

The Low Carbohydrate Diet - The Information They Don't Want You To Know

So you've decided to reduce your carbohydrates and get your body in the mode of ketosis to burn the fat? Well then, it's time to prepare yourself mentally because you are up for a challenge. The diet is very strict and call's for an extreme increase in protein and vegetables to be successful. Before getting started on this diet, you need to ask yourself if a low or no carbohydrate diet is right for you. Here are five things to consider before deciding if this diet will work for you:

1.Starting off (the first two weeks or so) on a low carbohydrate diet will usually call for 20-25 grams of carbohydrates that can be ingested a day (one orange or apple has more carbohydrates than this).

2.A significant amount of water must be ingested to balance and hydrate your body. Your body will be taking in many toxins from the high levels of proteins and may cause your body to have an abnormally high toxicity level. If this occurs you must be rushed to the hospital immediately! Also, such high levels of toxin requires your kidneys to work over time to filter out the excess waste. Many of us who are taking several prescription drugs are already at risk for kidney failure. Toxins are found in over the counter drugs as well as prescription drugs.

3.Chronic constipation may occur because of the amount of fat being flushed out your body. Carbohydrates, such as the whole grains and fruits, provides our body with the bulk needed to cleanse our intestines. When we are not ingesting grains and nutrients found in complex carbohydrates (described below) we are putting ourselves at risk for chronic constipation.

4.Be aware that even some vegetables contain carbohydrates which make your choice of foods even stricter.

5.Many protein and low carbohydrate foods such as low carbohydrate bars (found in local stores) can be pricier than the average diet.

Two Types of Carbohydrates

Simple carbohydrates: Also called simple sugars, are found in refined sugars. The simple carbohydrates include sucrose, fructose, dextrose, and maltose. The major source of added sugars in the American diet include soft drinks, cookies, cakes, pies, fruit drinks, dairy desserts, and candy. These simple sugars have very little nutritional value and have come from other natural sources. Many people profess not to eat simple sugars but they are found on other every day foods such as ketchup, sauces, cereals and juice. You will also find simple sugars in more nutritious foods, such as fruit and milk. It's a better idea to get your simple carbohydrates from milk and fruit as they contain more nutrients than junk food.

Complex carbohydrates: These are also called starches. The starches include potatoes, rice, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and beans. These foods are found to be low in calories and are nutritionally dense. It is better to consume whole grain breads and rice rather than the processed (white) carbohydrates that have stripped most of the nutrients. Carbohydrates supply vital nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and fibers. Fiber is the part of plant food that is not digested in the small intestine. Many of us consume fiber for the nutrients and others consume it because it gives you a full feeling so you are not likely to get hungry as quickly as with other foods. That will explain why a bowl of bran cereal fills your stomach much quicker than candy bar containing the same number of calories.

Carbohydrates are our body's main source of fuel or energy. Carbohydrates provide four calories per gram. It is recommended that most of our caloric intake come from carbohydrates. If none of the information listed above bother you than prepare your mind to began embarking on a diet that may change your life forever!
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