

Quick Way to Lose Weight - Calorie Shifting

Are you looking for a quick way to lose weight? If you have ever looked into or even tried low-carb diets like Atkins, then you know how difficult it can be to sustain this diet without constantly fighting your cravings for bread and other carbohydrates, let alone how unhealthy the diet really is in the long-term. If you have ever look into or tried a low-calorie diet like Weight Watchers, then you know how slow the process of losing weight on this diet can be, let alone the fact that you are eating less and thus running the risk of going hungry throughout the day.

If you are looking for a quick way to lose weight, there is yet another alternative diet plan that you can follow. It is what is known as a calorie-shifting diet. What exactly is a calorie-shifting diet? Well, as the name implies, you are essentially shifting calories from meal to meal.

How does this diet work? Basically here are the rules:

Eat as much food as you want until you feel satisfied.
You must shift the type of calories you consume from meal to meal.
You must eat four meals a day.
The idea behind this quick way to lose weight is that rather than arbitrarily eating fruits, vegetables, meats, and bread at any time of any day, you must shift your calories around such that you consume carbohydrates, vegetables, proteins, fats, meats, starches, at different times of each day, across several days.

For example, during one meal you might only eat fruits and during the next meal you might eat only meats and vegetables, and at the next meal you might eat only breads. The theory behind this diet is that by shifting the type of calories that you consume at each meal each day, you are triggering a metabolic response in your body that induces rapid weight loss. You are essentially conditioning your body to consume foods ata rate optimal for rapid calorie burning.

Notice that on this diet you can eat as much as you want. There is no counting of calories, carbs, or fats. You should just eat until you are satisfied. Don't eat until you are stuffed, because then you will be overloading your body's metabolism and undermining the effectiveness of this diet. You are also required to eat four meals per day.

When you follow this diet plan, you must follow a structured meal-plan that spans fourteen days: For the first eleven days, you must rotate the types of calories you eat at each meal. The remaining three days are "cheat" days, where you are allowed to take a break from the diet (yet eat sensibly). Then you can resume your diet again for another eleven days. By following this diet, you will never feel deprived of food, because you essentially get to eat as much as you want from every food group. The only modification you are making to your routine is which foods you can eat when.

If followed properly, you should be able to lose an average of about nine pounds in every eleven-day cycle, which is a remarkably quick way to lose weight.
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