

Medifast 5 & 1 Plan - Some Tips for Medifast Weight Loss

If you have been doing the Medifast 5 & 1 plan for any length of time, you realize exactly how effective it can be for weight loss. As a matter of fact, many people who were unable to lose weight through conventional means have finally found a method that they can stick with and that will take the weight off quickly and permanently. That doesn't mean, however, that sticking with the diet and making the most of it is not difficult from time to time. Here are some tips for Medifast weight loss that will help you along the way.

Mix and Match your Medifast Foods

The first thing that you should realize is that you have a lot of different options whenever it comes to the types of food that are available for Medifast users. You should make sure that you enjoy the different types of Medifast meals so you can keep yourself from getting bored. Enjoy a shake in the morning, have some soup for lunch and mix up a pudding snack or have a bar or two, and you will find that you rarely ever get tired of eating this way. And don't forget, you can add sugar-free syrups to the shakes to give them a new flavor.

Use Your Lean and Green Meal Wisely

One of the things that makes this meal plan unique is the fact that you get one meal a day with almost unending options. As long as you stick within specific guidelines, you can use this meal in order to eat out or to give yourself a bit of a break from the packaged meals. Make sure that you use this meal wisely and don't rush through it or else you may find that the day is more difficult, overall. Sit down, relax and enjoy yourself. Also, while most of us usually eat our Lean & Green meal for dinner, there's no reason you can't have it at a different time of day for a change of pace. So enjoy it for breakfast or lunch once or twice a week. Or even have it for lunch every day if that suits your schedule better.

Move a Little

Any diet plan will work better if you get a little bit of exercise. It's not necessary for you to start pounding weights or to run marathons, and in fact heavy exercise is not recommended while you are using Medifast. But if you get a little bit of exercise in the form of walking or even doing some stretching, you will find that the Medifast diet will peel the weight off of you even faster. As with everything, however, a balance is needed and you should not put yourself through too much exercise that you will not be able to stick with for the long term.
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