

How To Lose 20 Pounds In Four Days - Get a Reality Check

Why have you procrastinated it? I'm going to be straight with you, there is no way in the world that will make you lose 20 pounds in just four days. That is if you don't have a lot of money and go through fat reducing surgery. Surgery is not a good way to lose weight, I agree that you get thinner but you still have fat stored in all the wrong places and soon it will be time for your next surgery, cardio-vascular dilatation or by-pass.

Ask yourself why you are in this situation, why you have to lose a great amount of excessive weight in a very short period of time? The answer is procrastination. If you started a month ago you would have lost those 20 pounds by now. Why didn't you? Are you under the impression that it is hard to be on a diet? That it takes too long to lose weight? That you'll be starving during diet?

Let me change your perspective.

I'm telling you that you don't have to starve to lose weight, in fact, if you do starve yourself you will get sick, lose a couple of pounds and once you start to eat normally you will gain those pounds again. Why? Because when you starve yourself, your body goes into starvation-mode, burning lesser fat for each day that goes by. Then you eat normally again and your body is in starvation-mode, what do you think will happen? Well the body believes that the increase of calorie intake is temporary and it will want to keep all of the energy and stores it, how? In fat tissue, meaning that you probably will gain more weight than you lost in the first place. This is what your body has been thought through evolution as a way to stay alive.

I believe that the single most important reason that you have failed in losing weight is procrastination. I had a lot of problems with this myself thinking, ok, I can eat this pizza today but on Monday I'm for sure going to start a new and healthier lifestyle. That was my problem...I never really started any weight loss because I thought that it would be hard and that I would feel hungry all the time and that helped me to find a lot of excuses for not starting - going to a convention next week, well, I can't be on a diet then, and so on.

Promise me one thing: If you have decided that you need to lose those extra pounds do not wait until tomorrow, start today by planning, the first thing that needs to be changed is your attitude towards cooking. If you promise me that you won't eat at KFC or McDonalds for the next month and you follow some easy guidelines, I promise that you WILL be 20 pounds lighter when the month is over.

I also promises that you get to eat as much as you want and almost anything you want just as long as you prepare it yourself. Finally, start today and next time this will not be an issue! If you need to get into that special dress or those special pants, I suggest that you buy or rent a new outfit and next time you will get into those clothes that you love.
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