

Nutrisystem Package - What to Expect When You Place a Monthly Order

I'm often asked: how you sign up for Nutrisystem; how does the monthly package work; or what is included. In this article, I will explain how the entire process works from ordering to shipment.

Nutrisystem Advantage Monthly Package: By far, most people order a package. In my experience, this is simply the cheapest and most convenient way to go. With this option, you'll be given enough of the company's Advantage meals for a month's worth of breakfast, lunch, dinner, desserts and two snacks per day.

Favorite Foods Versus Selecting Your Own Menu: One way that this diet is a bit unique is that they give you the flexibility to design your own menu or order the favorites food package. Many people opt for the favorites package for their first order. Basically, the company provides you with its most popular foods for each meal, dessert and snack. This is a good way to taste the foods to determine what you like for your next order.

The "Select Your Own Menu" option allows you to hand pick the foods that you prefer. This is great for folks who are picky or know which foods they just aren't going to like.

You are not stuck with either option. With each new order, you're given the option to edit or change your last one.

Free Meals And Free Shipping With Auto Ship: For those people willing to commit to more than one month of the plan (usually those who have more than ten pounds to lose) the auto ship option can be attractive you'll automatically be sent your next order when the first runs out). With auto ship, you can sometimes get some weeks of food free as well as free shipping on the package. If you just want to commit to only 1 month, you'll still only pay about $16 for shipping.

Mindset Makeover And Exercise DVD: The company is really big on changing any thinking or habits that could be hindering you from your weight loss potential. This is where the mindset makeover comes in. You are given literature and materials that teach you how to cultivate the best attitude for weight loss and positive lifestyle change.

You are also given a new and different exercise video every month. These are almost always current videos by popular trainers.

Free Counseling: I am so glad Nutrisystem has this. At first, I was not sure how useful it would be, but I think this has really closed the gap between Nutrisystem and other weight loss programs that offer counseling like Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers. With your account number, you have access to online or telephone counseling on any subject you feel is relevant. You are not required to do this, but it helps and the counselors are extremely understanding, patient and knowledgeable. I believe if you paid for this service outside of the company, you'd pay a lot for it. It's very nice because it's free and you don't need to travel to a physical weight loss center or office to benefit.
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