

4 Exercises to Strengthen Your Core

Your core is one of the most important muscle groups in your body. When you strengthen your core it can relieve many aches and pains.

Can a Strong Core Improve Someone's Health?

Without a doubt a strong core has its benefits. Did you know it lessen the pain in your back? Back pain is usually caused when you're lumber curve grows into the wrong shape, linked to a weak core.

Causing a swayback posture to develop. The stronger you're core muscles are the better your back and posture will be.

The best athletes have stronger core muscles than most. This is because all the most powerful athletic movements originate from your core.

Finally, having a strong core balances your posture. Great posture can only come from strong core muscles, there is no way around it. To avoid an irregular posture build continue to improve your core strength.

The 4 most effective workouts for optimal core strength may surprise you. Ab crunches and sit-ups can be effective, but you need to do more. You'll have to give time to several different muscles groups to obtain a really strong core.

A strong core is more than really great looking abs. Abdominals have a specific, and limited way of motion. According to experts, the core is composed of numerous muscles that make the spine and pelvis more stable.

You can find these muscles throughout the torso. When all of these muscles contract, they cause the spine, pelvis and shoulder girdle to become more stable, thus form a solid foundation of support.

Having a strong core gives you the ability to walk up right, create powerful movements, and even stand up straight. Transferring body weight, shifting energy, and moving in any direction are some of the movements are core gives us control of. Having a strong core also keeps your back steady and safe.

Here is the family of muscles you want to target for an effective core:

• Rectus abdominis

• Transverse abdominis

• Hip flexors

• Gluteus medius

• Gluteus minimus

• Erector spinae

• Multifidus

• External obliques

• Internal obliques

• Gluteus maximus

• Hamstrings

• Piriformis

• Hip abductors

What Are The Four Most Effective Workouts For A Strong Core?

1. The Bridge

It builds core strength, and forces you to use several muscles simultaneously

How To:

A workout mat is preferred.

1. Lie on the mat, on your back.

2. Bend your knees.

3. Make sure your back remains in a neutral position: do not arch it or push it into the floor.

4. Then, raise your hips off the floor.

5. Raise them until they are aligned with your knees and shoulders.

6. Hold this position for three counts.

7. Go back to the original position and repeat.

2. Segmental Rotation

How To:

1. Take out your exercise mat, and lie on it on your back.

2. Bend your knees and keep your back in a neutral position, just like for the bridge.

3. Tighten your abs.

4. Bend your knees to the left.

5. Do not push your knees any further than what feels comfortable to you.

6. You should definitely feel a stretch in your core.

7. Hold this position for 3 counts

8. Go back to the starting position and repeat.

3. Abdominal Crunch

How To:

1. Lie on your back.

2. Rest your feet against a wall, shoulder-width apart.

3. Keep your knees and hips bent at a 90° angle.

4. Tighten your abs.

5. Lift your head and shoulders up.

6. Cross your arms on your chest. Hold this position for 3 counts.

7. Go back to the original position and repeat.

4. Superman

How To:

1. Lie on your stomach.

2. Place a towel under your hips and tighten your abs.

3. Raise your right arm and hold this position for three counts.

4. Then, raise your left arm and hold for 3 counts.

5. Repeat this exercise with your right leg, then your left leg.

6. Then, repeat the entire exercise.
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