

Top 10 Fat Loss Exercises To Banish Body Fat For Good

If you want to lose weight, regular fat loss exercises are essential. Here are the 10 the most effective fat loss workouts for achieving your weight loss goals. Which one is your favourite?

1. Strength Training

Strength training, or weightlifting, gives your fat loss efforts a significant boost. By lifting weights at least three times per week, you'll build stronger muscles and muscle cells burn more calories, even when they are resting.

2. Burpees

Burpees burn over 500 calories per hour. On top of that, they give all the muscles in your body a powerful workout which builds muscle mass and increases the amount of body fat you burn on a daily basis.

3. Jump Rope

Working out with skipping rope or a jump rope is a great weight loss exercise. It blasts through over 700 calories per hour and will help to improve your cardiovascular health, enhance your agility, boost your coordination and raises your overall endurance.

4. Swimming

Swimming is one of the best all around fat loss exercises because it combines a cardio workout with a strength workout. You can burn over 600 calories in a hour of swimming.

5. Jump Squats

Jump squats are a simple, but effective bodyweight exercise that focuses on the muscles in your legs and they burn a sizeable 900 calories per hour.

6. Running

Running is one of the most straightforward fat loss exercises around and burns a remarkable 920 calories per hour. It allows you to enjoy the outdoors while also topping up your vitamin D levels.

7. Stationary Bike

Cycling on a stationary bike in an exercise class that involves pedaling to music at various levels of resistance is a great fat burner. You can and work off 700 calories per hour. It also does a good job of toning and conditioning your lower body muscles.

8. Step Ups

Step ups are a prime cardio exercise where you can burn over 900 calories per hour. They do a great job of targeting the muscles in your lower body and they can be performed anywhere that you have a step.

9. Zumba

Zumba is a Latin-based dance workout that's easy to follow and great fun! In a single class, you can burn over 900 calories!

10. Walking

Walking may not burn a massive amount of calories (240 calories per hour) but when you take into consideration how easy it is to add walking into your daily routine, it is still one of the most popular fat loss exercises. You can burn plenty of body fat while still going about your daily tasks by taking the stairs rather than the elevator, taking short journeys on foot as opposed to driving or simply having 30 minutes to yourself and going for a walk every evening.
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