

Top 10 Fad Diets to Avoid

In the hullabaloo of all the raging diet plans, you feel compelled to follow one and get impressed by the results of another; but what is it exactly that is to be done! We give you a brief idea of top ten fad diets in the society.

When you are obese and want to lose fat desperately, a lot of things may appeal to you. Some are willing to try everything from whacky diet plan to a stomach staple. Some crash diets can be injurious to health and some others can lead you to starvation. Some top notch fad diets include:

Atkins; as this one is popular since last so many years. It is based on eating just enough to feel full and not to over eat in any condition. It condemns the inclusion of carbohydrates and processed food in the diet.

Grape Diet - It is a strict process which allows only grapes and water to be had in the name of food. If followed properly, this one cures many other ailments as cancer and diabetes.

Green tea diet makes the inclusion of green tea in every meal and snack essential. If you have this nutritional low calorie diet, it reduces the acidic juice formation that produces acidity.

Mono diet suggests you to have only one kind of food in a day. This is based on the theory that to digest different kinds of food in our more co-ordination is needed, which may upset stomach and give rise to other ailments.

The 3-hour diet ensures that you eat every three hours. All you need to do is to break down your main meal into three portions and eat it at regular intervals. This will mar the urge to keep munching also. It is effective to reduce as much as 8 lbs in just 3 days.

Lemon juice therapy for ten days is also effective if you can handle it. The only eatable allowed is lemon juice with cayenne pepper and maple syrup.

For gassy stomachs, cabbage soup prepared from boiled mixed vegetables' soup with cranberry juice and low calorie food is allowed.

Raw food diet is the healthiest of all. You need to have only raw vegetables which can be boiled only below 116F. This ensures to clean your system.

The most interesting ice cream diet is nothing but the control over calories. As much calories are allowed in a day, you allot it to ice creams or sometimes substitute it to brownie.

Zone diet is the one which suggests change of a zone and allows 40% carbohydrates in food with 30% protein and 30% fat in any meal.

I lost 40 lbs in 3 months with extreme dieting measures that almost destroyed my health. Spicy food + lots of milk that lead to serious diarrhea every day. I've been doing a bit of research after my dramatic weight loss experience and found that there's actually a PROGRAM designed to do what I attempted, except its basically more healthier and effective.

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