and restoration, as you seek to take the initiative and live life to the full.

If you'd like to know more about healthy dieting and lifestyles then visit my blog and pick up a free email course on fruit dieting...
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Discovering New Foods and Recipes for Your Weight Reduction Program

Use Low Glycemic Food to Create New Taste Sensations!

Traditionally, being on a weight reduction program meant limiting or even eliminating many of the foods that we have come accustomed to and alternatives offered by most other fad diets or programs were uninteresting, bland and boring. Times have changed.

Eating low to moderate glycemic foods to lose weight is not a fad. It's good common sense and for the most part, can provide you with most of the nutrition you will ever need. It's a matter of mindset. After reviewing the list of foods in these categories, one can't be disappointed about the variety of food choices available.

Over the past 7 weeks I have personally been involved in the Perfect Body Shape Program / Low Glycemic Awareness Program and have literally found dozens of new tasty meal combinations that not only taste terrific but have also contributed to weight loss of over 15 pounds and a loss of over 20 inches in a select group of body measurements. Most of all, I am rarely 'really hungry' as the program calls for 6 eating intervals a day rather than 2 or 3. In fact, when I first started the program I had a difficult time fitting in all 6. If my schedule is hectic, I make sure that I have plenty of appropriate grazing food to keep me going without any guilt of breaching the diet.

Although I have had to cut out many of the foods that I previously consumed, I feel that I have more than made up for that inconvenience by borrowing some great recipes available from all over the net, or, discovering my own.

Here are a few examples of my own experiments:

Smoked fish (trout, salmon and even sturgeon) sliced on small pieces of flatbread or rye crisp bread with hummus. Add a fresh vegetable or sundried tomato if you like.

Spaghetti Squash with ground chicken or turkey (instead of pork or beef) mixed in garlic/olive oil/sundried tomato sauce. I cook the squash on the BBQ and add a little seasoning (no brown sugar!)

Cedar Board Salmon on the BBQ (an absolute taste sensation!) with wild/brown rice and garden vegetables like chard or green beans.

Soy beverage shakes with fruit (strawberries, blueberries and red currents are my favorites so far) with a low glycemic meal replacement powder mix.

Chicken or Turkey pepperoni for snacking purposes (especially when you are on-the-go and get to table).

Roasted almonds soaked in water. This provides a slightly different texture and taste as well as making the nuts easier on the teeth to chew.

Sweet Potatoes or Yams - not everyday but a great alternative to traditional potatoes.

Egg Salad wraps with Hummus and a sprinkle of shredded parmesan or asiago cheese. Easy on the mayo.

As you can see, the choices are only limited to your imagination. Keep in mind that all meats are low glycemic but be aware of the fat content in some meats as they can add unwanted calories. Trim the fat off of beef or pork. Remove the skin from chicken or turkey (prior to cooking if possible). Processed meats should also be limited as they usually have a high fat content, may contain many additives that are not on the low glycemic index (like bread crumbs) or are high in sodium (salt).

So if you are thinking of getting on a healthy and effective weight reduction program that you can follow indefinitely, check out the Perfect Body Shape - Low Glycemic Awareness Program []. They have the best Glycemic Index (GI) chart available as well as the benefits of a certified coach, resources and other great recipes.

Dave O invites you to visit Dr Cindy's-Perfect Body Shape Blog where he will be monitoring his progress and sharing his successes in his current weight loss program and providing great 3rd party articles and information.
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The Amazon Diet - Is the 21 lbs in 21 Days Claim a Scam?

Lose 21 lbs. in 21 days! Impossible!

I'd heard all the hype about this new weight loss program called the Amazon Diet, but didn't believe its claims to help you lose up to a pound a day for the first few weeks. Nothing could do that ... or could it?

Ok, I'll admit it, my curiosity got the better of me and I logged onto the Amazon Diet website to find out more.

That's when I discovered that this new weight loss regime wasn't really a diet after all, but an herbal supplement that helps suppress your appetite and stimulates your metabolism in order to help you lose weight faster.

Made from the Cha' de bugre tree in Brazil, this weight loss herb is known in South America as the new weight loss miracle cure.

According to industry experts, Cha' de bugre doesn't just suppress your appetite, but gives you a feeling of fullness after just a few bites of food, which helps prevent binging once the herb's effects wear off.

When used in conjunction with a sensible diet and exercise plan, the herb seemed to offer remarkable weight loss results.

The only negative affect I could find listed on the website was the fact that Cha' de bugre contains caffeine, which may affect some people negatively if you're very sensitive to it (like if you get the shakes from a cup of coffee). But I figured if I could down a couple of lattes or espressos in a day with no ill effects, what was the caffeine in one little pill going to do?

I'm not one to usually fall for heavy advertising, but this time the claims seemed too good to pass up. The company I checked out was offering a free month's supply of the pill, so it a no-brainer to give it a try.

(I tell you about how to get a free month's supply of Amazon Diet pills at the link at the bottom of this story, so be sure to scroll down to the bottom to check that out.)

The claims were right. It did work.

Don't misunderstand, it didn't stop my hunger completely, but it sure did control it. After taking just a few bites of anything - a sandwich, a burger, even ice cream (my favorite diet-buster), I was pushing my plate away. Within days the scale began to move backwards for the first time in nearly a decade!

Now, the Amazon Diet isn't perfect (but what diet product is, right?). One downside to the pill is that after that initial weight plunge it is necessary to rev up your exercise program in order to continue to lose those excess pounds. With no active fat burner in it, The Amazon Diet is a great way to supplement your eating and exercise program, but it really can't sustain the same initial dramatic results when used alone. (If it could, that would be kind of scary actually.)

Despite the few negative aspects I found with this weight loss supplement, I have been very happy with the slimming results!
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What Really Qualifies As Low Carb Diet Food?

One of the unfortunate truths of the Western diet is that most of the foods we have learned to love are also the ones which are long on simple carbohydrates, unhealthy fats, and calories, and short on nutrition. Pre-processed foods, while they may save time in preparation, are also high in preservatives and sodium. A healthy eating plan simply does not look very much the average American diet, as the rising obesity rates in the US can attest.

There is no way to avoid carbohydrates, and carbohydrates, in fact, are essential to our survival. They are what our bodies burn as fuel, and even couch potatoes need carbohydrates to keep their resting metabolisms functioning. But eating too many carbohydrates, and especially eating those which have been stripped of their fiber and nutrients, puts a tremendous strain on the systems which regular blood sugar levels. Switching to low carb diet food, instead of eliminating carbs entirely, is one way to keep the good thing about carbs without suffering from the bad.

Learning to distinguish simple carbohydrates from complex carbohydrates is one way to find low carb diet food which will not be such a shock to the blood sugar level. Simple carbohydrates are those which contain refined sugar, or sucrose; fruit sugar, or fructose; and milk sugar, or lactose. Of the three, refined sugar or sucrose is far and away the most harmful to your health, simply because it has been stripped of all its fiber and nutrients.

Milk products contain essential calcium and Vitamin D, and many fruits are powerhouses of fiber and nutrients. So any truly low carb diet food would have only trace amounts of sucrose or none at all. Fructose and lactose are acceptable in small amounts.

Complex carbohydrates are those which have not had any of their nutrients removed through processing, like whole grain breads and cereals or raw or lightly steamed vegetables. Processing removes not only nutrients, but fiber, from foods, and fiber is what lets low carb diet foods a feeling of fullness so that we eat less. Fiber also means that low carb diet food will digest more slowly, helping the body to regulate its blood sugar levels much more efficiently.

Complex carbohydrates should be limited as low carb diet food; but even a small serving of a complex carbohydrate has many more health benefits than a large serving of processed, simple carbohydrate.

The foundation low carb diet food, of course, is high-protein meat, fish, cheese, eggs, nuts, and fats. But their low carb content does not mean that they can be eaten in unlimited quantities; and they must be accompanied by daily servings of low carb diet food like fresh vegetables and fruits to provide essential minerals and vitamins.

The best low carb diet foods, therefore, are lean meats or fish, monosaturated fats like olive oil, low fat cheeses, eggs, and low carb fruits like berries and vegetables like spinach, broccoli, onions, peppers, cucumbers, and celery. Any carbs you decide to add should be complex carbs, consumed in small amounts.
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The Fat Flush Diet Plan - Lose The Fat Or Flush The Plan?

The Fat Flush diet plan is written by Ann Louise Gittleman who has also authored several other books on detox diets and nutrition as well. Although the name leaves something to be desired, if the plan works it really doesn't matter what you call it. So, how does the Fat Flush plan stack up?

It's important to keep in mind that Fat Flush is not simply a diet plan; it is also a detoxification diet that claims to clean out your body of impurities and help it to function at a healthier level.

Like its counterpart, the South Beach Diet, this plan features 3 different phases.

Phase 1 - This is the initial phase that shocks your body and helps you lose the water weight. Your daily calorie limit is set at 1200 and you are not allowed to eat foods such as bread, cereal, dairy items, grains, sugar and many others.

Phase 2 - After the initial few weeks in phase 1, you will go to the ongoing phase of the Fat Flush diet plan. During this phase your calorie limit is raised to 1200-1500.

Phase 3 - This is the maintenance part of the plan to help you maintain your weight loss from the earlier phases.

It is also important to note that the Fat Flush diet plan calls for a significant amount of time in exercising. Significant as in 30-40 minutes per day. This includes walking as well as strength building. So you will need to schedule your plans accordingly. For many time starved people this just won't be possible.

The Fat Flush Verdict

The Fat Flush diet plan has been successful for many people and it promotes healthy eating habits as well as daily exercise. This in itself is what we all need, but there are also some drawbacks with this plan as well.

With the low calorie restrictions and high level of exercising that the plan requires it will be extremely taxing on your body to maintain staying on the plan.
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Successful Weight Loss In Five Easy Steps

If you happen to be among the millions of people who are weight impaired, you may have already considered, or even tried many alternatives for losing weight, and you may still be seeking
that one magic remedy.

Sadly, there are no magic remedies, diet pills, or supplements for losing weight. It takes desire, persistence, and lots of accurate information seasoned with ample amounts of supportive
and caring guidance, to succeed.

Through the trials and tribulations of many failed weight loss plans, we now know that if you try to manage your weight by making too many radical changes to your diet and your lifestyle,
you will eventually fail.

For a diet plan to be successful it must fit within the boundaries of normal day-to-day habits and activities. It must allow for the consumption of familiar foods in familiar and traditional social settings.

The exclusion of taboo foods or your favorite fast food restaurant is generally a set-up for eventual dieting failure. When you stop to think about it, isn't it usually the things you are told that you can't do or can't have that you desire the most! It's a part of human nature. We want what we can't have!

So take it away from us, and surely this is exactly what we will want and crave most! The most highly regarded sources of information agree that we tend to focus on what we can't have, including the foods we eat.(see what the Bible has to say about it; Romans 7:14-15).

A good plan for losing weight should not try to radically change your eating behavior. The plan should adapt to your daily activities and eating habits, and of course any good plan
should incorporate the benefits of good nutrition, convenience,and above all, practicality.

The bottom line is that we are all very busy people without a lot of time to spare. We're not very likely to turn our busy lifestyles upside down to follow some restrictive plan for losing weight.

Maybe a few will work for a short period of time, but the facts don't lie. Although the crash weight loss diets may work for a short while, most of us will find that before long the pounds will start to begin to creep back on.

After all, we are not going give-up eating at fast food and sit-down restaurants when we need a quick meal or snack, and we are unlikely to stop eating with business associates, good friends and family.
It is very difficult therefore,(if not impossible)to follow dieting guidelines on special meal occasions such as these!

We are not going to completely eliminate the foods we love and crave, and we're most definitely not going to waste precious time preparing special dietary meals from scratch every day!
Therefore it is very important to know that you don't have to stop doing any of the above to lose weight.

You can look and feel like a million bucks, take years off your appearance and have the energy and vitality to accomplish your dreams, by following a few simple guidelines.

Here they are...

Take It One Step At A Time.

Some of the greatest accomplishments in life begin by taking one small step at a time. When we are challenged to think deeply, encouraged by others to succeed, and ultimately inspired to take
action, great things start to happen!
If you have important weight loss goals you are not achieving,try to spend less time worrying about all the possible causes and start concentrating on how you can make progress.

This is one of the keys to moving forward and a simple, but powerful tool for success.

Assess Your Dietary Needs And Lifestyle.

Awareness is the key, so take some time to learn about your specific dietary needs (caloric intake) and daily energy requirements for example. We're talking a basic understanding
here, and not having to go into any great detail.

Seek Advice From Friends And Trusted Authorities.

Don't believe everything you hear! There are thousands of diet scams on the market. When you find a trusted source, ask as many questions as you can about diet and exercise. Find out what
has worked for others. But always be on-guard for the quick fix won't work in the majority of cases.

Start Creating A System Of Support.

About 85% of our happiness and well-being is determined by the quality of our relationships with other people. Loving, caring relationships and a network of friends, family, and colleagues
lowers stress, increases longevity, and helps us to accomplish our goals in life (including losing weight).

We are social creatures and we do our best when we have friends to cheer us on, offer support, give advice, and hold us accountable when necessary. This makes it easy for us to succeed.

So, surround yourself with people, tools and activities that make it more likely for you to succeed than to fail! Arrange your living environment and social situations so that every thing around you pulls your forward, instead of possibly leaving you totally de-motivated.

Use Your Resources.

Read motivational tips, general health information and any other literature you can get your hands-on. Information is power!


There you have it. So you can get started today, and make sure your whole approach is controlled, rational and methodical. If you can take the long term view, and set yourself realistic achievable goals you will most surely succeed.