

The Cabbage Soup Diet - Is it a Good Idea?

Many people are desperate to lose weight in a very short amount of time and turn to starvation crash diets like the cabbage soup diet as their fast weight loss solution. Unfortunately these types of diets are not a part of a weight loss solution, instead they are actually a part of the problem.

When you starve yourself on the 7 day crash diet that is the cabbage soup diet you are doing your body far more harm than good. Even if you do lose a few pounds, it's likely that you are losing muscle & water more so than fat. You are also slowing down your metabolism and possibly greatly confusing your body to the point where you have a much harder time losing weight in the future.

Using a starvation diet like the cabbage soup diet is actually a step backwards rather than a step forward. Instead of wasting your time and energy starving yourself you can actually have much more success (both short term & long term) with The Day Off Diet which doesn't require starvation. In fact on The Day Off Diet you will never go hungry as diet allows you to eat until satisfaction.

One of the things that really sets The Day Off Diet apart is that it requires dieters to take a "day off" from their diet every 7th day. This day off allows the dieter to satisfy all of their cravings (which is a great psychological advantage.) Just as importantly the calorie spike from the day off will keep your metabolism boosted. While starvation diets cause your metabolism to slow down and make you more likely to gain weight in the future, The Day Off Diet does just the opposite.
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