

Celebrity Diets - What Are The Dangers Of Celebrity Diets?

What is a celebrity diet and who follows them? The term "celebrity diet" is used to refer to any diet that is recommended by celebrities. There is no single, concrete diet that all celebrities use. To be completely honest, celebrity diets are simply low-carb/low calorie diets that are not the most viable way to a permanent, healthier lifestyle. One would be best advised to eat a balanced diet that ensures plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean protein, as well as hearty, unprocessed grains and breads. One of the worst examples of a so-called celebrity diet is the Original Hollywood Celebrity Diet drink.

I'm sure many of you have been to the drug store and have seen it. Given just two days, this juice mix will have you lose as much as 10 pounds. Surprisingly, even the most cynical have emerged nearly 10 pounds lighter after drinking only 400 calories a day. And, yes, I did say 400 calories A DAY. Not 1500-2000, but 400. Not so surprising is the fact that once you return to any sort of normal eating patterns, even if you make the necessary, healthy adjustments, you still gain it back almost instantaneously. However, I would doubt any celebrities shop where I shop and would buy such a gimmicky product. They have trendier means to meet their fitness goals.

Some celebrities swear by a raw foods diet while others claim that the Zone diet helped to shed their excess pounds. Unfortunately for the regular folks, the celebrities' entire livelihood depends on their image and so they can easily afford to work out hours a day with a trainer and hire a personal chef to prepare all of their meals. We have to work a little harder, not all meals will be perfect, and not all workouts will be a success, but as long as we stay in the fight and continue to make progress at however slow of a rate, we will be working tenfold than what those in Hollywood have to do. You know why? It's because we are doing it ourselves. And quite frankly, I would never advise any client, no matter their fitness level, to work out for hours at a time. The best diet to follow is not what works for your favorite celebrity in hopes of achieving identical results, but to eat responsibly. And although it sounds cliché, eating in moderation is the best dietary advice that one can be given.

All of the various diets out there are either low carbohydrate in order to control insulin levels, low fat in hopes of cutting cholesterol and cardiovascular ailments, or low calorie for those impatient ones wanting instant gratification that cannot be maintained. These are all too restrictive and difficult to maintain for many people. This is another reason as to why your diet should focus on making better choices the majority of the time, but never ruling out foods. Even though donuts are the worst food out there, it won't do any notable harm if an active individual eats one every so often, but not every day, because by then, moderation will have been tossed out the window. To make a long story short, keep your fitness goals attainable and your meals balanced, small, and frequent, and you will soon be looking at a new you.

Learn more about fad diets and find out which is the best diet for your permanent weight loss at, the place to learn about Phentermine online and healthy weight loss! Join our support group for free and find your own weight loss buddy. Learn how to lose weight and keep it off forever!
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Top 15 Reasons to Avoid Low Carb Diets

Low carb (carbohydrate), high protein diets are the latest dieting craze. However, before you jump on the band wagon, you may want to consider a few things:

1. Low carb (ketogenic) diets deplete the healthy glycogen (the storage form of glucose) stores in your muscles and liver. When you deplete glycogen stores, you also dehydrate, often causing the scale to drop significantly in the first week or two of the diet. This is usually interpreted as fat loss when it's actually mostly from dehydration and muscle loss. By the way, this is one of the reasons that low carb diets are so popular at the moment - there is a quick initial, but deceptive drop in scale weight.

Glycogenesis (formation of glycogen) occurs in the liver and muscles when adequate quantities of carbohydrates are consumed - very little of this happens on a low carb diet.

Glycogenolysis (breakdown of glycogen) occurs when glycogen is broken down to form glucose for use as fuel.

2. Depletion of muscle glycogen causes you to fatigue easily, and makes exercise and movement uncomfortable. Research indicates that muscle fatigue increases in almost direct proportion to the rate of depletion of muscle glycogen. Bottom line is that you don't feel energetic and you exercise and move less (often without realizing it) which is not good for caloric expenditure and basal metabolic rate (metabolism).

3. Depletion of muscle glycogen leads to muscle atrophy (loss of muscle). This happens because muscle glycogen (broken down to glucose) is the fuel of choice for the muscle during movement. There is always a fuel mix, but without muscle glycogen, the muscle fibers that contract, even at rest to maintain muscle tone, contract less when glycogen is not immediately available in the muscle. Depletion of muscle glycogen also causes you to exercise and move less than normal which leads to muscle loss and the inability to maintain adequate muscle tone.

Also, in the absence of adequate carbohydrate for fuel, the body initially uses protein (muscle) and fat. the initial phase of muscle depletion is rapid, caused by the use of easily accessed muscle protein for direct metabolism or for conversion to glucose (gluconeogenesis) for fuel. Eating excess protein does not prevent this because there is a caloric deficit.

When insulin levels are chronically too low as they may be in very low carb diets, catabolism (breakdown) of muscle protein increases, and protein synthesis stops.

4. Loss of muscle causes a decrease in your basal metabolic rate (metabolism). Metabolism happens in the muscle. Less muscle and muscle tone means a slower metabolism which means fewer calories burned 24 hours-a-day.

5. Your muscles and skin lack tone and are saggy. Saggy muscles don't look good, cause saggy skin, and cause you to lose a healthy, vibrant look (even if you've also lost fat).

6. Some proponents of low carb diets recommend avoiding carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, potatoes, carrots, etc. because of they are high on the glycemic index - causing a sharp rise in insulin. Certain carbohydrates have always been, and will always be the bad guys: candy, cookies, baked goods with added sugar, sugared drinks, processed / refined white breads, pastas, and rice, and any foods with added sugar.

These are not good for health or weight loss.

However, carbohydrates such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grain breads and pastas, and brown rice are good for health and weight loss. Just like with proteins and fats, these carbohydrates should be eaten in moderation. Large volumes of any proteins, fats or carbohydrates are not conducive to weight loss and health.

The effect of high glycemic foods is often exaggerated. It's does matter, but to a smaller degree than is often portrayed. Also, the total glycemic effect of foods is influenced by the quantity of that food that you eat at a sitting. Smaller meals have a lower overall glycemic effect. Also, we usually eat several types of food at the same time, thereby reducing the average glycemic index of the meal, if higher glycemic foods are eaten.

Also, glycemic index values can be misleading because they are based on a standard 50 grams of carbohydrate consumed.

It wouldn't take much candy bar to get that, but it would take four cups of carrots. Do you usually eat four cups of carrots at a meal?

Regular exercisers and active people also are less effected by higher glycemic foods because much of the carbohydrate comsumed is immediately used to replenish glycogen stores in the liver and muscle.

By the way, if you're interested in lowering insulin levels, there is a great way to do that - exercise and activity.

7. Much of the weight loss on a low carb, high protein diet, especially in the first few weeks, is actually because of dehydration and muscle loss.

8. The percentage of people that re-gain the weight they've lost with most methods of weight loss is high, but it's even higher with low carb, high protein diets. This is primarily due to three factors:

A. You have lost muscle. With that comes a slower metabolism which means fewer calories are burned 24 hours-a-day. A loss of muscle during the process of losing weight is almost a guarantee for re-gaining the lost weight, and more.

B. You re-gain the healthy fluid lost because of glycogen depletion.

C. It's difficult to maintain that type of diet long-term.

D. You have not made a change to a long-term healthy lifestyle.

9. Eating too much fat is just not healthy. I know you've heard of people whose blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides have decreased while on a low carb, high protein diet. This often happens with weight loss, but it doesn't continue when you're on a diet high in fat.

There are literally reams of research over decades that clearly indicates that an increase in consumption of animal products and/or saturated fat leads to increased incidence of heart disease, strokes, gall stones, kidney stones, arthritic symptoms, certain cancers, etc. For example, in comparing countries with varying levels of meat consumption, there is a direct relationship between the volume of meat consumption in a country and the incidence of digestive cancers (stomach, intestines, rectal, etc.).

Fat is certainly necessary, and desirable in your diet, but they should be mostly healthy fats and in moderation.

Manufactured / synthetic "low fat" foods with lots of added sugar are not the answer. Neither are manufactured / synthetic "low carb" foods with artificial sweeteners or added fat. By the way, use of artificial sweeteners has never been shown to aid in weight loss and they may pose health problems.

According to Dr. Keith-Thomas Ayoob of Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, "In my experience, unless you're willing to throw out decades of research, you cannot ignore that diets chronically high in saturated fats are linked to heart disease," Dr. Ayoob is also a spokesman for the American Dietetic Association and says that low carb, high protein diets are an attempt at a quick fix and not a long-term lifestyle change.

10. As someone recently told me, "it must work - people are losing weight". People that are truly losing fat on low carb, high protein diets, are doing so because they are eating fewer calories - that's the bottom line. There is no magic - the same can be done on a healthy diet.

11. Low carb diets are lacking in fiber. Every plant-based food has some fiber. All animal products have no fiber. A lack of fiber increases your risk for cancers of the digestive track (because transit time is lengthened) and cardiovascular disease (because of fibers effect on fat and cholesterol). It also puts you at a higher risk for constipation and other bowel disorders.

12. Low carb diets lack sufficient quantities of the the many nutrients / phytonutrients / antioxidants found in fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains, necessary for health and aiding in prevention of cancer and heart disease. In fact, you need these nutrients even more so when you're consuming too much fat as is often the case on a low carb high protein diet.

13. Amercans already consume more than twice the amount of protein needed. Add to that a high protein diet and you have far too much protein consumption. By the way, most people don't realize that all fruits, all vegetables, all whole grains, and all legumes also contain protein. Animal products contain larger quantities of protein, but that may not be a good thing.

Excess dietary protein puts you at a higher risk for many health problems: gout (painful joints from high purine foods which are usually high protein foods), kidney disease, kidney stones, osteoporosis (excess dietary protein causes leeching of calcium from the bones). By the way, countries with lower, healthier intakes of protein also have a decreased incidence of osteoporosis.

14. Low carb, high protein diets cause an unhealthy physiological state called ketosis, a type of metabolic acidosis. You may have heard the phrase, "fat burns in the flame of carbohydrate". Excess acetyl CoA cannot enter the Krebs Cycle (you remember the old Krebs Cycle) due to insufficient OAA. In other words, for fat to burn efficiently and without production of excess toxic ketones, sufficient carbohydrate must be available. Ketosis can lead to many health problems and can be very serious at it's extreme.

15. Bad breath. Often called "keto breath" or "acetone breath", it's caused by production of acetones in a state of ketosis. So why the low carb, high protein craze? I believe there are several reasons. A. Weight loss (mostly muscle and muscle fluid) is often rapid during the first few weeks. This causes people to think they're losing fat rapidly.

B. It gives you "permission" to eat the "bad foods": bacon, eggs, burgers, steak, cheese, etc., and lots of fat.

C. Many see it as the new "magic" they've been looking for, although it's been around, in various forms, since the 1960's.

The good news is that there is a very healthy way to lose weight, feel energetic, and to greatly increase your chances of keeping it off. But that's another article.

References: - Brooks, G, Fahey, T: Exercise Physiology - Human Bioenergetics and its Applications. John Wiley and Sons, 1984.

- Cheatham, B, Kahn, CR: Insulin Action and Insulin Signaling Network. Endocrine Review 16:117, 1995
- Fain, JN: Insulin Secretion and Action. Metabolism 33:672, 1984.
- Fitts, RH: Cellular Mechanisms of Muscle Fatigue. Physiological Review 74:49, 1994
- Griffin, James, Ojeda, Sergio: Textbook of Endocrine Physiology. Oxford University Press, 2000
- Guyton, A, Hall, J: Textbook of Medical Physiology. W.B. Saunders Company, 2000.
- Herzog, W: Muscle Function in Movement and Sports. American Journal of Sports Medicine 24:S14, 1996
- Hoffman, JF, Jamieson, JD: Handbook of Physiology: Cell Physiology. Bethesda: American Physiological Society, 1997
- Kimball, SR, Vary, TC, Jefferson, LS: Regulation of Protein
Synthesis by Insulin. Annual Review Physiology 56:321, 1994.
- McArdle, William, Katch, Frank, Katch, Victor: Exercise
Physiology - Energy, Nutrition, and Human Performance.
Lea and Febiger, 1981.
- Mcdougall, MD, John: The Mcdougall Plan. New Century
Publishers, 1983.
- Simopoulos, AP, Pavlou, KN: Nutrition and Fitness. Basel:
Karger, 1997
copyright 2007 by Greg Landry, M.S.
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Eight Habits Of Successful Dieters

There are many ways to lose weight, but you do have to be careful of the food you eat, the amount of exercise you do and the amount of food that you eat. There are many foods that are filling and yet do not contain any calories that may hamper your efforts to shed the extra pounds. Most diets involve using eight habits that teach you how to eat healthy, lose weight and keep it off.

1. Use tools to help you measure out the right servings of food. These include scales, ladles, measuring spoons and measuring cups. This will help you recognize what constitutes a portion. Some dieters find that when they divide their plate into four equal sections it helps them get the right servings of the food groups at each meal.

2. Fruits and vegetables are foods that you can eat in limitless amounts. These are great for snacks when you feel the craving for something sweet. You should make fruits and vegetables the main focus of your meals. Even when you can't get fruits and vegetables in season, the frozen vegetables will give you the nourishment that you need.

3. All diets should include at least 2 servings of milk each day. If you happen to be lactose intolerant, there are dairy products available that are lactose free. Making sure you get the right servings of milk will make sure your body has the proper amount of calcium to keep your bones healthy and strong.

4. Grains form the basis of healthy eating. Whole grains are best and you can check the labels when you go grocery shopping. The following ingredients are the ones you should look for:

* Brown rice
* Bulgar
* Cracked wheat
* Graham flour
* Oatmeal
* Whole barley
* Cornmeal
* Whole rye
* Whole oats

5. Protein will give you the energy you need to burn up the calories. It is the muscle food that you need and will give you the energy you need to keep exercising.

6. You need to limit the amounts of fats and sugars that you have in your diet in order to lose weight healthy. Alcohol is also something you need to restrict when you are trying to lose weight. One drink a day is the recommended allotment for a woman and no more than two for a man.

7. Take a vitamin supplement.

8. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

Fat Loss, What's The Big Deal Anyway?

Why is our society so keyed in on fat loss? Have you ever thought about it? Well let's do that in the next couple of paragraphs. Let's try to break it down to reveal both the healthy and the not so healthy aspects of this fat phobic craze.

Fat is viewed in our society in a negative light and for many different reasons. Fat is looked down upon in the social arena as unattractive in both a sexual way and lack of athleticism. These are two of the most glorified things in our culture that is sex and sports. Case in point, you don't find fat ladies in bikinis adorning the covers of all the big name magazines including what might be the best example the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. You don't find fat actors though the people and events they are portraying are anything but thin and sexy. If you want to be sexy you have to experience fat loss.

Fat is also viewed as unproductive in the areas of work and health which often coexist. You obviously wouldn't find fat people in physically demanding jobs for one because if they were in those jobs they wouldn't be fat and for the other as fat people they won't do as well as thin and in-shape people would. You don't see fat soldiers, fat construction workers, fat cowboys, etc. The only way you can have success in these areas is fat loss!

Fat people are also not as productive, even in jobs that aren't as physically demanding. They are typically more unhealthy and find themselves taking more sick days. Obese people die younger of things like cancer and heart disease and diabetes and stroke. This all adds up to less years of productivity. Fat people are also less mentally and emotionally healthy which is just as important in your career (no matter what it is) as your physical health. The fact is that people would rather be bossed by, work with, buy from, and be served by people who are at least healthier appealing. This gets at both the social perception as well as the actual productivity. Fat people are on the whole less fun to be around and less productive to be around too. So fat loss is also more productive in monetary terms too.

The sad part about all of this is that often it is less the fat person's fault than us skinny people want to think. We want to think that we are thin and healthy appearing because we work harder and are addicted to food less than the obese. What scientists are finding is that this is far from the truth. Fact is that fat loss is harder for some than for others because of genes, not work-ethic, or mental health, or any of that. So fat people are victims of discrimination based on something they can't help much like the color of skin for instance. So think about it and be more humble about this than you are right now ok?

4 Exercises to Strengthen Your Core

Your core is one of the most important muscle groups in your body. When you strengthen your core it can relieve many aches and pains.

Can a Strong Core Improve Someone's Health?

Without a doubt a strong core has its benefits. Did you know it lessen the pain in your back? Back pain is usually caused when you're lumber curve grows into the wrong shape, linked to a weak core.

Causing a swayback posture to develop. The stronger you're core muscles are the better your back and posture will be.

The best athletes have stronger core muscles than most. This is because all the most powerful athletic movements originate from your core.

Finally, having a strong core balances your posture. Great posture can only come from strong core muscles, there is no way around it. To avoid an irregular posture build continue to improve your core strength.

The 4 most effective workouts for optimal core strength may surprise you. Ab crunches and sit-ups can be effective, but you need to do more. You'll have to give time to several different muscles groups to obtain a really strong core.

A strong core is more than really great looking abs. Abdominals have a specific, and limited way of motion. According to experts, the core is composed of numerous muscles that make the spine and pelvis more stable.

You can find these muscles throughout the torso. When all of these muscles contract, they cause the spine, pelvis and shoulder girdle to become more stable, thus form a solid foundation of support.

Having a strong core gives you the ability to walk up right, create powerful movements, and even stand up straight. Transferring body weight, shifting energy, and moving in any direction are some of the movements are core gives us control of. Having a strong core also keeps your back steady and safe.

Here is the family of muscles you want to target for an effective core:

• Rectus abdominis

• Transverse abdominis

• Hip flexors

• Gluteus medius

• Gluteus minimus

• Erector spinae

• Multifidus

• External obliques

• Internal obliques

• Gluteus maximus

• Hamstrings

• Piriformis

• Hip abductors

What Are The Four Most Effective Workouts For A Strong Core?

1. The Bridge

It builds core strength, and forces you to use several muscles simultaneously

How To:

A workout mat is preferred.

1. Lie on the mat, on your back.

2. Bend your knees.

3. Make sure your back remains in a neutral position: do not arch it or push it into the floor.

4. Then, raise your hips off the floor.

5. Raise them until they are aligned with your knees and shoulders.

6. Hold this position for three counts.

7. Go back to the original position and repeat.

2. Segmental Rotation

How To:

1. Take out your exercise mat, and lie on it on your back.

2. Bend your knees and keep your back in a neutral position, just like for the bridge.

3. Tighten your abs.

4. Bend your knees to the left.

5. Do not push your knees any further than what feels comfortable to you.

6. You should definitely feel a stretch in your core.

7. Hold this position for 3 counts

8. Go back to the starting position and repeat.

3. Abdominal Crunch

How To:

1. Lie on your back.

2. Rest your feet against a wall, shoulder-width apart.

3. Keep your knees and hips bent at a 90° angle.

4. Tighten your abs.

5. Lift your head and shoulders up.

6. Cross your arms on your chest. Hold this position for 3 counts.

7. Go back to the original position and repeat.

4. Superman

How To:

1. Lie on your stomach.

2. Place a towel under your hips and tighten your abs.

3. Raise your right arm and hold this position for three counts.

4. Then, raise your left arm and hold for 3 counts.

5. Repeat this exercise with your right leg, then your left leg.

6. Then, repeat the entire exercise.
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Embarrassed by Your Obesity? Exterminate it With Phendimetrazine

Mirror gives you a true picture of how you look. When I was overweight I always avoided looking at the mirror. My obesity was driving me away to enjoy life to the fullest. My friends never lost an opportunity to kill me with their sarcasm. I tried many medications, but they did me no good. I went to my doctor in the anticipation of a medical treatment. He prescribed me a weight reducing drug û Phendimetrazine. I got an effective solution to put an end to my obesity.

Obesity in clear terms refers to excess body weight. Surplus fat gets accumulated in your body thus adding to your over-all body weight. Obesity open doors to many diseases risking your life. It leads to serious health problems such as high blood-pressure, increased cholesterol level, diabetes, arthritis etc. To get rid of such an unhealthy state, the weight loss drug phendimetrazine is recommended.

Phendimetrazine is a phenylalkylamine sympathomimetic amine which is used to cure obesity. It acts by stimulating the central nervous system and thus elevates the blood pressure. As a result your appetite decreases. As phendimetrazine is just an appetite suppressant and not a substitute for a balanced diet therefore it should be consumed along with proper diet and regular exercises to get better results.

The weight reducing drug phendimetrazine is usually taken for a short duration of time. Weight loss is greatest in the first week and decreases gradually in the succeeding weeks. This may however vary from person to person depending upon one’s body structure and medical history.

Each phendimetrazine tablet contains 35 grams of phendimetrazine tartrate. Phendimetrazine tartrate is a white, odourless crystalline powder. It is easily soluble in water. In additions to this, it also contains certain inactive ingredients such as lactose USP, magnesium stearate NF, colloidal silicon dioxide, starch NF etc.

Phendimetrazine must be used under complete medical supervision. Follow the directions given by your doctor before consuming the medicine.

Phendimetrazine pills are usually taken two to three times in a day with a full glass of water. Crushing or chewing the medicine may make it loose it’s effect. So swallow the tablet as a whole. One should avoid taking the medicine late in the evening as it can cause insomnia. If you miss a dose, never take a double one, as it can be harmful for your health.

Your doctor may not allow you to consume phendimetrazine pills if you suffer from heart disease, arteriosclerosis, glaucoma or if you have had a history of kidney stones, drug or alcohol abuse. Inform your doctor if you have an anxiety disorder, diabetes, epilepsy disorder or thyroid.

Pregnant ladies should not take phendimetrazine pills without the consultation of a medical practitioner. You should be first aware of its side effects. It can harm your unborn baby.

For nursing mothers phendimetrazine is not advisable as it may enter into breast milk and can prove dangerous for the new born.

Kick away that extra weight from your body with the help of phendimetrazine. Look good and feel good!

How to choose the right type of Ginseng to suit your needs

Ginseng is perennial herb that has been used to treat some medical problems all over the world especially in Asia and North America. Because of its health benefits, there are many commercial products in the market today that contain ginseng. This includes capsules, teas, tablets, and candies. Some scientific studies prove that Ginseng is a natural energy-boosting herb and that it contains hormone contents and vitamins to nourish the body.

Due to increasing awareness about the benefits one can get from ginseng, more and more people are entice to try it. However, few of them know that in order to make a ginseng work for them, they must first evaluate their personal needs and requirements to avoid harmful side effects.

There are three major types of ginseng. These are the following:

1. Asian or Panax ginseng.

This is considered the most stimulating type of ginseng. It enhances breathing and digestion. There are two types of Asian Ginseng: the White and Red ginseng.

Red ginseng is grown in Korea which is much stronger compare to the white ginseng. It speeds up the circulation and metabolism to boost the energy. Red Ginseng is recommended for people who have diminishing physical and mental health particularly the elderly.

Asian ginseng is also believed to have anti-cancer compounds. A study conducted shows that people who are regularly taking Asian ginseng reduced their chances of having different types of cancer particularly liver, lung, ovarian, and pancreatic cancer.

2. American Ginseng.

This type of ginseng is grown mostly in North America. It can also be found in some forests in Canada and United States. American ginseng earned its popularity due to its effectiveness in nourishing the body particularly the lungs. This ginseng is highly recommended for people who are smoking. In addition, it is believed to restore physical or mental condition especially wound or inflammation.

American ginseng has more soothing or cooling agent compare to Asian ginseng. That is why it is considered the ôtherapeutic ginsengö especially for older people. It is also recommended for people who would like to increase their mental efficiency and stamina.

3. Siberian ginseng.

This type of ginseng is highly recommended for athletes and people who have active lifestyles because it restores energy and combats fatigue. It contains compounds that have positive effects to the adrenal glands. As a result, people will have increased capability in handling physical stresses and increased resistance to certain diseases. This type of ginseng is highly recommended for people who would like to relieve exhaustion or muscle pain that are associated with energy-depleting activities.

Siberian ginseng is also being used to help the reproductive organ. Studies show that males using this herb have increased their sperm counts and boost their testosterone levels that fight certain causes of male impotence.

The female population can also benefit from Siberian ginseng. No more painful menstrual disorders. Siberian ginseng has positive effects on the hormones and has the ability to tone the uterine muscle. Through this, it eases the pains associated with menstruation and other menopausal symptoms.

Experts agree that in order to get the best results, people must know how to make the best choice by analyzing their body’s characteristics and needs first before purchasing any type of ginseng.

10 Tips On Losing Weight Fast

Before jumping into a diet, you must determine your ideal weight. This will be your guide on your weight loss journey. ôFastö weight loss doesn’t imply that you drop 50 pounds overnight; a few pounds can take months to shed and for obese individuals, it can take years to lose the desired amount of weight. How fast you lose weight will depend on how focused you are on your diet.

Here are some simple steps to help you lose weight:

1.Before dieting, you must know how many calories you normally need in a day. If you are sedentary, multiply your weight (in pounds) by fifteen. If you are moderately active, multiply your weight by seventeen; if you are active, multiply your weight by twenty. This will give you the average calorie intake you need per day.

2.Remember to eat your fruits and veggies! You need at least five servings of them per day û doing this will put you on the right track to a healthy body, because fruits and vegetables have beneficial fibers, vitamins and antioxidants. They also fill up your stomach fast so that you don’t overeat and take into many calories.

3.Monitor the quantity of food you eat. Avoid high-calorie foods and eat in small portions. A helpful tip is to chew your food slowly because this makes digestion easy on your body and you will also be less likely to overeat.

4.Don’t skip meals. When you want to lose weight it may be tempting to starve yourself û but eating small amounts of food frequently can help you maintain a healthy, balanced calorie intake throughout the day. Also, your blood sugar level will be adversely affected if you don’t eat often. You can even divide the standard allotment of three meals into five or six smaller meals.

5.Fresh fruits and vegetables are ideal û packaged and processed foods have high sodium and fat content. You are more likely to lose weight if you eat naturally fresh foods.

6.Don’t limit your food intake too much. Go ahead and indulge yourself; eat your favorite treat. It’s okay to have that slice of birthday cake at the occasional party. Just make sure to eat in moderation and use those special desserts as rewards, instead of enemies, to your weight loss experience.

7.Don’t always believe everything you read on a food label. ôFat freeö does not necessarily mean low calories. The same wisdom goes for foods that boast ôlow sugarö or ôlow carbs.ö Glance over the nutrition label û there you’ll find the calorie count.

8.Try to limit the number of juices and sugary beverages you drink. Instead, drink eight glasses water a day û this flushes out your body’s toxins and waste.

9.If possible, keep a food journal. This will help you keep track of your calorie intake and will be a daily reminder of the types of foods you need.

10.Don’t forget to exercise! Thirty to sixty minutes of physical activity a day will ensure your health and help you lose weight (and not to mention, firm up those muscles). Weight-bearing exercises are especially great ways to burn those pesky calories.

French Women Don't Get Fat - Book Review

French women seem to enjoy breads, desserts, and wine, but then don't gain the weight. American women, on the other hand, just think about snacking and magically put on ten pounds. In her bestselling book, French Women Don't Get Fat : The Secret of Eating For Pleasure, Mirelle Guiliano reveals the secrets that French women have at staying healthy and trim.

French Women Don't Get Fat begins with the account of the author, Mirelle Guiliano, growing up in France. By a stroke of luck she was sent to America in her teenage years as an exchange student. In America, she was introduced to brownies and cookies û which quickly became favorites. In no time at all, Mirelle put on twenty pounds. When it was time to return home she was a little nervous about what her family and friends would think of the "new" Mirelle. The story of seeing her family for the first time after being away is funny and heart wrenching at the same time. I can't do justice to this story, so I would recommend buying the book and reading it on your own. Later, her mother set up a secret meeting with their family physician, "Dr. Miracle", who helped her to shed the extra pounds, and more importantly, taught her how to live like a French Woman.

This book is not a miracle diet. In fact, French Women Don't Get Fat isn't a "diet" book at all. What it does is suggest ways to help you live a balanced, healthier lifestyle. The first thing the book suggests is to take an inventory of what you eat for a couple of weeks. By looking at your food journal, you should be able to see what your "offenders" are û meaning what foods you are overeating. For example, Mirelle's offenders were sweets. Once you recognize what foods you are eating out of balance, your next step is to identify why you overeat in this category. For example, if your "offender" is bread, you might notice that you are eating a lot of bread when you go to restaurants. You could then decide to only have one slice before your meal comes. The book also discusses changing the way you think. You aren't skimping on the bread because you are depriving yourself something you love, you are merely saving room for other things. The pleasure of most foods is in the first few bites, as French Women Don't Get Fat points out. After that we are just eating on autopilot. If you can avoid eating without thinking, you can avoid eating excess food. French women eat with their heads and do not leave the table feeling stuffed or guilty. Another secret of the French this book points to is drinking more water. We all know that water is good for us, but how many of us really drink as much as we should? The secret is to add water to your daily routine. Drink a glass of water before you eat your breakfast. Once you have established this as part of your routine, then add another glass before going to bed. French Women Don't Get Fat reminds us that sleeping is a very dehydrating process. When both of these are routine, make it a habit to drink water each time you pass a water fountain. French women drink water all throughout the day.

Once you are drinking more water, you will probably feel healthier than ever. Since water has no calories, no preservatives, and nothing extra added, you might find that you are interested in the ingredients of the other foods you are consuming. Have you ever read the list of ingredients in a frozen dinner? What is all of that stuff? Why are we consuming things we can't even pronounce? Another key to eating like the French is what the author of this book calls "Ritual Preparation." While she lived at home, Mireille's mother prepared almost all of the food that she consumed. None of it was filled with preservatives, and most everything was fresh. French Women Don't Get Fat recommends going to the market several times a week, and selecting the freshest ingredients. By market the book is referring to a farmers market, and not the supermarket. Quality ingredients equal quality food. When you are eating quality, you won’t need the quantity to make up for the lack of taste. Also, set the table like you would find at a restaurant û real napkins even. The extra attention to details will help you remember to savor your food. Also, sit down as a family, and turn off the television. Make meal time a ritual.

According to this book, you also need to move like a French woman. We aren't talking about hours of grueling exercise at the gym. What we are talking about is adding more movement to your daily routine. Walk to work, or if you work too far, then get off the train one stop early and walk the rest of the way to work. Or, add in a daily walk before eating breakfast. Take the stairs instead of the elevator when possible. French Women Don't Get Fat advised to not avoid precious steps: think of ways to add in more movement to your daily routine.

This book also includes recipes for foods such as Grilled Spring Lamb Shops, Asparagus Flan, Cauliflower Gratin, Grilled Chicken with Rosemary, Egg Omelet with Mixed Herbs and Ricotta Cheese, among many others. Since the French enjoy bread so much, recipes for Baguettes and Croissants are included too. The book has menu ideas as well.

If you need a good book to inspire you to lose a little weight so that you feel good about yourself, then French Women Don't Get Fat is where you should turn. Because the focus of this book is not about depriving yourself of good things, but about making focused choices to help you accomplish something even better, you will be motivated to change a few of your bad habits into good habits û and therefore live a more fulfilled and slimmer life.

Confront Obesity with to Fulfill Your Sexual Urge.

Fat gain may not be a reason of depression for many. But sometimes there arises such problems which make you say ôGod this is due to fat!ö Due to fat gain you will find that your normal life is at stake and if you go on ignoring your increasing body weight, you are sure to become a base for various diseases and problems. Apart form various problems; one of the most significant problems that a fatty person confronts is that of sexual problems. This is one of the most serious problems in one’s life. Accumulation of excess fats in body makes the body lazy and due to which a person tends to tire out soon. This makes him or her ignore their partner’s sexual urges and gradually a relation seems to go astray.

So becoming too much fat may create serious problems in one’s personal life. If you love your partner than why not think of fat loss and regain your fitness. If you are really serious by now, it’s better to act now for some vital solutions. Phentermine can be the best solution for eradicating your fat for good. It’s a diet pill and is found to be very effective in burning your fats. It is usually taken as a single daily dose in the morning and that too in empty stomach. It has been also found that using Phentermine with a balanced exercise and diet is a very appropriate way to achieve the results one desires.

This drug Phentermine targets our hypothalamus gland present in our brain. Due to which, certain neurotransmitters get affected and gradually suppress our appetite. At the same time it manages our body metabolisms too. It is really very effective and one feels the difference within a period of 10-12 weeks. Approved by FDA way back in 1959, it is now readily available in the market.

Side effects like dizziness, dry mouth and constipation may visit your health initially but slowly and steadily as our body gets used to Phentermine, these problems fades. However it is wise to consult your doctor. Phentermine really works in a significant way and can help you a lot in bringing close to your partner and family as well.

Precisely what is This Paleo Diet plan?

This paleo eating plan provides acquired a lot interest inside the past few years. However, you can find countless diets around right now it is tough to choose which one is usually befitting somebody. If you are struggling to find available which one will work with your personal particular eating plan goals in addition to anticipations, this post may help address which and listen to in the event planning paleo is usually befitting an individual.

Precisely what is This Paleo Diet plan?

This paleo eating plan or even since several phone it "The Caveman Diet" is usually an easy to use to follow life style higher than a eating plan. The life-style does advise ingesting selected items in support of most of these, although it's not at all actually a new weight-loss motivated plan. The objective of the paleo eating plan is merely that may help you are living a new healthier life, by utilizing merely food items that would have been able to become purchased throughout the paleolithic era.

The consequence, since identified by simply several, can be a much more mentally notify in addition to healthier talk about of being normally. Based on your existing eating routine, weight-loss very well could possibly be inside playing cards, so to speak, although seriously isn't the primary target. The primary target is usually to reduce available the many additional chemicals, meals colour, meals viewpoints in addition to unhealthy that may be currently being put into the most frequent food items associated with right now.

May be the Paleo Diet plan Gluten No cost?

Exactly what works inside paleo eating plan is usually considered to be gluten free of charge. There are lots of gluten free of charge meals in addition to formulas around which might be fair as soon as pursuing the paleo eating plan plus some those with celiac ailment find it to make available all the more reduction because doing so cuts available just about all grains. When you are looking for gluten free of charge, that is by far the best option around. It makes it simple to be able to keep away from refined food items that could be gluten free of charge nonetheless might cause irritation for the physique in addition to bowels particularly.

What Cannot When i Eat Within the Paleo Diet plan?

There are a few various resources regarding everything you can certainly in addition to everything you are not able to consume. This checklist furnished beneath can be a commonly recognised "no no" checklist.

Sweet juice
Soda pop and other sodas
Vitality beverages
Grains in addition to dried beans
Prepared meats
Abnormally salted meals
Sugary snacks
Almost any meals containing additives, preservatives or even meals colour

When you look at the checklist, global a lot to be able to reduce available, in fact most of the items for this checklist mustn't be in your every day eating plan checklist initially.

Exactly why Would likely I would like to Utilize the Paleo Diet plan?

This speedy answer is usually it is effortlessly healthy. The body's haven't progressed to be able to method the many chemicals which might be at this point normally within meals in addition to drinks. There are lots of good reasons that eating plan creates due to the fact to be able to individuals. Eliminating these foods can certainly benefit weight-loss. Diminished allergic reactions is usually yet another huge advantage several come across. Minimizing blood vessels force, despression symptoms, pain, cholesterol amounts, diabetes and even raise the risk associated with selected types of cancer are various other rewards several scientific tests advise.

Losing Weight Is As Easy As 1,2,3,4 with Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy

This week's four tips include suggestions in each of the four elements you need to work on in order to achieve your health, fitness, wellness and weight loss goals: (eating right, exercise, support and accountability).

1. Good Eating Tip
Next time you order pizza for yourself or your kids ask for half the cheese. You’ll barely notice any taste loss. But what you will lose is tons of calories and a whole lot of grams of saturated fats. Pizza’s doesn’t have to be left off weekly menu anymore.

2. Making Exercise Safe and Fun
In order to lose weight you have to become more active. Most people do anything to avoid moving their bodies. And society is an accomplice. You can pick up food, a prescription, your clothes and your kid without leaving your car. In President Bush’s new ôHealthier US ö initiative ( he suggests walking for 30 minutes each day. Even if you have to break it up into 10-15 minute chunks. Not only will you burn 200-300 calories, you can walk with your family and increase your quality time as well. Move family time away from the TV and onto the street.

3. Maintaining Your Support System
If you’re the type of person who feels guilty about things, great news. You can use that emotion to help you lose weight. Here’s how. Exercise with a partner. But before you start make a pact that you will not let the other person down and you will pick them up should they start losing interest. It’s much easier to let yourself down then another person. You won’t do it, because you’ll feel guilty if you do.

4. Accountability Tools
A food diary is a great way to keep track of what you eating and when. Keep track of what you consume on an hourly basis throughout the day. If you do this for 2 weeks you will see exactly where those extra calories (and thereby those extra pounds) are coming from. Also, don’t forget to keep track of what you’re drinking.

How to Maintain Your Weight Loss

Once you have started losing weight, it is crucial to think of how to maintain that weight loss in the days ahead.

It may seem hard to believe, but taking the weight off is the easy part. Maintaining weight loss for good is where the real challenge lies. If you are like me, you have tried countless diets, only to gain the weight back. People lose lots of weight on diets everyday, but 95% of them gain it back because they have focused only on the weight loss. They follow the diet until they get to a particular number on the scale and then, shortly after, they go back to the old lifestyle that made them overweight in the first place. Over time, of course, the weight comes right back.

The truth is, almost everyone can lose weight but only 5% keep it off. These are the Weight Loss Registry's figures, not mine. The WLR followed highly successful dieters and came up with seven reasons why people were able to keep the weight off.

Here are the seven reasons the dieters were successful.

1. The dieters accepted failure and kept on trying.

2. The dieters did not deny themselves--they indulged from time to time.

3. They weighed themselves often.

4. They exercised one hour a day.

5. They added little bits of activity into their daily life.

6. They followed a high carb and low fat diet.

7. They ate 5 meals a day.

When I compare my own weight loss success to the list above, I would say I learned how to maintain weight loss due to the following: I do the best I can with what I have available. Sometimes I am not always in a perfect situation with the healthiest choices, but I make do with what is there and I stick to the plan. If I make a not so healthy choice, I don't beat myself up for it.

I eat YUMMY and whole foods. Using the finest ingredients makes the most delicious meals and has helped me stick to Living Well. If I wanted to indulge, I would make it from scratch using the healthiest ingredients possible. To me, indulging does not mean eating junk.

I use a tape measure to keep tabs on my weight and occasionally weigh myself.

I really struggle with exercising regularly and I have NEVER exercised for one hour a day consistently. I will do heavy housework and other activities around the house to get my heart rate up and I try different forms of exercise all the time because I get bored easily.

I think it is vital to get moving every day, somehow, and it doesn't always mean you have to be in an aerobics class or on some sort of machine to get your heart rate up.

I eat organic whole foods and healthy oils. I am not sold on the idea that low fat and high carb is the way to go. High fat is not the answer either, but healthy oils are not the enemy. The rights oils will actually speed up the metabolism.

I eat only 3 meals a day and rarely snack. I do better when I don't snack or graze on food all day. BUT, you may be different. You have to do what works best for you and your unique body.

This is the MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL: I think of the health I have now and my future health EVERYDAY. I really want to enjoy my older years and I want to be healthy. I don't want to sit in a rocking chair, talking about all my symptoms and the things that ail me when I am in my golden years.

The Weight Loss Registry tips and my maintenance tips are not the only path for everyone, but instead are some ideas you can use to come up with your own way to keep the weight off once you have lost it.

Ultimately, I think it is crucial to focus on your health when changing over to a healthy lifestyle. So many people are in a hurry to lose weight. They spend their entire lives putting on the weight, losing the weight temporarily on diets and just wanting to get rid of it as fast as possible, not taking into consideration their state of health. I know you have heard this many times before, but if you don't have your health, you don't have much. Being thin will mean nothing to you if you compromise your health along the way.

Even if you are losing weight slowly, good for you! The idea here is to take off the weight and keep it off for good. Even just a couple of pounds a month adds up over the course of a year. And for those that were doing everything they could and continuing to gain weight, just stopping that weight gain is a measure of success.

With these tips, you now know how to maintain weight loss. Give yourself time to adjust to a new and healthy lifestyle and enjoy yourself along the way. A year from now your body will be thanking you for it!

Essential FAQs of Hoodia Gordonii--Serious Dieters Ought to Know

There has been a great deal of information and misinformation about Hoodia Gordonii circulating, sometimes educating, sometimes baffling and creating all sorts of avoidable frustrations and false starts in someone’s diet plan. In order to throw new light and chase away the countless pieces of fiction on Hoodia Gordonii that are flying around offline and online, I decided to present the essential facts of this amazing plant that has captured the world’s attention.

FAQs of Hoodia Gordonii:

Q: What is Hoodia Gordonii?
A: Hoodia Gordonii is a spiny, bitter, and succulent aloe plant that resembles a cactus which grows in the Kalahari Desert of Southern Africa.

Q: Does Hoodia Gordonii really help to suppress one’s appetite?
A: Yes!  For centuries Hoodia Gordonii has been used to reduce hunger by the Bushmen while on extended long travels through the desert or on hunting trips. It is also quenches one’s thirst and cures a case of severe abdominal cramps, indigestion, tuberculosis, diabetes, hemorrhoids, hypertension, and is a mood-enhancer and improves energy levels.

Q: Realistically, how much weight can I lose by taking Hoodia Gordonii?
A: That depends on each individual’s daily diet, metabolism, the frequency of exercise, and the bio-chemistry of the person’s body. Keep in mind that Hoodia Gordonii works to effectively suppress your appetite. If you indulge in late snacks and in between meals, hoodia can help you reduce those cravings, and together with regular exercise and a  healthy diet, you can expect to experience significant weight loss in the long run.

Q: How does Hoodia Gordonii prevent me from wanting to eat?
A: Hoodia Gordonii fools your brain by making it believe that you have already eaten when you haven’t. In addition, you will feel full.

Q: About how fast will I experience results?
A: Hoodia Gordonii may work immediately or it may take days. As demonstrated in tests in Leicester, England, when volunteers consumed 400mg of a pure brand of Hoodia 3-4 times a day, it helped cut daily caloric consumption by 1,000 calories. Know that everyone’s body is different, and thus, some people will require more time in order for their body to build up the active ingredient in Hoodia.  It’s a good idea to continue taking Hoodia for no less than two weeks in order to experience positive results. Also, it absolutely helps to use a trusted brand that offers the purest form of Hoodia Gordonii. Otherwise, you will not have favorable experiences using an inferior brand of Hoodia.  (In the resource box I tell you how you can find a brand you can trust.)

Q: How should I take Hoodia Gordonii?
A: For absolute best results, drink an eight-ounce glass of water when taking Hoodia, one capsule, 30 minutes before meals.

Q: How much Hoodia Gordonii should I take to experience sure success?
A: Most people are finding success with Hoodia when they take 2 capsules of 400mg daily, 30 minutes prior to meals with 8 ounces of water. It’s highly recommended to take either one 750mg in the morning and another one in the afternoon, or two 400mg capsules in the morning and another two 400mg capsules in the afternoon prior to the dinner meal. These dosages guarantee you a higher possibility of successful results when taking pure 100% Hoodia, eating a healthy diet, and exercising regularly.

Q: How safe is Hoodia Gordonii? What are the side effects?
A: Hoodia Gordonii is 100% natural. Both the San people (who have been using the plant for thousands of years) and scientists have confirmed that there are no side effects associated with Hoodia Gordonii. In fact, in South Africa, Hoodia is identified as a food, not as a drug.

Q: What are some of the most noticeable results when taking Hoodia Gordonii?
A: High on the list of results are: a diminished interest in food, a longer delay in the normal time frame after eating before hunger sets in once more, feeling of fullness for a longer period, and an overall feeling of optimal health.

Q: Is Hoodia Gordonii a stimulant?
A: Hoodia Gordonii is not a stimulant like caffeine.

Q: What about those ads boasting of selling pure Hoodia at bargain prices?
A: Today there are literally hundreds of Hoodia Gordonii resellers claiming to have the 100% pure stuff, when in reality, most of them are selling inferior or adulterated brands from 40 to 70% less than resellers who are selling the genuine Hoodia.  It’s little wonder how such resellers can afford to sell the ôpure Hoodiaö at those low prices! Why? They’re usually not the pure stuff!  Many resellers are selling brands that not only contain an inferior Hoodia, but other ingredients like Aloe. Beware! Choose very wisely from which vendor you buy your next or first order of Hoodia.

Q: So how can I know the dishonest supplement vendors from the reputable ones that are actually selling the authentic 100% pure Hoodia Gordonii?
A: Visit the site in the resource box and you will soon know which vendors you can fully trust to sell you the strongest, purest, and fastest-acting Hoodia Gordonii.

Attention Publishers: You may publish or reprint this article as long as you keep it intact, including the resource box.

Folding vs Non-Folding Treadmills - The Real Story

Many people wonder if buying a treadmill that will fold away is a good idea or not. To answer the question, we have to go a little deeper before we can arrive at a good, logical answer. The primary concern that people have is "am I giving up something to have the capability of the treadmill to fold?" So, let's investigate this concern to uncover the answer to our topic.

What are the differences in a folding treadmill and a regular treadmill? The answer is not many. In many cases, other than frame parts, there are no differences in the physical construction of the machine. One of our owners was at a treadmill manufacturer when they decided to start building fold up treadmills. The parts list for the treadmill was identical, with the exception of a few bolts and different frame parts.

So, we have ended this discussion quickly and can move on. Right? Well, not really. The problem is not with what they put into machines in many cases. It is how they build it. If you are considering the purchase of a folding treadmill or if you think you may want one in the future, consider this question first, "why do I want one?" Most people don't realize that if you need to save room, you usually will be looking at a wall when you exercise. That is due to almost every treadmill on the market folding from the rear of the treadmill to the front. That means the front has to be placed against the wall. The few we have seen that fold from the front to the rear aren't worth buying and we haven't seen one of these for sale in quite a while.

If you want one that is easy to move around this is also a misnomer. It is true that they navigate much better due to the smaller footprint when folded, but you better have someone who is strong to handle it. Even the cheap models can weigh 120 to 150 lbs. Another reason to have one is to be able to clean easily underneath it. We can't find any problem with this logic and that is why we have folding treadmills ourselves.

The difference in the build of the treadmill is the most important feature. Icon Health and Fitness was the first company in the modern era to build a folding treadmill. The first folding treadmill was actually built in the early 1900's. Icon's original ideas have been redesigned in the past few years and have become a very good design. Most of their treadmills are easy to service, the design is very good, and they have minimized the initial problems that surfaced. The frame design is a little heavier than some of their non-folding efforts and actually creates a treadmill that should structurally last longer than other non-folding treadmills in the same price range. They sell under the brand names ProForm, Weslo, Image, NordicTrack, Reebok, and HealthRider.

Some other companies such as Keys, Everyoung, Trimline, Schwinn, and Vision sell a higher class of treadmill but in almost every case, these treadmills sacrifice quality for the ability to fold up. For instance, the Keys folding machines are much less stable than their non-folding units while an Image folding treadmill is much more stable than anything else below $2,000. Some of these manufacturers have had to add extra support to bolster their designs just to get them to stand upright when folded, using cheap kick stand-like contraptions. It is our opinion that you should start from scratch to design a folding treadmill, not modify an existing design, as many manufacturers have.

The king of the folding treadmill is unquestionably Spirit. If you look at a Spirit folding treadmill on the showroom floor, you may never realize that you are looking at a folding treadmill. You may just think that it is another $2,000 to $2,500 treadmill until the salesperson shows you that it will fold up. The amazing feature of the Spirit unit is that their folding units have so much extra structural support built into their frames. Although they still make non-folding treadmills, their folding units are much more stable and rugged than their non-folding treadmills. In other words, if you need a folding treadmill and can afford a Spirit, theirs is the way to go.

How I Lost 51 Pounds In 4 Months Using The Simplest Diet Plan In The World

Like many people I've been on dozens of diet plans over the years ranging from Atkins to South Beach to Weightwatchers to Jenny Craig and lots more besides. In fact, I've eaten enough cabbage soup to satisfy a small country! I'm 5 feet 10 and I used to weigh 230 pounds and needed to lose a good 50 pounds to get myself in some short of shape. And then it hit me. It's seems so logical now and so simple but I had ignored the simplest weight loss solution of all. Here's how I discovered it.

I was over in the UK on vacation and saying with an Aunt. We were having tea together and my Aunt was watching her favourite daytime TV show called Today with Des and Mel. The host, a rather charming guy called Des O'Connor was being asked how he stayed so trim and slim and indeed virile at aged 70 (he had just once again become a father) and he gave me the simplest weight loss solution I have ever heard. In fact you'd be seriously challenged to find a fitter and more vibrant looking 70 year old anywhere on the planet.

Des's answer was that he only eats one meal per day in the evening, and in fact eats as much as he wants at that one meal sitting. During the day he may well graze on a bit of fruit and naturally drinks plenty of fluids but he swears by the plan and has done for over 40 years.

This seemed so simple and ridiculously easy and I was very doubtful whether it would work for me. However, it's based on pure logic. By missing out on significant calories during the day, the body makes up for it in the evening and then stores up calories to keep you going the next day until your evening meal. However, I'm no scientist or doctor and I'm only interested in results. Here's how it worked for me.

Week One was a little challenging. I did nibble on the odd cookie to keep me going with my morning black coffee. I missed the social aspect of lunch but contented myself with knowing that I was doing my health and body a huge favor. In week one I lost 6 pounds and in the first month 15 pounds dropped off my body! However, having been on many diet programs over the years I was worried it could all come back.With this in mind I started a gentle walking program in the evenings after my meal of the day and this really helped me with my energy levels. I really didn't want to visit a gym or stress myself by running.

I was eating everything I wanted in the evenings, including ice cream and lots of ribs and fries etc. However, after the first month my body seemed to start regulating itself and I didn't seem to crave these heavy rich foods as much. I think my body started to learn that it needed to eat well and wholesome in the evenings so it could get through the next 24 hours.

In month two I dropped another 13 pounds. In month three I lost a further 12 pounds and in month four another 11 pounds making for a total weight loss of 51 pounds in FOUR months. Truly amazing. I'm still staggered by it. I don't recommend this plan for life and have slowly reintroduced a healthy breakfast and a very light lunch. It's a truly great plan for losing excess weight quickly though - and works like nothing I've ever tried before.

One year on and I'm still at my target weight of 180 pounds. I still do my walking exercise most evenings and feel 1000% better with loads more energy. I've recommended this plan to dozens of friends and I have to say it's worked for 90% of them. Give it a shot, the odds are that it'll work great for you too! Check with your doctor first though to be safe.


Five Habits That Can Contribute To Being Overweight

Is your lifestyle contributing to your weight gain? For healthy people û weight gain is caused by simply consuming more calories than you burn. Unfortunately for most of us, our healthy lifestyle education comes in the form of a blaring commercial that is trying to convince us that eating this lite food or using that miracle exercise machine will lead to a healthy, fun, lean lifestyle! A healthy, lean lifestyle takes effort and education. Hopefully these five steps will get you started on a path to meet your weight loss goals.

ò Skipping meals and then overeating when you make time to eat. Skipping meals leads to blood sugar fluctuations, moodiness, and can even lead to overeating. Eat healthy meals and snacks at regular intervals.

ò Not moving your body. The body is designed to move. Period. Exercise can brighten your mood and lighten your body.

ò Drinking cola or sugar drinks when you are thirsty. When your body is thirsty it is asking for water.

ò Snacking on empty calories. Being fat free or low carb does not make it healthy. Empty calories (calories void of nutritional value) do nothing for your body.

ò Watching an abundance of TV. A recent article stated that you use less energy while watching TV than while sitting still!

Most of us do these habits and are totally unaware of how unhealthy and destructive they can be. Of course this article is not telling you to never watch TV, or never snack û it is merely trying to raise your level of awareness of some things you may be doing that may be sabotaging your diet efforts. Observe your habits and ask yourself if they are contributing to a healthy lifestyle and an ideal weight or are they contributing to an unhealthy lifestyle and being overweight. Arm yourself with knowledge and achieve your ideal weight.

I wish for you the best of health,


Easy Weight Loss With Healthier Meals

Meals at home and with family do not have to be fat-laden affairs. Nor do they have to be boring, tasteless times of celery mashing around the table. A few subtle adjustments in your food choices will make a big difference on the scales.

Think Lean Meat
Don't give up meat, just make smarter choices in buying it. Meat is much leaner today than it has been due to trimming efforts on the part of meatpackers. Beef labeled as loin, round and extra lean are your best choices.
According to The Wisconsin Beef Council, cuts like top round, tenderloin or sirloin qualify as lean, healthy selections.

Roasting, baking, grilling, braising and broiling are healthy meat-cooking methods. Use non-stick pans and choose cooking sprays over oil or butter during preparation. Another way to reduce fat is to strain cooked ground beef and rinse it with hot water. Drain it well before you continue the recipe.

Lean Chicken Choices
When we think lean we often look to chicken. Be smart. Many of us turn a potentially diet-friendly staple into something considerably less than healthy. Say no to fried patties,
chicken fingers, nuggets and franks. Switch to broiling, roasting, baking or steaming fresh chicken. Use a non-stick pan with cooking spray, broth or wine.

Keep in mind that poultry dark meat contains about twice as much fat as white meat. Also, the skin is full of fat. You can remove the skin before cooking or choose skinless varieties. Simply make a rule or take off the skin before you eat it.

Lean Turkey Is A Smart Choice
If you're preparing a turkey, why not cook the stuffing separately? You will reduce its fat content by preventing the turkey fat from soaking into the dressing. Try to use less butter or margarine when preparing the stuffing. Don't forget to skim the fat off of the gravy with a gravy separator or by
refrigerating it. Leave the drumsticks for the kids. As with chicken, choose light meat over dark and you'll save quite a few calories.

Steam It Green
Serve steamed vegetables instead of heavy casseroles or cheese-based dishes. Steaming or microwaving veggies means you don't have to add any fat during preparation; choose lemon juice, herbs, or vinegar over margarine. Use herbs and spices or imitation butter sprinkles as seasoning instead of butter, oil or cheese. If steamed vegetables don't suit your taste buds, reduce the amount of oil you use if you saut? them. Broth or flavored vinegar makes a great substitute for oil.

Grains Are Great
Whenever you have the chance, choose whole grains as your bread choice. For example, you could choose whole grain breading for stuffing preparation, whole grain dinner rolls, whole wheat bread for sandwiches, and wild rice instead of white.

All types of white bread are high in refined sugar and pack in more calories than grains. These refined sugars are some of the bad carbs we hear so much about these days. If you still crave white bread occasionally, choose a lite or diet version, which will save you a few calories.

Learn How I Lost 150 Pounds in Just 14 Months

This is not just another fad diet book û of which fill libraries, bookstores, and the internet, but the true story of how I lost 150 pounds in about 14 months (and kept the pounds off). A story, which I believe anyone who can walk, will benefit from.

First let me back up a bit and explain how a middle-aged 6’ 0ö male with a medium to large frame got to be 335 pounds. Well, it wasn’t hard and didn’t seem to take all that long. It was eating lots of fast food, burgers, and little to no exercise over the course of a few years. Sound familiar? In my 30’s and 40’s I was fairly active with scuba diving and just in my job itself. Then all of a sudden my job changed to where I sit at a computer eight hours a day (and still do), instead of being a busy technician building and testing things.

With age also came the slowdown of my body’s metabolism (I am now 54), coupled with a sit down job and eating lots of fatty burgers and other high calorie meals. Especially bad was eating big meals just before going to bed. It didn’t take long to find myself at 335 pounds. I blew up like a big fat whale and my huge belly hung way over my belt line. I had to buy 3X shirts and 50ö waist trousers to go around my bulk. I looked and felt just awful.

The time came when I finally said enough is enough! I was not feeling good, was out of breath all the time, and could hardly walk up the stairs to the bedroom. I went out and bought a good digital bathroom scale and weighed myself the next morning (undressed and after using the bathroom). The max limit on the scale was 330 pounds. The scale gave me an error message (a big fat capital E). That meant I was heavier than 330 pounds! Oh my God I thought! It can’t be! That morning, I weighed myself at work on the shipping scales. My weight was about 340 pounds fully dressed and after eating breakfast. That meant my true morning weight was around 335 or so.

Steps I took to lose the poundsà

I knew I didn’t want (or could afford) to buy expensive exercise equipment. Nor did I want to spend a lot of money to join a health club. There had to be a better way. I did some research on the internet about aerobics and metabolism (the rate at which the body burns fuel) and came to the conclusion the answer to my weight problem was to increase my metabolism through aerobic exercise, and by changing my eating habits. The strict definition of aerobic is ôwith oxygenö. The body uses oxygen to burn fuel. Aerobic exercise improves oxygen consumption by the body and burns fuel more efficiently. I learned that aerobic exercise (like walking at a brisk pace for 20 or more minutes without stopping), will increase the body’s metabolism (perhaps up to several hours), even after you stop exercising. This is just one of the added perks of aerobics.

I would encourage everyone reading, to search the internet on ômetabolismö and ôaerobicsö. There is much more information there than I can possibly put here, or need to. The information is abundantly available û no need for me to re-invent the wheel.

After getting freaked out when my new digital bathroom scale went ôTiltö, this is what I didà

1. I created a spreadsheet on my home computer so I could track and record my weight each Saturday morning (you can choose any day you wish, as long as you are consistent on when you weight yourself). Once a week is best.

2. I researched the internet about losing weight, and learned about metabolism, aerobics and aerobic exercise (and how they affect the body and calories). I figured I should be about 180-185 pounds for my height and frame, so I adjusted my daily calorie intake for that body weight. No special diets to speak of, just calorie intake adjustment, although I do try and eat healthy foods most of the time.

3. I invested in a good pair of walking shoes. This is critical!
4. I measured out one mile (using the odometer of my car), and timed how long it took me to walk one mile at a brisk pace (brisk pace meaning walking fast enough to elevate my heart and respiration rate). It took me 20 minutes to walk one mile. A 20-minute mile is not all that fast, but fast enough for someone weighing 335 pounds. And 20 minutes is the minimum workout time for aerobic exercise to be beneficial to the heart. My course was nothing more than the sidewalks of my neighborhood. Partly homes and apartments, and partly businesses.

5. I walked one mile per day, everyday, for about the first month (a 20-minute walk after dinner). I noticed my energy level was building and I felt better. After about the first 10 days, my digital bathroom scale began to give me a number instead of the big fat E error message. Definite progress!

6. The second month I increased my distance to one and a half miles a day (or a 30-minute walk after dinner). The soreness in my legs gradually disappeared.

7. I continued this pattern of increasing the distance by one-half mile until I was up to six miles per day (doing three miles before work and three miles after work). Six miles a day may be a bit extreme, so you may want to adjust your walks accordingly. But it worked for me and got to the point where I could walk three miles without breaking into a sweat. The pounds melted off!

8. After I lost nearly 100 pounds, I scaled back to four miles a day (two before work and two after work). I walk the miles faster too, about a 17-minute mile).

9. After 14 months, I reached 185 pounds and that’s apparently where my body wants to be. I continue to walk four miles everyday, watch my daily calorie intake, and have stabilized at 185 pounds.

Do I still eat a big fat juicy burger and ice cream once in awhile? OH YES! I love that stuff! But I religiously weight myself each Saturday morning and my weight seems to be happy and steady at 185. I don’t deprive myself of the foods I love, but I have learned what, when, and how much I can eat and get away with. One has to experiment and adjust accordingly.

I look forward each day to my walks. In fact, I get a sense of accomplishment after each walk. A fringe benefit I guess. Another fringe benefit is that walking is a great stress relieverà especially after a hard day at the office. All in all, I am in much better health. That 150-pound barbell I was carrying around all day is gone. My heart and cardiovascular system is much healthierà all due to walking.

Perhaps one of the greatest benefits (other than the obvious health benefits) is that the people in the neighborhood and the storekeepers stop me all the time and comment on how I look. These are the people who would see me walk by their homes and stores each day. They saw a once very fat person transformed into a thin person.

The bottom lineà

I was sick of being obese and I knew it was killing me and that I needed to do something and quick. I was a sure candidate for a heart attack or stroke. After doing a little research, I found the best way for me was aerobic walking coupled with a change in eating habits. There other types of exercises that will work too, but I believe nothing is as good for the human body then walking. The benefits are enormous and the cost is, well, the price of a good pair of walking shoes and comfortable clothes. It’s enjoyable too! Forget those expensive boring indoor treadmills! Go for a walk in the great outdoors!

If you can walk, have a place to walk, by all means go for it! If you are like me, you will increase your energy a hundred fold. Start off slow at first if you are way out of shape, a few minutes a day. Walk briskly and swing those arms. Increase until you can do a mile, then a mile and a half, and so on and so on until you reach your goal weight. This is a lifelong commitment, so don’t stop after reaching your goal weight.

My family and friends at work all say I am half the man I used to be. They are not very far off! I went from wearing 3X shirts and 50ö waist trousers, to wearing large shirts and 34ö waist trousers. Yeah, I had to buy all new clothes but I didn’t mind the expense one bit.

Take care and happy walking.

Find a Weight Loss Program That Works For You

Millions of people struggle with weight issues every yearùand despite claims that a wonder diet can ôwork for everybodyö, the fact is that each of those individuals have a medical history, a personality, or a lifestyle issue that affects whether or not that weight control technique will help them shed those pounds.

But while nothing works for everybody, there is something that will work for youàand the challenge is to find it, identify it, and stick to it.

For some people, appetite control is extremely difficult. Some weight loss programs try to tackle that problem by delving into the psychological issues behind food (these are the total lifestyle body makeovers, whose techniques include keeping a food journal and coming to terms with one’s body image). Others address the problem through metabolism, introducing or removing certain foods in one’s diet that are said to either trigger appetite. Still others, like diet pills, act as appetite suppressants. Other programs rely on nutritional substitutes, like heavy shakes that make one feel full and provide adequate vitamins and minerals, while reducing calories.

For others, it’s not appetite that’s problematic, it’s the kind of food they eat. Certain diet programs give very strict diet regimens that promote weight loss, because of the way the body digests the food. Some are short-term, meant to shed pounds over a limited period of time; others are long-term lifestyle changes. The success of these diet programs depend largely on the person’s weight loss goals and level of commitment. Needless to say, if you just want to drop a dress size for your wedding, you may not be ready to go into something long-term. But if you have health problems, and need to control cholesterol levels, then a short-term solution would not be very effective.

Other weight loss programs are closely tied with exercise routines. Of course, not all exercise regimens will appeal to an individual; some would find yoga interesting, while others would prefer something like belly dancing. The idea is that one picks what is most interesting to themùthe more fun and enjoyment they derive from a routine, the more likely they will stick to it.

The mistake that many people make is that they don’t consider their own lifestyle or personality when they try a diet or exercise regimen; they go with what everyone else is doing, or jump on the weight loss bandwagon on the premise that it worked for so-and-so. While it’s okay to experiment with different regimens (wouldn’t hurt to try anything once), ultimately it is a search to find what is personally appealing.

Another secret to maintaining a diet or exercise regimen is to have very clear and realistic goals. ôBe thinö is too general to be meaningful; pinpoint a number, and a date: ôLose 15 pounds by September.ö And to avoid discouragement, that goal must be humanly achievable and should never compromise with one’s health. If a diet makes one dizzy, or radically affects one’s ability to be fully alert and functional, then stop immediately.

Luckily there is a wide variety of weight loss regimens. There’s bound to be one that will help one meet one’s goals and match one’s lifestyle.

Four Myths about Diet That You Should Pay No Attention To

Nowhere are there more fad diets, weight loss schemes and wild, completely unsubstantiated weight loss advice circulating than in the USA. With so much conflicting information out there, it's no wonder people don't know where to turn to lose weight properly and in a healthy way. The fact is many people assume they are eating healthy although it's closer to the truth that many of them don't even come close to eating a balanced, nutritious diet.

The reason for this is mostly due to the fact that they are guiding themselves with false information propagated by fad diets put out there by weight loss companies. Most of these diets are leading people to believe that cutting out certain nutrients is what it takes to properly loose weight. Nothing can be further from the truth. Here are four common myths which lead many dieters to take the wrong road to try to find their weight loss salvation.

This is probably the most commonly heard and longest running myth about weight loss out there. The fact is, if you don't eat enough, your metabolism will slow down greatly making your body want to store fat thus making most of your initial weight loss come from water and muscle. This makes your body-fat percentage go up, meaning you are losing weight, but you are actually getting fatter!

The average woman should not eat less than 1000 calories per day and the average man should not eat less than 1200 calories per day unless under the direction of a physician. If you eat 5-6 smaller meals a day verses 3 bigger ones within a proper calorie range, you will never feel hungry and you will lose weight while staying healthy.

This is another myth that has been around for a long time. It probably comes from the fact you do need to limit your fat intake to around 15% to 20% of your overall daily calorie intake. If eating only a little is good, then eating none must be better, but the fact is, your body does need that 15% to 20% of fat in your diet because fat helps lubricate your joints, keeps your skin smooth and elastic, provides a source of energy, helps your nervous system to function properly and provides insulation from cold weather. Olive, flaxseed and fish oils are good sources of fats. Avoid saturated fats and hydrogenated (trans) fats.

A lot of fad diets adhere to cutting out one food group or another. The Atkins diet, which sparked a whole host of copycat diets, placed an emphasis on eliminating carbohydrates for example. The fact is your body needs a balance of carbohydrates, protein and fat to function properly and so none of them should be eliminated from your diet. Water, vitamins, minerals and fiber are also needed and should be a part of your regular daily intake. The key is to try to keep the carbs, proteins and fats in the proper range at approximately 60% for carbs, 25% for proteins and 15% for fats.

While it is true that meat is a great source of protein, it is certainly not the only one. Meat can also be high in fat and sodium. Dairy products are usually high in fat, but now there are plenty of low-fat and fat-free dairy products to choose from and they do not compromise the protein value. Egg whites are also a prime source of protein. These are all sources of complete proteins. Various vegetables and legumes also contain proteins but these are all incomplete proteins and must be eaten in the right combinations to become complete. One example is combining beans with rice.

The best way to be sure you are getting a well balanced, nutrient rich diet is to eat more whole foods and less processed, pre-packaged foods and to avoid eating out as much as possible. Make eating out an occasional treat, but try to prepare most of your meals yourself and you will be on your way to living a healthier, leaner lifestyle.

Fat Loss And Weight Loss-Do They Mean It?

Health is the wealth. Due to development in the field of science, we have simplified our day-to-day work with the help of machines. The victim here is our health. Energy spent is less as we can do strenuous tasks by just pressing the button. But we never tried to reduce the intake. This results in excess energy intake. This excess energy is stored in the body in the form of fat. Hence our weight increases so also the susceptibility to various life threatening ailments. If you want remain healthy and live longer fat loss [weight loss] is the only remedy.

Our body is composed of water, muscle, bone and other organs. Besides this fat is the other important component of the body. The body fat can be classified as fat that is essential and fat that is for storage. Essential fat as the name suggests is most important component of the body and these fats can be seen in muscles, central nervous system, bone marrow and other organs like liver and kidney.

The excess energy intake is converted in to fat and stored in the body as storage fat. Storage fats can be seen under the skin, in the muscle and in specific areas of the body. It is not bad to have some quantity of storage fat in the body. The storage fat functions like insulator [conserves the body temperature], and serves as a source of energy at the time of the poor intake. We must lose this excess fat. This kind of fat loss is must for the healthy normal functioning of the body as we discussed already. While trying for fat loss we should keep in mind that neither too much fat nor too little fat is healthy.

Many people who want to reduce their weight may think why should we know about the body fat? And why should we calculate the body fat? The reason for measuring the body fat is that it is the realistic measurement of fitness of our body. Fat loss is nothing but weight loss. Body mass index is an indicator of the health and fitness of the body. The big disadvantage of the body mass index is that it may conclude that you are overweight. But your body fat may be normal. When the body fat is normal, your health is perfect though you are overweight. Hence body fat calculation is the best method to assess your fitness.

Like the quantity of the fat, the distribution of the fat is also important factor in determining the fitness of the body. Extra fat stored in the hip region is more harm full than the fat stored in buttocks and thighs. Hence fat loss from the hip region is highly preferable. In most cases if the person loses weight by following a perfect, safe, risk free weight loss or fat loss program, he will lose only body fat not the muscle. At times along with fat loss, some quantity of the muscle also will be lost. However the fat loss will be much more than the muscle loss, which is highly desirable. Some people due urgency and ignorance may follow bad diet and wrong diet pills to reduce weight. Those people will be losing body water instead of body fat. As the result there will not be any fat loss, which is of no use as far as the health and fitness of the person concerned.

Ephedrine and Its Use In Weight Loss

Ephedrine has been shown to increase the effectiveness of thermogenesis (fat burning) in the body. It contributes to the release and blocks the re-uptake of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine. This gives norepinephrine the ability to continuously stimulate receptors in your body, causing fat cell flood gates to open and facilitate fat loss resulting in weight loss.

Not only does ephedrine increase the rate at which fat is lost, it preserves muscle at the same time, making it an ideal dieting aid for athletes. The most comprehensive look at ephedrine for weight loss is a recent meta-analysis published in The Journal of the American Medical Association. This meta-analysis was done by the request of the US Department of Health and Human Services. It reviewed 44 controlled trials on the use of ephedrine for weight loss it found that on average, it increased weight loss 1.3 lbs. per month more than placebo. However, combinations of ephedrine or ephedra with caffeine or herbs containing caffeine resulted in an average weight loss of 2.2 lbs. per month. Through nutrient repartitioning, ephedrine promotes fat loss while preserving fat-free mass.

One of the reasons why it is such a powerful weight loss agent is that it operates through a variety of mechanisms, including increasing levels of norepinephrine, epinephrine, and dopamine, and stimulating both alpha and beta adrenoreceptors. It (through facilitating the release of adrenaline and noradrenaline) stimulates the alpha(1)-adrenoreceptor subtype, which is known to induce hypophagia (appetite suppression). It is estimated that appetite supression accounts for 75-80% of the weight loss with ephedrine.

What is Ephedrine?
Ma Huang (Ephedrine) is known as one of the world's oldest medicines. Ma Huang (Ephedrine) is a member of the family of herbs known as the Ephedraceae. Ma Huang is a shrub-like plant found in desert regions throughout the world. It is distributed from northern China to Inner Mongolia. The dried green stems of the three Asian species (Ephedra sinica, Ephedra intermedia, Ephedra equisetina) are used medicinally. The North American species of ephedra, sometimes called Desert Tea or Mormon Tea, does not appear to contain the active ingredients of its Asian ephedra counterparts.

Ephedrine is a naturally occuring central nervous system stimulant obtained from the plant Ephedra equisetina. Ephedrine is produced by chemical synthesis, the synthetic product being marketed in the form of its salt, ephedrine sulfate; it occurs as a white crystalline powder with a bitter taste, soluble in water and very soluble in alcohol. Ephedrine's peripheral stimulant actions are similar to but less powerful than those of epinephrine (also called adrenaline), a hormone produced in the body by the adrenal glands.

What is Ephedrine used for?
Ephedrine has been used in China for more than 5,000 years to treat symptoms of asthma and upper respiratory infections. It has also been used in the treatment of headaches, fevers, colds, and hay fever. Today, compounds derived from this herb are commonly found in many over-the-counter (OTC) cold and allergy medications. Ma Huang is also found in some weight loss and energy products. For dieters, Ephedrine suppresses the appetite and stimulates metabolism through a process known as thermogenesis. Recently, Ma Huang has been the subject of scientific research for obesity because of this thermogenic fat-burning effect. It is used to increase heart rate, blood pressure and performance. This is normally released by your body under stress to enhance sports performance.

Ephedrine has moderately potent bronchial muscle relaxant properties, and therefore is used for symptomatic relief in milder cases of asthmatic attack; it is also used to reduce the risk of acute attacks in the treatment of chronic asthma. Ephedrine is also used to treat low blood pressure, because it constricts blood vessels and stimulates certain actions of the heart.

What are the side effects of use and Ephedrine Weight Loss?
Some of the more common side effects people experience from taking the drug are nervousness, dizziness, tremors, rapid heart rate, headaches, jitters, palpitations, insomnia, increased blood pressure. When taken at higher levels, ephedra can cause drastic increases in blood pressure, as well as cardiac arrhythmias. Discontine use if you experience any side effects.

Do not use this ephedrine weight loss product if you are now taking a prescription containing Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor (MAOI) (Certain drugs for depression, psychiatric or emotional conditions, Parkinson's disease) or 2 weeks after stopping the MAOI drug. If you are uncertain whether your prescription drug contains an MAOI, consult a health professional before taking this product. Do not store above 30 degrees C (86 degrees F). Protect from moisture.

What is an ECA stack?
The ECA Stack is a component found in thermogenic weight loss pills, composed of ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin working to speed up the metabolism and thus cause calories to burn faster and result in weight loss. Anyone with high blood pressure or heart problems should not take the stack.

Benefits of Ephedrine (Ephedrine Weight Loss)
ò ephedrine increases metabolism
ò ephedrine suppresses appetite
ò ephedrine preserves muscle tissue
ò ephedrine treats symptoms of asthma and upper respiratory infections

Don’t Let Your Exercise Get Stale

I often get clients coming in who have been exercising with machine circuit training and are frustrated with the lack of results.  What happens too often is we repeat the same exercise routine for a particular body part or muscle group until the muscles adapt.  As a rule of thumb, I always change my exercise routine every month to keep it progressive and making gains.  Every once in a while I will do a “special” workout.  I’ll do all my favorite exercises and not the ones I’ve designed into a specific fitness training program.  I do this because it is beneficial to mix up exercises and equipment on occasion.  If you keep repeating the same things and have done so over time, you have done a good job at maintaining your fitness level and muscles.  You certainly have not challenged them and will not get them to make any gains.  Even if you exercise for maintenance, I still recommend changing up your exercise routine.  

Another way to vary your fitness routine is by changing from exercise machines to free weights / dumbbells or visa versa.  For cardio exercise, move from the treadmill to the stepper, elliptical or bike.  With cardio workouts, I like interval training because it does just that, it varies the workout each time.  Instead of always walking on the treadmill at the same speed and incline or grade, change up your speed and increase your grade.  This will keep your exercise dynamic and prevent boredom.  More importantly it will challenge your muscles, heart, and lunges to work at different levels.

There are many ways to change your exercise routine.  Be creative.  Try creating a simple six-week training cycle in which you alternate between heavy, medium and light training sessions for each body part.  Each time you try a heavy day, push your limit, leaving your medium and light days for building tendon and ligament strength as well as muscle endurance.  At the end of your six-week cycle, take 2 – 4 days off and allow your body to rest.  This prevents overtraining and will help your body with improved performance when you start up again.  The cycling approach will be particularly effective for preventing injuries to muscle groups and connective tissue down the road.

Your goal will determine the number of reps you typically use.  Different numbers of reps serve different purposes.  First, know what your goals are in your training.  What are you trying to accomplish?  The standards are as follows: for strength train at 6 to 8 reps; endurance at 15 to 20 reps; toning at 10 to 15 reps; mass and size 6 to 20 reps.    

There are also other factors to training in addition to reps.  The number of sets is how many times you do the exercise with rest in between.  Intensity is the level of difficulty in performing the exercise usually stated in a percentage of a 1 to 10 rep maximum.  Rest, is the amount of time you wait until you do another set.  All of these factors are controlled variables in an exercise program.  Knowing your fitness goals will help you or your trainer determine what the best mix is for you in designing your exercise program.  For more information and tips on exercise, go to