

Dr. Kushner's Personality Type Diet

This program began as a book Dr. Kushner's Personality Type Diet. The book was authored by the well-regarded expert in weight loss Dr. Robert Kushner and his wife Nancy. With the popularity and success of the book Dr. Kushner expanded the Personality Type Diet into an online weight loss program. After some research I found that this program is unlike the typical online diet.

Dr. Kushner is of the belief that our personalities have a major impact on our attitude towards food and exercise. This should come as no surprise to anyone reading this after all every week there is some new miracle fad or eating plan that claims they will help you lose all the weight desired in a short period of time. Most of us new to this experience jump on it immediately then soon find that our selves train wrecked for whatever reasons.

The personality diet begins with a 70 question survey designed to eliminate our fears, feelings and attitudes not just for food, but exercise, and life skills. The result of the questionnaire will give you 3 different personality types: Eating personality, exercise personality, and coping personality.

After completing the questionnaire our results were Meal Skipper, Uneasy Participant, and People Pleaser. I was surprised to find that it was rather accurate.

Your personality type will form the basis of an entire eating plan starting right from when you subscribe to their program. Rest assured that the meal plans are very good, easily managed, and even include fast food options which up until this program were unheard of.

I highly recommend the Personality Type Diet because it is for lack of a better word EXCELLENT! No need to worry about faddish ideas because there just aren't any and it makes a real attempt to assist its users in gaining complete control over their weight. Everyone and their brother know that to lose weight you have to exercise and eat correctly, so why don't we do it? Research has shown that diets by themselves don't work. Self esteem, self acceptance, and behavior changes bring about the permanent results we all are looking for.
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